
Note: After saving, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Go to Menu → Settings (Opera → Preferences on a Mac) and then to Privacy & security → Clear browsing data → Cached images and files.
// From
// Version 1.16
// + Modified 2017-04-22, see notes.
// Interface:
//          +----------
//          |  root   |
//          +---------+
//               |
//  +---------+  |  +---------+
//  | 'l' box |--+--| 'r' box |
//  +---------+  |  +---------+
//               |
//          +----------
//          | 'u' box |
//          +----------
// setSize(width, height, hspace, vspace, hshift)
//		Generic setting, all boxes will have the same size.
//	width	box width in pixels (optional)
//	height	box height in pixels (optional)
//	hspace	horizontal space between boxes (optional)
//	vspace	vertical space between boxes (optional)
//	hshift	horizontal shift for 'l' and 'r' boxes (optional)
// setNodeStyle(toprad, botrad, shadow)
//		Set the corner style and shade for all node from now on
//	toprad	The radius of the corners on the top. 0 for square boxes. Default value is 5.
//	botrad	The radius of the corners on the bottom. 0 for square boxes. Default value is 5.
//	shadow	Offset of the shadow. 0 for no shadow. Default value is 3.
//		No negative values for this function
// setFont(fname, size, color, valign)
//		Set the font for nodes from now on
//	fname	font name (eq. "arial")
//	size	font size (in pixels, eg "12")
//	color	rgb font color (optional, not changed if omitted)
//	valign	Vertical alignment on/off (optional, not changed if omitted)
// setColor(bline, bfill, btext, cline)
//		Set the colors for the nodes from now on
//	bline	rgb line color for the boxes (optional, not changed if omitted)
//	bfill	rgb fill color for the boxes (optional, not changed if omitted)
//	btext	rgb font color for the boxes (optional, not changed if omitted)
//	cline	rgb line color for the connection lines (optional, not changed if omitted)
// addNode(id, parent, ctype, text, bold, url, cline, cfill, ctext, image, imgalign)
//		Add a node to the chart
//	id	unique id of this node (required)
//	parent	id of the parent node (-1 for no parent)
//	ctype	connection type to the parent ('u' for under, 'l' for left, 'r' for right)
//	text	the text for the box (optional, none if omitted)
//	bold	bold lines for this box (optional, no bold if omitted)
//	url	a link attached to the box (optional, none if omitted)
//	cline	rgb line color (optional, default value will be used if omitted)
//	cfill	rgb fill color (optional, default value will be used if omitted)
//	ctext	rgb font color (optional, default value will be used if omitted)
//	image	optional image
//	align	image alignment L(eft), C(enter), R(ight) + T(op), M(iddle), B(ottom)
// drawChart(id, align, fit)
//		Draws the chart on the canvas
//	id	id of the canvas
//	align	'c' of 'center' for horizontal alignment on the canvas (left alignment if omitted)
//	fit	if 'true', resize the canvas to just fit the chart
// redrawChart(id)
//		Re-draws the in-memory chart on the canvas
//		(Resizing a canvas clears the content).
//	id	id of the canvas
// setDebug(value)
//		Sets the global debug mode
//	value	1 for on, 0 for off
// eg. var MyChart = new orgChart();
// Change history:
// ===============
// 2013-02-23	New: Lines breaks on \n sequences
// 2013-02-28   New: redrawChart()
// 2013-03-12	New: drawChart() will reset first: you can add/move nodes and redraw on an existing chart
// 2013-03-13	New: drawChart - Fit argument
// 2013-04-19	Fixed: Event coordinates in IE
// 2013-08-23	New: Images on nodes
// 2013-10-21	Fixed: Shift bugs on multiple left/right-nodes
// 2013-10-21	New: Retina support
// 2013-10-23	Fixed: Textbreaks didn't split correctly sometimes
// 2013-11-07	Fixed: Center-parent bug if no room and only one usib
// 2013-11-07	Fixed: Shift bug on a single u-node fixed.
// 2013-11-21	Fixed: Several placement bugs.
// 2013-11-22	New: setNodeStyle()
// 2014-01-09	Fixed: Line bug if low node defined first and other have only left or right siblings.
// 2014-01-09	Fixed: Image-not-found images wrong placed
// 2015-11-20	Fixed: Overlapping nodes on using r-siblings only
// 2015-11-23	Fixed: Wrong positioning on some complex examples
// 2016-04-26	Fixed: Incorrect placement of a series of l-nodes if hspace > hshift in setSize()
// 2016-04-26	Fixed: Incorrect shift of upper l-nodes
// 2016-04-29	Fixed: Keep left siblings as close to the parent as possible
// 2016-04-29	Fixed: Layout of complex trees looks much better
// 2016-05-02	Fixed: Possible overlap nodes and lines

var	G_vmlCanvasManager;	// so non-IE won't freak out

if (! window.console) console = {log: function() {}};	// IE has no console.log

function orgChart() {

	"use strict";

// Default values:

var	lineColor = "#3388DD",		// Color of the connection lines (global for all lines)
	boxWidth = 120,			// Box width (global for all boxes)
	boxHeight = 30,			// Box height (global for all boxes)
	hSpace = 30,			// Horizontal space in between the boxes (global for all boxes)
	vSpace = 20,			// Vertical space in between the boxes (global for all boxes)
	hShift = 15,			// The number of pixels vertical siblings are shifted (global for all boxes)
	boxLineColor = "#B5D9EA",	// Default box line color
	boxFillColor = "#CFE8EF",	// Default box fill color
	textColor = "#000000",		// Default box text color
	textFont = "arial",		// Default font
	textSize = 12,			// Default text size (pixels, not points)
	textVAlign = 1,			// Default text alignment

	curshadowOffsetX = 3,
	curshadowOffsetY = 3,
	shadowColor = "#A1A1A1",
	curtopradius = 5,
	curbotradius = 5,
	nodes = [],
	centerParentOverCompleteTree = 0,	// Experimental, lines may loose connections
	debug = 0,
	maxLoop = 9,
	minDistBetweenLineAndBox = 5,
	noalerts = 0;

// Internal functions:

var	drawChartPriv,

// Internal information structures:

var Node = function(id, parent, contype, txt, bold, url, linecolor, fillcolor, textcolor, imgalign, imgvalign) { = id;			// User defined id
		this.parent = parent;		// Parent id, user defined
		this.parentix = -1;		// Parent index in the nodes array, -1 for no parent
		this.contype = contype;		// 'u', 'l', 'r'
		this.txt = txt;			// Text for the box
		this.bold = bold;		// 1 for bold, 0 if not
		this.url = url;			// url
		this.linecolor = linecolor;
		this.fillcolor = fillcolor;
		this.textcolor = textcolor;
		this.textfont = textFont;
		this.textsize = textSize;
		this.valign = textVAlign;
		this.hpos = -1;			// Horizontal starting position in pixels
		this.vpos = -1;			// Vertical starting position in pixels
		this.usib = [];			// 'u' siblings
		this.rsib = [];			// 'r' siblings
		this.lsib = [];			// 'l' siblings
		this.img = '';			// Optional image
		this.imgAlign = imgalign;	// Image alignment 'l', 'c', 'r'
		this.imgVAlign = imgvalign;	// Image vertical alignment 't', 'm', 'b'
		this.imgDrawn = 0;
		this.topradius = curtopradius;
		this.botradius = curbotradius;
		this.shadowOffsetX = curshadowOffsetX;
		this.shadowOffsetY = curshadowOffsetY;

