Difference between revisions of "Template:Family Tree/Reptile"

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{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |R6|  |  |  |H2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |D0|H2=[[Humans]]|R6=[[Reptile|Reptiles]]|D0=[[Daemons]]|boxstyle_D0=background-color:#c6bbf9|boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9|boxstyle_H2=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |R6|  |  |  |H2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |D0|H2=[[Humans]]|R6=[[Reptile|Reptiles]]|D0=[[Daemons]]|boxstyle_D0=background-color:#c6bbf9|boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9|boxstyle_H2=back{{Chart/start|align=center}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |R6|  |  |  |H2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |D0|H2=[[UO:Humans]]|R6=[[UO:Reptile|Reptiles]]|D0=[[UO:Daemons]]|boxstyle_D0=background-color:#c6bbf9|boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9|boxstyle_H2=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |F |~ |% |~ |7 |boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |, |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |+ |- |- |- |v |- |* |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |- |v |- |- |v |- |- |- |- |* |- |* |- |c |boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|A2|  |H1|  |D3|  |D6|  |R7|  |L5|: |K4|  |SF|  |  |V2|  |D4|  |K1|: |Y1|A2=[[UO:Alligator]]|H1=[[UO:Hiryu]]|D3=[[UO:Dinosaurs]]|D4=[[UO:Draconic Creatures]]|D6=[[UO:Dragon Turtle]]|R7=[[UO:Ridgeback]]|K1=[[UO:Kappa]]|K4=[[UO:Komodo Dragon]]|L5=[[UO:Lizard]]|SF=[[UO:Snake]]|V2=[[UO:Vollem]]|Y1=[[UO:Yamandon]]||boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow|boxstyle_D4=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |, |^ |- |. |  |  |! |L |~ |V |~ |~ |~ |t |~ |7 |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |:  |  |! |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |L4|  |  |! |  |D7|  |E1|  |S2|! |  |M2|  |  |! |  |: |  |C4|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |:  |S5|S5=[[UO:Serado the Awakened]]|C4=[[UO:Clockwork Vollem]]|M2=[[UO:Mondain]]|L4=[[UO:Lesser Hiryu]]|E1=[[UO:Ethereal Ridgeback]]|S2=[[UO:Savage Ridgeback]]|D7=[[UO:Dragon Turtle Hatchling]]|boxstyle_M2=background-color:#c6bbf9|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |! |  |, |- |- |- |v |- |- |v |- |- |- |^ |. |: |  |  |, |- |^ |- |* |- |- |. |F |~ |~ |~ |~ |~ |~ |~ |~ |J |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |B4|  |  |! |L1|  |B3|  |SC|  |L7|  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |M3|M3=[[UO:Maddening Horror]]|L1=[[UO:Lava Lizard]]|B3=[[UO:Basilisk]]|L7=[[UO:Lizardman]]|SC=[[UO:Slith]]|B4=[[UO:Battle Chicken Lizard]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |! |  |! |  |  |  |  |, |- |- |^ |- |. |! |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |L |~ |V |7 |! |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |C3|  |  |! |M1|  |  |SG|  |T2|! |  |  |  |  |! |T1|  |  |: |M4|M4=[[UO:Medusa]]|T1=[[UO:The Great Serpents]]|SG=[[UO:Stone Slith]]|T2=[[UO:Toxic Slith]]|C3=[[UO:Chicken Lizard]]|M1=[[UO:Magma Lizard]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow|boxstyle_T1=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |, |- |- |- |v |- |- |( |  |  |  |  |! |  |L |~ |~ |~ |G |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |! |  |  |B5|  |  |! |  |  |  |L6|  |L8|  |L9|  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |Q |B5=[[UO:Birds]]|L6=[[UO:Lizardman Defender]]|L8=[[UO:Lizardman Squatter]]|L9=[[UO:Lizardman Witchdoctor]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow|boxstyle_B5=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |) |- |- |- |- |. |  |  |! |  |  |, |- |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |^ |- |v |- |- |. |Q |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |SD|  |W1|  |! |  |  |K2|  |G4|  |I1|  |C7|  |L3|  |O6|SD=[[UO:Small Alligator]]|W1=[[UO:War Alligator]]|C7=[[UO:Coral Snake]]|G4=[[UO:Giant Serpent]]|I1=[[UO:Ice Snake]]|K2=[[UO:Kepetch]]|L3=[[UO:Lava Snake]]|O6=[[UO:Ophidians]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow|boxstyle_O6=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |! |  |  |! |  |  |  |, |- |^ |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |- |. |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |T4|  |! |  |K3|  |  |G2|  |S4|  |L2|  |  |S8|  |I3|T4=[[UO:Thrasher]]|G2=[[UO:Giant Ice Serpent]]|I3=[[UO:Ivory Serpent]]|L2=[[UO:Lava Serpent]]|S4=[[UO:Sea Snake]]|S8=[[UO:Silver Serpent]]|K3=[[UO:Kepetch Ambusher]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |, |^ |- |- |. |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |G3|  |S3|  |  |  |  |C5|  |SE|C5=[[UO:Coil]]|SE=[[UO:Small Silver Serpent]]|S3=[[UO:Sea Serpent]]|G3=[[UO:Giant Ice Worm]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |, |- |- |^ |- |. |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |D1|  |  |H3|D1=[[UO:Deep Sea Serpent]]|H3=[[UO:Hydra]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |, |^ |- |- |. |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CA|  |A1|  |C0|A1=[[UO:Abscess]]|CA=[[UO:Crystal Sea Serpent]]|C0=[[UO:Crystal Hydra]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|, |- |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |+ |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |. |boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
{{Chart|A3|  |A4|  |A6|  |D2|  |G1|  |N1|  |R3|  |S1|  |TR|A3=[[UO:Allosaurus]]|A4=[[UO:Anchisaur]]|A6=[[UO:Archaeosaurus]]|D2=[[UO:Dimetrosaur]]|G1=[[UO:Gallusaurus]]|N1=[[UO:Najasaurus]]|R3=[[UO:Raptor]]|S1=[[UO:Saurosaurus]]|TR=[[UO:Tyrannosaurus Rex]]|boxstyle_{{{mob|}}}=background-color:greenyellow}}
* A1 = Abscess
* A2 = Alligator
* A3 = Allosaurus
* A4 = Anchisaur
* A6 = Archaeosaurus
* B3 = Basilisk
* B4 = Battle Chicken Lizard
* C3 = Chicken Lizard
* C4 = Clockwork Vollem
* C5 = Coil
* C7 = Coral Snake
* C0 = Crystal Hydra
* CA = Crystal Sea Serpent
* D1 = Deep Sea Serpent
* D2 = Dimetrosaur
* D3 = Dinosaurs
* D4 = Draconic Creatures
* D6 = Dragon Turtle
* D7 = Dragon Turtle Hatchling
* D8 = Dragon Wolf
* D0 = Daemon
* E1 = Ethereal Ridgeback
* G1 = Gallusaurus
* G2 = Giant Ice Serpent
* G3 = Giant Ice Worm
* G4 = Giant Serpent
* H1 = Hiryu
* H2 = Human
* H3 = Hydra
* I1 = Ice Snake
* I3 = Ivory Serpent
* K1 = Kappa
* K2 = Kepetch
* K3 = Kepetch Ambusher
* K4 = Komodo Dragon
* L1 = Lava Lizard
* L2 = Lava Serpent
* L3 = Lava Snake
* L4 = Lesser Hiryu
* L5 = Lizard
* L6 = Lizardman Defender
* L7 = Lizardman
* L8 = Lizardman Squatter
* L9 = Lizardman Witchdoctor
* M1 = Magma Lizard
* M2 = Mondain
* M3 = Maddening Horror
* M4 = Medusa
* N1 = Najasaurus
* R3 = Raptor
* R6 = Reptile
* R7 = Ridgeback
* S1 = Saurosaurus
* S2 = Savage Ridgeback