// Public functions:

orgChart.prototype.setDebug = function (value)
	debug = value;

orgChart.prototype.setSize = function (w, h, hspace, vspace, hshift)
	if (w      !== undefined && w > 0)	{ boxWidth  = w; }
	if (h      !== undefined && h > 0)	{ boxHeight = h; }
	if (hspace !== undefined && hspace > 0)	{ hSpace    = Math.max(3, hspace); }
	if (vspace !== undefined && vspace > 0)	{ vSpace    = Math.max(3, vspace); }
	if (hshift !== undefined && hshift > 0)	{ hShift    = Math.max(3, hshift); }

orgChart.prototype.setNodeStyle = function (toprad, botrad, shadow)
	if (toprad !== undefined && toprad >= 0) { curtopradius = toprad; }
	if (botrad !== undefined && botrad >= 0) { curbotradius = botrad; }
	if (shadow !== undefined && shadow >= 0) {
		curshadowOffsetX = shadow;
		curshadowOffsetY = shadow;

orgChart.prototype.setFont = function (fname, size, color, valign)
	if (fname  !== undefined) { textFont   = fname; }
	if (size   !== undefined && size > 0) { textSize   = size; }
	if (color  !== undefined && color !== '') { textColor  = color; }
	if (valign !== undefined) { textVAlign = valign; }
	if (textVAlign === 'c' || textVAlign === 'center') { textVAlign = 1; }

orgChart.prototype.setColor = function (l, f, t, c)
	if (l !== undefined && l !== '') { boxLineColor = l; }
	if (f !== undefined && f !== '') { boxFillColor = f; }
	if (t !== undefined && t !== '') { textColor    = t; }
	if (c !== undefined && c !== '') { lineColor    = c; }

orgChart.prototype.addNode = function (id, parent, ctype, text, bold, url, linecolor, fillcolor, textcolor, img, imgalign)
	var	imgvalign;

	if (id        === undefined) { id        = ''; }
	if (parent    === undefined) { parent    = ''; }
	if (ctype     === undefined) { ctype     = 'u'; }
	if (bold      === undefined) { bold      = 0; }
	if (text      === undefined) { text      = ''; }
	if (url       === undefined) { url       = ''; }
	if (! linecolor) { linecolor = boxLineColor; }
	if (! fillcolor) { fillcolor = boxFillColor; }
	if (! textcolor) { textcolor = textColor; }
	if (imgalign  === undefined) { imgalign  = 'lm'; }

	if (id === ''){
		id = text;
	if (parent === ''){
		ctype = 'u';
	ctype = ctype.toLowerCase();
	if (ctype !== 'u' && ctype !== 'l' && ctype !== 'r' && parent !== ''){
		debugOut("Invalid connection type '" + ctype + "' at node '" + id + "'");
		ctype = 'u';
	imgvalign = 'm';
	if (imgalign.substr(1, 1) == 't' || imgalign.substr(1, 1) == 'T') imgvalign = 't';
	if (imgalign.substr(1, 1) == 'b' || imgalign.substr(1, 1) == 'B') imgvalign = 'b';
	if (imgalign.substr(0, 1) == 'c' || imgalign.substr(0, 1) == 'C') imgalign = 'c';
	if (imgalign.substr(0, 1) == 'm' || imgalign.substr(0, 1) == 'M') imgalign = 'c';	// Service!
	if (imgalign.substr(0, 1) == 'r' || imgalign.substr(0, 1) == 'R') imgalign = 'r';
	if (imgalign != 'c' && imgalign != 'r') imgalign = 'l';

	var i;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].id === id && noalerts !== 1){
			alert("Duplicate node.\nNode " + (1 + nodes.length) + ", id = " + id + ", '" + text + "'\nAlready defined as node " + i + ", '" + nodes[i].txt + "'\n\nThis new node will not be added.\nNo additional messages are given.");
			noalerts = 1;

	var n = new Node(id, parent, ctype, text, bold, url, linecolor, fillcolor, textcolor, imgalign, imgvalign);
	if (img !== undefined){
		n.img = new Image();
		n.img.src = img;
		n.img.onload = function() {

	nodes[nodes.length] = n;

orgChart.prototype.drawChart = function (id, align, fit)
	// siblings may be added. Reset all positions first:
	var i;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		nodes[i].hpos = -1;
		nodes[i].vpos = -1;
		nodes[i].usib = [];
		nodes[i].rsib = [];
		nodes[i].lsib = [];

	drawChartPriv(id, true, align, fit);

orgChart.prototype.redrawChart = function (id)
	drawChartPriv(id, false);

// Internal functions:

drawChartPriv = function (id, repos, align, fit)
	var	i, ctx, devicePixelRatio, backingStoreRatio, width, height, ratio;

	theCanvas = document.getElementById(id);
	if (! theCanvas){
		alert("Canvas id '" + id + "' not found");
        if (G_vmlCanvasManager !== undefined){ // ie IE

	ctx = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

	ctx.lineWidth = 1;
	ctx.fillStyle = boxFillColor;
	ctx.strokeStyle = boxLineColor;
	if (repos){
		// Check again after shifting parents, should be nothing ;-)

	if (! fit){
		if (align === 'c' || align === 'center'){

	if (fit){
		var	maxW = 0;
		var	maxH = 0;
		var	i;


		for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
			if (nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth + nodes[i].shadowOffsetX > maxW) maxW = nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth + nodes[i].shadowOffsetX;
			if (nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight + nodes[i].shadowOffsetY > maxH) maxH = nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight + nodes[i].shadowOffsetY;

		if (maxW > 0 && maxH > 0){
			theCanvas.width = maxW;
			theCanvas.height = maxH;

	// High dpi displays:
	if ('devicePixelRatio' in window && theCanvas.width!=0) {
                devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
                backingStoreRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||
			ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||
			ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
			ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
			ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
		ratio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
		width = theCanvas.width;
		height = theCanvas.height;

		if (ratio != 1){
			theCanvas.width = width * ratio;
			theCanvas.height = height * ratio; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px';

			ctx.scale(ratio, ratio);
			debugOut("RESCALE: " + ratio);

	// Draw the lines:

	// Draw the boxes:
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		drawNode(ctx, i);

	// Add click behaviour:
	if (theCanvas.addEventListener){
		theCanvas.removeEventListener("click", orgChartClick, false);	// If any old on this canvas, remove it
		theCanvas.addEventListener("click", orgChartClick, false);
		theCanvas.addEventListener("mousemove", orgChartMouseMove, false);
	} else if (theCanvas.attachEvent){ // IE
		theCanvas.onclick = function () {
			var mtarget = document.getElementById(id);
			orgChartClick(event, mtarget.scrollLeft, mtarget.scrollTop - 20);
		theCanvas.onmousemove = function () {
			var mtarget = document.getElementById(id);
			orgChartMouseMove(event, mtarget.scrollLeft, mtarget.scrollTop - 20);

orgChartMouseMove = function(event)
	var x, y, i;

	x = event.clientX;
	y = event.clientY;

        x -= getAbsPosX(theCanvas);
        y -= getAbsPosY(theCanvas);

	if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft){
		x += document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
		x += document.body.scrollLeft;

	if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){
		y += document.documentElement.scrollTop;
		y += document.body.scrollTop;

	i = getNodeAt(x, y);
	if (i >= 0 && nodes[i].url.length > 0){ = 'pointer';
	}else{ = 'default';

orgChartClick = function(event, offsetx, offsety)
	var x, y, i, i1, i2, d;

	if (event.button < 0 || event.button > 1){
		return;	// left button (w3c: 0, IE: 1) only

	x = event.clientX;
	y = event.clientY;

        x -= getAbsPosX(theCanvas);
        y -= getAbsPosY(theCanvas);

	if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft){
		x += document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
		x += document.body.scrollLeft;

// NOTE: 2017-04-22: Changed from the released version.  The released version does not take in to account offsets of the canvas relative to its parent container, and thus gets the wrong node info.
x += this.parentNode.scrollLeft;

	if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){
		y += document.documentElement.scrollTop;
		y += document.body.scrollTop;