* S3 = Sea Serpent
* S4 = Sea Snake
* S5 = Serado the Awakened
* S8 = Silver Serpent
* SC = Slith
* SD = Small Alligator
* SE = Small Silver Serpent
* SF = Snake
* SG = Stone Slith
* T1 = The Great Serpents
* T2 = Toxic Slith
* T4 = Thrasher
* TR = Tyrannosaurus Rex
* V2 = Vollem
* W1 = War Alligator
* Y1 = Yamandon
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |F |~ |% |~ |7 |boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |! |  |  |  |  |  |: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |F |~ |% |~ |7 |boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |, |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |+ |- |- |- |v |- |* |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |- |v |- |- |v |- |- |- |- |* |- |* |- |c |boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9}}
{{Chart|  |, |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |+ |- |- |- |v |- |* |- |v |- |- |- |v |- |- |- |- |v |- |- |v |- |- |- |- |* |- |* |- |c |boxstyle_R6=background-color:#c6bbf9}}

Revision as of 02:45, 21 May 2016

AlligatorHiryuDinosaursDragon TurtleRidgebackLizardKomodo DragonSnakeVollemDraconic CreaturesKappaYamandon
Lesser HiryuDragon Turtle HatchlingEthereal RidgebackSavage RidgebackMondainClockwork VollemSerado the Awakened
Battle Chicken LizardLava LizardBasiliskSlithLizardmanMaddening Horror
Chicken LizardMagma LizardStone SlithToxic SlithThe Great SerpentsMedusa
BirdsLizardman DefenderLizardman SquatterLizardman Witchdoctor
Small AlligatorWar AlligatorKepetchGiant SerpentIce SnakeCoral SnakeLava SnakeOphidians
ThrasherKepetch AmbusherGiant Ice SerpentSea SnakeLava SerpentSilver SerpentIvory Serpent
Giant Ice WormSea SerpentCoilSmall Silver Serpent
Deep Sea SerpentHydra
Crystal Sea SerpentAbscessCrystal Hydra
AllosaurusAnchisaurArchaeosaurusDimetrosaurGallusaurusNajasaurusRaptorSaurosaurusTyrannosaurus Rex

  • A1 = Abscess
  • A2 = Alligator
  • A3 = Allosaurus
  • A4 = Anchisaur
  • A6 = Archaeosaurus
  • B3 = Basilisk
  • B4 = Battle Chicken Lizard
  • C3 = Chicken Lizard
  • C4 = Clockwork Vollem
  • C5 = Coil
  • C7 = Coral Snake
  • C0 = Crystal Hydra
  • CA = Crystal Sea Serpent
  • D1 = Deep Sea Serpent
  • D2 = Dimetrosaur
  • D3 = Dinosaurs
  • D4 = Draconic Creatures
  • D6 = Dragon Turtle
  • D7 = Dragon Turtle Hatchling
  • D8 = Dragon Wolf
  • D0 = Daemon
  • E1 = Ethereal Ridgeback
  • G1 = Gallusaurus
  • G2 = Giant Ice Serpent
  • G3 = Giant Ice Worm
  • G4 = Giant Serpent
  • H1 = Hiryu
  • H2 = Human
  • H3 = Hydra
  • I1 = Ice Snake
  • I3 = Ivory Serpent
  • K1 = Kappa
  • K2 = Kepetch
  • K3 = Kepetch Ambusher
  • K4 = Komodo Dragon
  • L1 = Lava Lizard
  • L2 = Lava Serpent
  • L3 = Lava Snake
  • L4 = Lesser Hiryu
  • L5 = Lizard
  • L6 = Lizardman Defender
  • L7 = Lizardman
  • L8 = Lizardman Squatter
  • L9 = Lizardman Witchdoctor
  • M1 = Magma Lizard
  • M2 = Mondain
  • M3 = Maddening Horror
  • M4 = Medusa
  • N1 = Najasaurus
  • R3 = Raptor
  • R6 = Reptile
  • R7 = Ridgeback
  • S1 = Saurosaurus
  • S2 = Savage Ridgeback
  • S3 = Sea Serpent
  • S4 = Sea Snake
  • S5 = Serado the Awakened
  • S8 = Silver Serpent
  • SC = Slith
  • SD = Small Alligator
  • SE = Small Silver Serpent
  • SF = Snake
  • SG = Stone Slith
  • T1 = The Great Serpents
  • T2 = Toxic Slith
  • T4 = Thrasher
  • TR = Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • V2 = Vollem
  • W1 = War Alligator
  • Y1 = Yamandon