// NOTE: 2017-04-22: Changed from the released version.
y += this.parentNode.scrollTop;

	i = getNodeAt(x, y);
	if (i >= 0){
		if (nodes[i].url.length > 0){ = 'default';
			i1 = nodes[i].url.indexOf('://');
			i2 = nodes[i].url.indexOf('/');
			if (i1 >= 0 && i2 > i1){[i].url);
				window.location = nodes[i].url;

vShiftUsibUnderParent = function(p, h, ymin)
	// Shift all usiblings with a vpos >= ymin down, except this parent.
	// ymin is optional
	if (ymin === undefined) { ymin = 0; }

	var s;

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].usib.length; s++){
		vShiftTree(nodes[p].usib[s], h, ymin);

vShiftTree = function(p, h, ymin)
	// Shift all siblings 'h' down (if they have a position already)
	var s;

	if (nodes[p].vpos >= 0 && nodes[p].vpos >= ymin){
		nodes[p].vpos += h;

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].usib.length; s++){
		vShiftTree(nodes[p].usib[s], h, ymin);

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].lsib.length; s++){
		vShiftTree(nodes[p].lsib[s], h, ymin);

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].rsib.length; s++){
		vShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[s], h, ymin);

hShiftTree = function(p, w)
	// Shift all siblings (which have a position already) 'w' pixels
	var s, d;

	debugOut("hShiftTree(" + nodes[p].txt + ", " + w + ")");
	d = debug;
	debug = 0;

	if (nodes[p].hpos >= 0){
		nodes[p].hpos += w;

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].usib.length; s++){
		hShiftTree(nodes[p].usib[s], w);

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].lsib.length; s++){
		hShiftTree(nodes[p].lsib[s], w);

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].rsib.length; s++){
		hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[s], w);

	debug = d;

hShiftTreeAndRBrothers = function(p, w)
	// Shift this tree to the right.
	// If this is an 'u' sib, also shift all brothers which are to the right too.
	// (In which case we shift all other root nodes too).
	var i, q, s, hpos, hpos2, rp, d;

	debugOut("hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(" + nodes[p].txt + ", " + w + ")");
	d = debug;
	debug = 0;

	hpos = nodes[p].hpos;
	rp = getRootNode(p);
	hpos2 = nodes[rp].hpos;

	if (nodes[p].contype === 'u' && nodes[p].parent !== ''){
		q = nodes[p].parentix;
		for (s = nodes[q].usib.length - 1; s >= 0; s--){
			hShiftTree(nodes[q].usib[s], w);
			if (nodes[q].usib[s] === p){
		hShiftTree(p, w);

	if (nodes[p].contype === 'u'){
		for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
			if (i !== rp && nodes[i].parent === '' && nodes[i].hpos > hpos2){
				hShiftTree(i, w);

	debug = d;

fillParentix = function()
	// Fill all nodes with the index of the parent.
	var i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].parent !== ''){
			for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++){
				if (nodes[i].parent === nodes[j].id){
					nodes[i].parentix = j;
			if (nodes[i].parentix === -1){
				debugOut("Node " + nodes[i].id + " has an invalid parent '" + nodes[i].parent + "'");
				nodes[i].parent = '';
				//nodes[i].txt += ' (unknown parent)';

checkLines = function()
	// Check all vertical lines for crossing boxes. If so, shift to the right.
	var p;


	for (p = 0; p < nodes.length; p++){
		if (nodes[p].parent === ''){

checkLinesRec = function(p)
	var s, t, r, x, l, y, y2, n, m, i, rp, rs, v, w, branch, tm, hdl, vdl;

	y = 0;

	// Check lsib, the latest is the lowest point:
	n = nodes[p].lsib.length;
	if (n > 0){
		s = nodes[p].lsib[n-1];
		y = nodes[s].vpos + boxHeight / 2;

	// Check rsib, the latest is the lowest point:
	n = nodes[p].rsib.length;
	if (n > 0){
		s = nodes[p].rsib[n-1];
		y2 = nodes[s].vpos + boxHeight / 2;
		y = Math.max(y, y2);

	// If usib, the lowest point is even lower:
	n = nodes[p].usib.length;
	if (n > 0){
		s = nodes[p].usib[0];
		y = nodes[s].vpos - vSpace / 2;

	if (y > 0){
		for (n = nodes[p].vpos + boxHeight / 2 + boxHeight + vSpace; n <= y; n += boxHeight + vSpace){
			m = 0;
				s = getNodeAt(nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 - minDistBetweenLineAndBox, n);
				if (s >= 0){
					debugOut("Overlap between a downline of '" + nodes[p].txt + "' at point (" + (nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2) + ", " + n + ") and node '" + nodes[s].txt + "' (" + nodes[s].hpos + ", " + nodes[s].vpos + ")");
					// If the node found is a sib of the box with the downline, shifting the parent doesn't help:
					w =  nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace / 2 - (nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2);
					rp = s;
					i = 0;
					while (nodes[rp].parent !== '' && rp !== p){
						rp = nodes[rp].parentix;
					if (rp !== p){
						// Find the parent of s on the same vpos as p to decide what to shift:
						rs = s;
						while (nodes[rs].parent !== '' && nodes[rs].vpos > nodes[p].vpos){
							rs = nodes[rs].parentix;
						rp = p;
						while (nodes[rp].parent !== '' && nodes[rp].contype !== 'u'){
							rp = nodes[rp].parentix;
						if (nodes[rs].hpos > nodes[p].hpos){
							//w =  nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hSpace - nodes[s].hpos;
							hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(rs, w);
							hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(rp, w);
						debugOut("Overlap within the same subtree");

						branch = nodes[s].contype;
						tm = s;
						while (nodes[tm].parentix !== '' && nodes[tm].parentix !== p){
							tm = nodes[tm].parentix;
						branch = nodes[tm].contype;

						debugOut("Make room: branchtype = " + branch + ", tomove: " + nodes[tm].txt);

						rs = getRootNode(s);
						rp = getRootNode(p);
						if (rs === rp){
							if (branch === 'l'){
								w =  nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace / 2 - (nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2);
								while (nodes[p].parentix !== '' && nodes[p].contype !== 'u') p = nodes[p].parentix;
								hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(p, w);
								hShiftTree(tm, -w);
								// Move rsibs back to the left as far as possible
								v = getEndOfDownline(p);
								for (r = 0; r < nodes[p].rsib.length; r++){
									if (nodes[nodes[p].rsib[r]].hpos >= 0){
										x = findLeftMost(nodes[p].rsib[r], v);
										// If the leftmost is the r-sib itself, use the default hShift distance. Use hSpace otherwise, it look better.
										if (x == nodes[p].rsib[r].hpos){
											w = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hShift - x;
											w = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hSpace / 2 - x;
										debugOut("Node '" + nodes[nodes[p].rsib[r]].txt + "' will be shifted by " + w);
										if (w) hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[r], w);
								w =  (nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2) - nodes[s].hpos + hSpace;
								hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(tm, w);
							if (nodes[rp].hpos > nodes[rs].hpos){
								hShiftTree(rp, w);
								hShiftTree(rs, w);
			} while (s >= 0 && m < maxLoop);

	// Check the siblings:
	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].usib.length; s++){
	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].lsib.length; s++){
	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].rsib.length; s++){

checkOverlap = function ()
	var	i, j, retry, m, ui, uj, w;


	// Boxes direct on top of another box?
	m = 0;
	retry = 1;
	while (m < maxLoop && retry){
		retry = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
			for (j = i + 1; j < nodes.length; j++){
				if (nodes[i].hpos === nodes[j].hpos && nodes[i].vpos === nodes[j].vpos){
					debugOut("Complete overlap in node '" + nodes[i].txt + "' and '" + nodes[j].txt);
					ui = getRootNode(i);
					uj = getRootNode(j);
					if (ui !== uj){
						hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(uj, boxWidth + hSpace);
						ui = getUParent(i);
						uj = getUParent(j);
						if (ui !== uj){
							hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(uj, boxWidth + hSpace);
							// In the right subtree, find the first 'u' or 'r' parent to shift.
							uj = j;
							while (nodes[uj].parent !== '' && nodes[uj].contype !== 'u' && nodes[uj].contype !== 'r'){
								uj = nodes[uj].parentix;
							if (nodes[uj].parent !== ''){
								hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(uj, boxWidth + hSpace);
								debugOut("There is nothing I can do about this, sorry");
					retry = 1;

	// Small overlap?
	m = 0;
	retry = 1;
	while (m < maxLoop && retry){
		retry = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
			j = getNodeAtUnequal(nodes[i].hpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight / 2, i);
			if (j >= 0){
				debugOut("Overlap in node '" + nodes[i].txt + "' and '" + nodes[j].txt);
				ui = getUParent(i);
				uj = getUParent(j);
				if (ui !== uj){
					if (nodes[ui].hpos > nodes[uj].hpos){
						uj = ui;
					if (nodes[i].hpos > nodes[j].hpos){
						w = nodes[j].hpos - nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace;
						w = nodes[i].hpos - nodes[j].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace;
					if (nodeUnderParent(i, ui) && nodeUnderParent(j, ui)){
						j = i;
						while (j >= 0 && nodes[j].contype === nodes[i].contype){
							j = nodes[j].parentix;
						if (j >= 0){
							hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(j, w);
						while (nodes[ui].parent !== '' && nodes[ui].contype === 'u' && nodes[nodes[ui].parentix].usib.length === 1){
							ui = nodes[ui].parentix;
						hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(ui, w);
					retry = 1;
					hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(i, boxWidth / 2);
					retry = 1;

countSiblings = function()
	var i, p, h, v;

	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		p = nodes[i].parentix;
		if (p >= 0){
			if (nodes[i].contype === 'u'){
				h = nodes[p].usib.length;
				nodes[p].usib[h] = i;
			if (nodes[i].contype === 'l'){
				v = nodes[p].lsib.length;
				nodes[p].lsib[v] = i;
			if (nodes[i].contype === 'r'){
				v = nodes[p].rsib.length;
				nodes[p].rsib[v] = i;

positionBoxes = function()
	var i, x;


	// Position all top level boxes:
	// The starting pos is 'x'. After the tree is positioned, center it.
	x = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].parent === ''){
			nodes[i].hpos = x + nodes[i].shadowOffsetX;
			nodes[i].vpos = 0 + nodes[i].shadowOffsetY;
			positionTree(i, x, x);
			// hpos can be changed during positionTree:
			x = findRightMost(i) + boxWidth + hSpace;	// Start for next tree

positionTree = function(p)
	// Position the complete tree under this parent.
	var h, v, s, o, i, n, w, q, r, us, uo, x, maxx, minx, max2, x1, x2, y, hdl, vdl, l, r, t;

	debugOut("positionTree(" + nodes[p].txt + ", " + nodes[p].hpos + ", " + nodes[p].vpos + ")");
	// p has a position already. Position 'l', 'r' and 'u' sibs:

	// Positioning all 'l' sibs:
	for (v = 0; v < nodes[p].lsib.length; v++){
		s = nodes[p].lsib[v];
		debugOut("New lsib: " + nodes[s].txt + " under " + nodes[p].txt);
		// New lsib, so the downline crosses all the way down. Make room first:
		y = getLowestBox(p, "l") + boxHeight + vSpace;
		makeRoomForDownline(p, y);

		nodes[s].hpos = nodes[p].hpos - boxWidth / 2 - hShift;
		nodes[s].vpos = y;
		if (nodes[s].hpos < 0){
			for (r = 0; r < nodes.length; r++){
				if (nodes[r].parent === ''){
					hShiftTree(r, -nodes[s].hpos);
			nodes[s].hpos = 0;

		// Overlap?
		n = 1;
			o = getNodeAtUnequal(nodes[s].hpos - minDistBetweenLineAndBox, nodes[s].vpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, s);
			if (o < 0){
				o = getNodeAtUnequal(nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, nodes[s].vpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, s);
			if (o < 0){
				o = findNodeOnLine(nodes[s].vpos, 999999, 'l');
				if (o === s){
					o = -1;
			if (o >= 0){
				debugOut("New lsib '" + nodes[s].txt + "' (" + nodes[s].hpos + ", " + nodes[s].vpos + ") has overlap with existing node '" + nodes[o].txt + "' (" + nodes[o].hpos + ", " + nodes[o].vpos + ")");
				/* 1.16, much easier and better too:
				h = nodes[s].hpos - nodes[o].hpos;
				h = Math.abs(h);
				w = nodes[o].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace - nodes[s].hpos;
				if (nodes[o].contype === 'l') w += hSpace;
				w = nodes[o].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace - nodes[s].hpos;
				q = nodes[s].parentix;
				while (q !== -1 && nodes[q].contype !== 'u') { q = nodes[q].parentix; }
				if (q < 0){
					hShiftTree(p, w);
					if (! nodeUnderParent(o, q)){
						hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(q, w);	// ! 2*w, dd 2013-10-21
						debugOut("Same parent, do not shift");
			if (n > maxLoop){
				o = -1;
		} while (o >= 0);

	// Positioning all rsibs:
	for (v = 0; v < nodes[p].rsib.length; v++){
		s = nodes[p].rsib[v];
		debugOut("New rsib: " + nodes[s].txt + " under " + nodes[p].txt);
		// Default placement: right from the parent and right from all other nodes in this row:
		nodes[s].vpos = getLowestBox(p, "r") + boxHeight + vSpace;
		x1 = findRightMostAtVpos(nodes[s].vpos);
		if (x1 > 0) x1 = x1 + boxWidth + hSpace;
		x2 = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hShift;
		nodes[s].hpos = Math.max(x1, x2);

		// Overlap?
		n = 1;
			o = getNodeAtUnequal(nodes[s].hpos - minDistBetweenLineAndBox, nodes[s].vpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, s);
			if (o < 0){
				o = getNodeAtUnequal(nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, nodes[s].vpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, s);
			if (o < 0){
				o = findNodeOnLine(nodes[s].vpos, 999999, 'l');
				if (o === s){
					o = -1;
			if (o >= 0){
				debugOut("New rsib '" + nodes[s].txt + "' (" + nodes[s].hpos + ", " + nodes[s].vpos + ") has overlap with existing node '" + nodes[o].txt + "' (" + nodes[o].hpos + ", " + nodes[o].vpos + ")");
				h = nodes[s].hpos - nodes[o].hpos;
				h = Math.abs(h);
				q = nodes[s].parentix;
				while (q !== -1 && nodes[q].contype !== 'u') { q = nodes[q].parentix; }
				if (q < 0){
					hShiftTree(p, boxWidth + hSpace - h);
					us = getUParent(s);
					uo = getUParent(o);
					if (us === uo){
						if (! nodeUnderParent(o, q)){
							hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(q, boxWidth + hSpace - h);
							// Shift parent if overlap with lsib of our parent
							debugOut("Same parent, do not shift");
						// Shift the common parent (if any) to the right, and the uppermost parent of the existing o node back to the left:
						us = getRootNode(s);
						uo = getRootNode(o);
						w = nodes[o].hpos - nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace;
						if (us === uo){
							debugOut("Common root = " + nodes[us].txt);
							us = s;
							while (nodes[us].parent != '' && ! nodeUnderParent(o, nodes[us].parentix)){
								us = nodes[us].parentix;
							debugOut("Highest not common u-parent = " + nodes[us].txt);
							hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(us, w);
							hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(s, w);
			if (n > maxLoop){
				o = -1;
		} while (o >= 0);

	// Make room for the downline (if necessary):
	v = getEndOfDownline(p);
	if (v > 0){
		 makeRoomForDownline(p, v);	// Error in testset i33, use old code below
		/* start of old code 
		if (nodes[p].lsib.length > 0){
			maxx = -1;
			for (h = 0; h < nodes[p].lsib.length; h++){
				x = findRightMost(nodes[p].lsib[h], v);
				maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);
			w = maxx + boxWidth / 2 + hShift - nodes[p].hpos;
			if (w > 0){
				debugOut("Make room -> Shift Tree and rsibs over " + w);
				nodes[p].hpos += w;
				// Shift rsibs only if necessary:
				for (h = 0; h < nodes[p].rsib.length; h++){
					o = findLeftMost(nodes[p].rsib[h], v);
					if (o.hpos <= nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2){
						hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[h], w);

		// Check 'r' sibs now
		if (nodes[p].rsib.length > 0){
			minx = 999999;
			for (h = 0; h < nodes[p].rsib.length; h++){
				x = findLeftMost(nodes[p].rsib[h], v);
				minx = Math.min(x, minx);
			w = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hShift - minx;
			if (w > 0){
				debugOut("Make room -> Shift rsibs over " + w);
				for (h = 0; h < nodes[p].rsib.length; h++){
					hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[h], w);
		 end of old code */

	// 'u' sibs:
	v = getLowestBox(p, "lr") + boxHeight + vSpace;
	n = nodes[p].usib.length;

	if (n > 0){
		// If there is a left or right subtree, the starting position is on the right, the left or in between them:
		for (i = 0; i < nodes[p].lsib.length; i++){
			x = findRightMost(nodes[p].lsib[i], v);
			if (nodes[p].rsib.length > 0){
				w = x + hSpace / 2 - boxWidth / 2 - nodes[p].hpos;
				w = x + hShift / 2 - boxWidth / 2 - nodes[p].hpos;
			if (w > 0){
				debugOut("Place root right from the left subtrees, shift '" + nodes[p].txt + "' to the right = " + w);
				nodes[p].hpos += w;
				debugOut("Now move all upper l-sibs with the same space (if any)");
				for (l = 0; l < i; l++){
					debugOut(l + ": Move lsib " + nodes[nodes[p].lsib[l]].txt + " to the right too.");
					hShiftTree(nodes[p].lsib[l], w);

		// If right trees, shift the to the right of the (repositioned) root node:
		for (i = 0; i < nodes[p].rsib.length; i++){
			x = findLeftMost(nodes[p].rsib[i], v);
			// If the node found is the lsib itself, use hShift. Otherwise use hSpace/2, it looks better.
			if (x == nodes[nodes[p].rsib[i]].hpos){
				w = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hShift - x;
				w = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hSpace / 2 - x;
			if (w){
				debugOut("Right tree '" + nodes[nodes[p].rsib[i]].txt + "' must shift to the right, because of the tree: " + w);
				hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[i], w);
				x += w;

		// If there are multiple usib nodes, try to place them under the left tree, centering under the parent:
		x1 = nodes[p].hpos;
		x2 = nodes[p].hpos;
		if (n >= 2 && x1 > 0){
			// Check all node on this vpos to overlap.
			// Maybe we overlap a downline, this will be caught later on.
			h = findNodeOnLine(v, nodes[p].hpos, 'l');
			if (h < 0){
				x2 = x2 + boxWidth / 2 - (n * boxWidth + (n-1) * hSpace) / 2;
				if (x2 < 0){
					x2 = 0;
				x1 = x2;
			if (h >= 0 && nodes[h].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace < x1){
				x1 = nodes[h].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace;				// minimum x
				x2 = x2 + boxWidth / 2 - (n * boxWidth + (n-1) * hSpace) / 2;	// wanted
				if (x1 > x2){
					x2 = x1;
					x1 = x2;

		for (h = 0; h < nodes[p].usib.length; h++){
			s = nodes[p].usib[h];
			nodes[s].hpos = x2;
			nodes[s].vpos = getLowestBox(p, "lr") + boxHeight + vSpace;
			v = underVSib(s);
			// Overlap?
			n = 0;
				o = getNodeAtUnequal(nodes[s].hpos - minDistBetweenLineAndBox, nodes[s].vpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, s);
				if (o < 0){
					o = getNodeAtUnequal(nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, nodes[s].vpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox, s);
				if (o < 0){
					o = findNodeOnLine(nodes[s].vpos, 999999, 'l');
					if (o === s){
						o = -1;
				if (o >= 0){
					debugOut("New usib '" + nodes[s].txt + " at (" + nodes[s].hpos + ", " + nodes[s].vpos + ")' has overlap with existing node '" + nodes[o].txt + "' at (" + nodes[o].hpos + ", " + nodes[o].vpos + ")");
					w = nodes[o].hpos - nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace;
					// Find the highest node, not in the path of the found 'o' node:
					us = s;
					while (nodes[us].parent != '' && !nodeUnderParent(o, nodes[us].parentix)){
						us = nodes[us].parentix;
					debugOut("Highest found = " + nodes[us].txt);
					hShiftTreeAndRBrothers(us, w);
				if (n > maxLoop){
					o = -1;
			} while (o >= 0);
			x2 = nodes[s].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace;


reposParents = function()
	// All parents with usibs are repositioned (start at the lowest level!)
	var i;


	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].parentix === -1){

reposParentsRec = function(p)
	var w, s, f, h, hpos, r, maxw, minw, d, q;

	debugOut("reposParentsRec(" + nodes[p].txt + ")");
	d = debug;
	debug = 0;

	hpos = nodes[p].hpos;

	// The sibslings first:
	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].usib.length; s++){
	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].lsib.length; s++){
	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].rsib.length; s++){

	// If this is a parent with two or more usibs, reposition it:
	// (Repos over 1 u sib too, just correct it if necessary)
	// Except if this is a sib, without room to move, limit the room to move.
	// Of course a r-sib of this sib can cause an overlap too.
	// Exception: if this is a node with only one usub, we need to position right above
	// the usib. If necessary, we need to move the complete parent tree.
	h = nodes[p].usib.length;
	if (h >= 1){
		debugOut("repos " + nodes[p].txt);
		maxw = -1;
		minw = -1;
		if (nodes[p].contype == 'l'){
			r = nodes[p].parentix;
			maxw = nodes[r].hpos + boxWidth / 2 - boxWidth - hSpace - nodes[p].hpos;
		if (nodes[p].contype == 'r'){
			r = nodes[p].parentix;
			minw = nodes[r].hpos + boxWidth / 2 - hSpace - boxWidth - nodes[p].hpos;
		w = 0;
		if (centerParentOverCompleteTree){
			w = (findRightMost(p) - nodes[p].hpos) / 2;
			f = nodes[p].usib[0];
			s = nodes[p].usib[h-1];
			w = nodes[f].hpos + (nodes[s].hpos - nodes[f].hpos) / 2 - nodes[p].hpos;
		if (maxw >= 0 && w > maxw){
			w = maxw;
		if (minw >= 0 && w > minw){
			w = minw;
		s = findNodeOnLine(nodes[p].vpos, nodes[p].hpos, 'r');
		if (s >= 0){
			if (nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth + hSpace + w >= nodes[s].hpos){
				w = nodes[s].hpos - boxWidth - hSpace - nodes[p].hpos;
		if (nodes[p].usib.length == 1 && nodes[p].hpos + w != nodes[nodes[p].usib[0]].hpos){
			debugOut(nodes[p].txt + " is a parent with 1 usib and not enough room to move, so move complete tree");
			debugOut("Need: " + (nodes[nodes[p].usib[0]].hpos - nodes[p].hpos) + ", room to move: " + w + " (reset)");
			w = nodes[nodes[p].usib[0]].hpos - nodes[p].hpos;
		// Check for a crossing with a rsib connection line:
		maxw = 999999;
		for (q = 0; q < nodes.length; q++){
			if (nodes[q].vpos === nodes[p].vpos && nodes[q].hpos > nodes[p].hpos){
				maxw = nodes[q].hpos - nodes[p].hpos - boxWidth - hShift - hSpace;
				if (maxw < 0) maxw = 0;
				if (w > maxw) w = maxw;
		if (w > 1){
			// Shift this nodes and all 'l' and 'r' sib trees
			nodes[p].hpos += w;
			for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].lsib.length; s++){
				hShiftTree(nodes[p].lsib[s], w);
			for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].rsib.length; s++){
				hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[s], w);

	debug = d;

findRightMost = function(p, maxv)
	// return the highest hpos of the given tree, if maxv is specified, vpos must be less than maxv:
	var maxx, x, i;

	if (maxv === undefined){ maxv = 999999; }

	if (nodes[p].vpos <= maxv){
		maxx = nodes[p].hpos;
		maxx = -1;

	// usib to the right?
	for (i = 0; i < nodes[p].usib.length; i++){
		x = findRightMost(nodes[p].usib[i], maxv);
		maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);

	// Walk along the lsibs:
	for (i = 0; i < nodes[p].lsib.length; i++){
		x = findRightMost(nodes[p].lsib[i], maxv);
		maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);

	// Walk along the rsibs:
	for (i = 0; i < nodes[p].rsib.length; i++){
		x = findRightMost(nodes[p].rsib[i], maxv);
		maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);

	return maxx;

findRightMostAtVpos = function(v)
	// return the highest hpos of any nodes at vpos 'v'
	var maxx, i;

	maxx = -1;

	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].vpos == v && nodes[i].hpos > maxx) maxx = nodes[i].hpos;

	return maxx;

findLeftMost = function(p, maxv)
	// return the lowest hpos of the given tree:
	var minx, x, i;

	if (maxv === undefined){ maxv = 999999; }

	if (nodes[p].vpos <= maxv){
		minx = nodes[p].hpos;
		minx = 999999;

	// usib to the left?
	if (nodes[p].usib.length > 0){
		x = findLeftMost(nodes[p].usib[0], maxv);
		minx = Math.min(x, minx);

	// Walk along the lsibs:
	for (i = 0; i < nodes[p].lsib.length; i++){
		x = findLeftMost(nodes[p].lsib[i], maxv);
		minx = Math.min(x, minx);

	// Walk along the rsibs:
	for (i = 0; i < nodes[p].rsib.length; i++){
		x = findLeftMost(nodes[p].rsib[i], maxv);
		minx = Math.min(x, minx);

	return minx;

findNodeOnLine = function(v, h, dir)
	// Search all nodes on vpos 'v', and return the rightmost node on the left, or the leftmost on the rest,
	// depending on the direction.
	var	i, fnd, x;

	fnd = -1;
	x = (dir === 'l')? -1 : 999999;

	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].vpos === v){
			if (dir === 'l' && nodes[i].hpos < h && nodes[i].hpos > x){
				fnd = i;
				x = nodes[i].hpos;
			if (dir === 'r' && nodes[i].hpos > h && nodes[i].hpos < x){
				fnd = i;
				x = nodes[i].hpos;

	return fnd;

drawImageNodes = function()
	// Images are loaded after drawing finished.
	// After an image has been loaded, this function will be called, which redraws the nodes
	// with images nodes, have a valid image now and are drawn incomplete before.
	var	i, ctx;

	ctx = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].img && nodes[i].img.width > 0 && ! nodes[i].imgDrawn){
			drawNode(ctx, i);

drawNode = function(ctx, i)
	var	ix, gradient, maxrad, imgrad;
	var	x	= nodes[i].hpos;
	var	y	= nodes[i].vpos;
	var	width	= boxWidth;
	var	height	= boxHeight;
	var	txt	= nodes[i].txt;
	var	bold	= nodes[i].bold;
	var	blcolor	= nodes[i].linecolor;
	var	bfcolor	= nodes[i].fillcolor;
	var	tcolor	= nodes[i].textcolor;
	var	font	= nodes[i].textfont;
	var	fsize	= nodes[i].textsize;
	var	valign	= nodes[i].valign;
	var	img	= nodes[i].img;
	var	imgalign = nodes[i].imgAlign;
	var	imgvalign = nodes[i].imgVAlign;
	var	toprad	= nodes[i].topradius;
	var	botrad	= nodes[i].botradius;
	var	shadowx = nodes[i].shadowOffsetX;
	var	shadowy = nodes[i].shadowOffsetY;

	// Draw shadow with gradient first:
	if (shadowx > 0){
		x += shadowx;
		y += shadowy;
		ctx.fillStyle = shadowColor;
		ctx.moveTo(x + toprad, y);
		ctx.lineTo(x + width - toprad, y);
		if (toprad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + toprad);
		ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - botrad);
		if (botrad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - botrad, y + height);
		ctx.lineTo(x + botrad, y + height);
		if (botrad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - botrad);
		ctx.lineTo(x, y + toprad);
		if (toprad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + toprad, y);
		x -= shadowx;
		y -= shadowy;

	// Draw the box:
	ctx.lineWidth = (bold) ? 2 : 1;
	gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, x, y + height);
	gradient.addColorStop(0,  '#FFFFFF');
	gradient.addColorStop(0.7,  bfcolor);
	ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
	ctx.strokeStyle = blcolor;
	ctx.moveTo(x + toprad, y);
	ctx.lineTo(x + width - toprad, y);
	if (toprad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + toprad);
	ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - botrad);
	if (botrad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - botrad, y + height);
	ctx.lineTo(x + botrad, y + height);
	if (botrad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - botrad);
	ctx.lineTo(x, y + toprad);
	if (toprad > 0) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + toprad, y);

	// Draw the image, if any:
	// If the image is available, draw.
	// Mark it incomplete otherwise.
	var xPic, yPic, maxx, maxy;
	if (img){
		// Get all positions and sizes, even if no image loaded yet:
		if (img.width > 0){
			maxx = img.width;
			maxy = img.height;

			// Resize if image too height:
			// If the imgrad is less than the linewidth of the box, we need to draw inside the box:
			imgrad = 0.414 * (toprad + botrad);
			if (imgrad < 1) imgrad = 1;

			if (maxy > height - imgrad){
				maxx = img.width * (height - imgrad) / img.height;
				maxy = height - imgrad;

			// Resize if image too width, even after previous resize:
			maxrad = toprad;
			if (botrad > maxrad) maxrad = botrad;
			imgrad = 0.414 * maxrad;
			if (maxx > width - 2 * imgrad){
				maxy = img.height * (width - 2 * imgrad) / img.width;
				maxx = width - 2 * imgrad;
			imgrad = 0.414 * (toprad + botrad);
			if (imgrad < 1) imgrad = 1;

			if (width > height){
				maxy = height - 2 * imgrad;
				maxy = width - 2 * imgrad;
			maxx = maxy;

		// Horizontal offset:
		xPic = imgrad;
		if (imgalign == 'c') xPic = (width - 2 * imgrad - maxx) / 2 + imgrad;
		if (imgalign == 'r') xPic = width - maxx - imgrad;

		// Vertical offset:
		yPic = 0.414 * toprad + 1;
		if (imgvalign == 'm') yPic = (height - maxy) / 2;
		if (imgvalign == 'b') yPic = height - maxy - (0.414 * botrad) - 1;

		if (img.width > 0){
			ctx.drawImage(img, x + xPic, y + yPic, maxx, maxy);
			nodes[i].imgDrawn = 1;
			// Draw an image-not-found picture
			if (maxy > 0){
				ctx.rect(x + xPic, y + yPic, maxx, maxy);
				ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF';
				ctx.lineWidth = 1;
				ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';

				ctx.moveTo(x + xPic + 1, y + yPic + 1);
				ctx.lineTo(x + xPic + maxx - 1, y + yPic + maxy - 1);
				ctx.strokeStyle = '#FF0000';

				ctx.moveTo(x + xPic + maxx - 1, y + yPic + 1);
				ctx.lineTo(x + xPic + 1, y + yPic + maxy - 1);
				ctx.strokeStyle = '#FF0000';
			nodes[i].imgDrawn = 0;

		// Adjust the box size, so the text will be placed next to the image:
		// Find the biggest rectangle for the text:
		if (imgalign == 'l'){
			if (imgvalign == 't'){
				if ((width - maxx) * height > width * (height - maxy)){
					x += (xPic + maxx);
					width -= (xPic + maxx);
					y += (yPic + maxy);
					height -= (yPic + maxy);
			if (imgvalign == 'm'){
				x += (xPic + maxx);
				width -= (xPic + maxx);
			if (imgvalign == 'b'){
				if ((width - maxx) * height > width * (height - maxy)){
					x += (xPic + maxx);
					width -= (xPic + maxx);
					height -= (yPic + maxy);
		if (imgalign == 'c'){
			if (imgvalign == 't'){
				y += (yPic + maxy);
				height -= (yPic + maxy);
			if (imgvalign == 'm'){
				if (width - maxx > height - maxy){
					x += (xPic + maxx);
					width -= (xPic + maxx);
					y += (yPic + maxy);
					height -= (yPic + maxy);
			if (imgvalign == 'b'){
				height = yPic;
		if (imgalign == 'r'){
			if (imgvalign == 't'){
				if ((width - maxx) * height > width * (height - maxy)){
					width = xPic;
					y += (yPic + maxy);
					height -= (yPic + maxy);
			if (imgvalign == 'm'){
				width = xPic;
			if (imgvalign == 'b'){
				if ((width - maxx) * height > width * (height - maxy)){
					width = xPic;
					height -= (yPic + maxy);

	// Draw text, break the string on spaces, and \n sequences:
	// Note: excanvas does not clip text. We need to do it ourselves.
	//ctx.clip(); will clip on "image-not-found" now

	var tlines = [];	// Split text in multiple lines if it doesn't fit
	var n = 0;
	var t1;
	var nl;
	txt = cleanText(txt);
	while (txt.length > 0 && n < maxLoop){
		t1 = txt;
		// Split on \n first
		nl = t1.indexOf("\n");
		if (nl >= 0){
			t1 = t1.substr(0, nl);
		// Remove words until the string fits:
		ix = t1.lastIndexOf(" ");
		while (ctx.measureText(t1).width > width - 16 && ix > 0){
			t1 = t1.substr(0, ix);
			ix = t1.lastIndexOf(" ");
		tlines[n] = t1;
		if (t1.length < txt.length){
			txt = txt.substr(t1.length);
			if (nl >= 0) txt = txt.substr(1);	// \n sequence
			txt = "";

	// IE does not clip text, so we clip it here:
	if (fsize * n > height){
		n = Math.floor(height / fsize);
	if (tlines[0] !== undefined && n < 1){
		debugOut("No text displayed on node " + tlines[0] + " as it doesn't fit");

	// The font syntax is: [style] <size> <fontname>. <size> <style> <fontname> does not work! So reformat here:
	var style = '';
	font = font.toLowerCase();
	ix = font.indexOf("bold ");
	if (ix >= 0){
		font = font.substr(0, ix) + font.substr(ix + 5);
		style = "bold ";
	ix = font.indexOf("italic ");
	if (ix >= 0){
		font = font.substr(0, ix) + font.substr(ix + 5);
		style += "italic ";
	ctx.font = style + fsize + "px " + font;
	ctx.textBaseline = "top";
	ctx.textAlign = "center";
	ctx.fillStyle = tcolor;

	var i;
	var yp = 0;
	if (valign){
		yp = Math.floor((height - n * fsize) / 2);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
		while (tlines[i].length > 0 && ctx.measureText(tlines[i]).width > width){
			tlines[i] = tlines[i].substr(0, tlines[i].length - 1);
		ctx.fillText(tlines[i], x + width / 2, y + yp);
		yp += parseInt(fsize, 10);


drawConLines = function(ctx)
	// Draw all connection lines.
	// We cannot simply draw all lines, over and over again, as the color will change.
	// Therefore we draw all lines separat, and only once.
	var i, f, l, r, v;

	ctx.strokeStyle = lineColor;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		// Top and left lines of siblings
		if (nodes[i].parentix >= 0){
			if (nodes[i].contype === 'u'){
				ctx.moveTo(nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[i].vpos);
				ctx.lineTo(nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[i].vpos - vSpace / 2);
			if (nodes[i].contype === 'l'){
				ctx.moveTo(nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth, nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight / 2);
				ctx.lineTo(nodes[nodes[i].parentix].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight / 2);
			if (nodes[i].contype === 'r'){
				ctx.moveTo(nodes[i].hpos, nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight / 2);
				ctx.lineTo(nodes[nodes[i].parentix].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight / 2);

		// Downline if any siblings:
		v = getEndOfDownline(i);
		if (v >= 0){
			ctx.moveTo(nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight);
			ctx.lineTo(nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth / 2, v);

		// Horizontal line above multiple 'u' sibs:
		if (nodes[i].usib.length > 1){
			f = nodes[i].usib[0];
			l = nodes[i].usib[nodes[i].usib.length-1];

			ctx.moveTo(nodes[f].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[f].vpos - vSpace / 2);
			ctx.lineTo(nodes[l].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[f].vpos - vSpace / 2);
		// Horizontal line above a single 'u' sib, if not aligned:
		if (nodes[i].usib.length == 1){
			f = nodes[i].usib[0];

			ctx.moveTo(nodes[f].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[f].vpos - vSpace / 2);
			ctx.lineTo(nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth / 2, nodes[f].vpos - vSpace / 2);

getEndOfDownline = function(p)
	var	f, l, r;

	// if this node has u-sibs, the endpoint can be found from the vpos of the first u-sib:
	if (nodes[p].usib.length > 0){
		f = nodes[p].usib[0];
		return nodes[f].vpos - vSpace / 2;

	// Find the lowest 'l' or 'r' sib:
	l = nodes[p].lsib.length;
	r = nodes[p].rsib.length;
	f = -1;
	if (l > 0 && r == 0){
		f = nodes[p].lsib[l-1];
	if (l == 0 && r > 0){
		f = nodes[p].rsib[r-1];
	if (l > 0 && r > 0){
		l = nodes[p].lsib[l-1];
		r = nodes[p].rsib[r-1];
		if (nodes[l].vpos > nodes[r].vpos){
			f = l;
			f = r;

	if (f >= 0){
		return nodes[f].vpos + boxHeight / 2;

	return -1;

getNodeAt = function(x, y)
	var i, x2, y2;

	x2 = x - boxWidth;
	y2 = y - boxHeight;

	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (x > nodes[i].hpos && x2 < nodes[i].hpos && y > nodes[i].vpos && y2 < nodes[i].vpos){
			return i;
	return -1;

getNodeAtUnequal = function(x, y, u)
	var i, x2, y2;

	x2 = x - boxWidth;
	y2 = y - boxHeight;

	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (i !== u && x > nodes[i].hpos && x2 < nodes[i].hpos && y > nodes[i].vpos && y2 < nodes[i].vpos){
			return i;
	return -1;

underVSib = function(n)
	// Walk along the parents. If one is a lsib or rsib, return the index.
	while (n >= 0){
		if (nodes[n].contype === 'l'){
			return n;
		if (nodes[n].contype === 'r'){
			return n;
		n = nodes[n].parentix;
	return -1;

errOut = function(t)

debugOut = function(t)
	if (debug > 0){
		//document.write("<font color='red'>OrgChart.js: <b>" + t + "</b></font><br>");

cleanText = function(tin)
	var i;

	// Remove leading spaces:
	i = 0;
	while (tin.charAt(i) === ' ' || tin.charAt(i) === '\t'){
	if (i > 0){
		tin = tin.substr(i);

	// Remove trailing spaces:
	i = tin.length;
	while (i > 0 && (tin.charAt(i-1) === ' ' || tin.charAt(i-1) === '\t')){
	if (i < tin.length){
		tin = tin.substr(0, i);

	// Implode double spaces and tabs etc:
	return tin.replace(/[ \t]{2,}/g, " ");

dumpNodes = function()
	var i;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		console.log(i + ": " + nodes[i].parentix + " at(" + nodes[i].hpos + "," + nodes[i].vpos + ") usib = " + nodes[i].usib.length + " lsib = " + nodes[i].lsib.length + " rsib = " + nodes[i].rsib.length + "  " + nodes[i].txt + ", parent = " + nodes[i].parent + ", parentix = " + nodes[i].parentix);

overlapBoxInTree = function(p)
	// Check all nodes in this tree to overlap another box already placed:
	// Return the index, or -1
	var	s, r, i, x, y;

	if (nodes[p].hpos < 0){
		return -1;

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].usib.length; s++){
		r = overlapBoxInTree(nodes[p].usib[s]);
		if (r >= 0){
			return r;

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].lsib.length; s++){
		r = overlapBoxInTree(nodes[p].lsib[s]);
		if (r >= 0){
			return r;

	for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].rsib.length; s++){
		r = overlapBoxInTree(nodes[p].rsib[s]);
		if (r >= 0){
			return r;

	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].hpos >= 0 && i !== p){
			x = nodes[p].hpos - minDistBetweenLineAndBox;
			y = nodes[p].vpos + minDistBetweenLineAndBox;
			if (x > nodes[i].hpos && x < nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth && y > nodes[i].vpos && y < nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight){
				return i;
			x = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth + minDistBetweenLineAndBox;
			if (x > nodes[i].hpos && x < nodes[i].hpos + boxWidth && y > nodes[i].vpos && y < nodes[i].vpos + boxHeight){
				return i;

	return -1;

getLowestBox = function(p, subtree)
	var s, y, r;

	if (subtree === undefined){
		subtree = "ulr";

	y = nodes[p].vpos;

	if (subtree.indexOf("u") >= 0){
		for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].usib.length; s++){
			r = getLowestBox(nodes[p].usib[s]);
			y = Math.max(r, y);

	if (subtree.indexOf("l") >= 0){
		for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].lsib.length; s++){
			r = getLowestBox(nodes[p].lsib[s]);
			y = Math.max(r, y);

	if (subtree.indexOf("r") >= 0){
		for (s = 0; s < nodes[p].rsib.length; s++){
			r = getLowestBox(nodes[p].rsib[s]);
			y = Math.max(r, y);

	return y;

getRootNode = function(p)
	while (nodes[p].parent !== ''){
		p = nodes[p].parentix;
	return p;

getUParent = function(n)
	// Walk to the top of the tree, and return the first 'u' node found.
	// If none, return the root node.
	while (n >= 0){
		if (nodes[n].contype === 'u' || nodes[n].parent === ''){
			return n;
		n = nodes[n].parentix;
	// Not reached
	return -1;

nodeUnderParent = function(n, p)
	// Return 1 if node n is part of the p tree:
	while (n >= 0){
		if (n === p){
			return 1;
		n = nodes[n].parentix;
	return 0;

getAbsPosX = function(obj)
	var curleft = 0;

	if (obj.offsetParent){
			curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
			obj = obj.offsetParent;
		}while (obj);
	}else {
			curleft += obj.x;

	return curleft;

getAbsPosY = function(obj)
	var curtop = 0;

	if (obj.offsetParent){
			curtop += obj.offsetTop;
			obj = obj.offsetParent;
		}while (obj);
			curtop += obj.y;

	return curtop;

makeRoomForDownline = function(p, v)
	// Alle l-sib trees may not overlap the downline, up to the point vpos.
	// Shift the parent and all r-sibs to the right
	// We need to do this one by one for all lsibs, otherwise upper-l-nodes may be shifted too much to the left.
	var	maxx, h, x, w, minx, l, r;

	if (v > 0){
		debugOut("makeRoomForDownline " + nodes[p].txt + " at hpos " + nodes[p].hpos + ", up to vpos " +  v);
		// Check 'l' sibs first
		if (nodes[p].lsib.length > 0){
			maxx = -1;
			for (h = 0; h < nodes[p].lsib.length; h++){
				x = findRightMost(nodes[p].lsib[h], v);
				maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);
				if (maxx < 0) maxx = curshadowOffsetX;
				// If the node found is the lsib itself, use hShift. Otherwise use hSpace/2, it looks better.
				if (x == nodes[nodes[p].lsib[h]].hpos){
					w = maxx + boxWidth/2 + hShift - nodes[p].hpos;
					w = maxx + boxWidth/2 + hSpace/2 - nodes[p].hpos;
				if (w > 0){
					debugOut("Make room -> Shift Tree " + nodes[p].txt + " and rsibs over " + w);
					nodes[p].hpos += w;
					for (r = 0; r < nodes[p].rsib.length; r++){
						hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[r], w);
					debugOut("Make room -> Shift upper lsibs back (index < " + h + ")");
					for (l = 0; l < h; l++){
						hShiftTree(nodes[p].lsib[l], w);

		// If right trees, shift them to the right of the (repositioned) root node:
		// Be carefull not to shift them back over other nodes, which can be if the parent has no u-sibs (and thus the left tree can extend to the right:
		for (r = 0; r < nodes[p].rsib.length; r++){
			x = findLeftMost(nodes[p].rsib[r], v);
			// If the node found is the rsib itself, use hShift. Otherwise use hSpace/2, it looks better.
			if (x == nodes[nodes[p].rsib[r]].hpos){
				w = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hShift - x;
				w = nodes[p].hpos + boxWidth / 2 + hSpace / 2 - x;
			if (w){
				debugOut("Right tree '" + nodes[nodes[p].rsib[r]].txt + "' can shift by " + w);
				hShiftTree(nodes[p].rsib[r], w);

centerOnCanvas = function(width)
	var	i, max, min, w;

	// Find the left and rightmost nodes:
	max = -1;
	min = 999999;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].hpos > max){ max = nodes[i].hpos; }
		if (nodes[i].hpos < min){ min = nodes[i].hpos; }
	max += boxWidth;

	w = (width / 2) - (max - min) / 2;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		nodes[i].hpos += w;

leftOnCanvas = function(width)
	var	i, max, min, w;

	// Find the leftmost node:
	min = 999999;
	for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
		if (nodes[i].hpos < min){ min = nodes[i].hpos; }

	w = min;
	if (w > 0){
		for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
			nodes[i].hpos -= w;

} // orgChart