2001-03-12: Arena Naming Contest! All May Enter!
Arena Naming Contest! All May Enter!
Author: Sabrina Rouel | Published: March 12, 2001 |
Hello Fellow Britainnians! I have exciting news for you! I was given some information from Arilyn Muzette, an owner in part of the new arena near Wrong Dungeon. It seems that she is hosting a contest in which the citizens may choose a name for this arena. I have transcribed her message below :
"Hello! My name is Arilyn Muzette, and I am putting together a contest in which the citizens of Britainnia may take part in naming the new Arena near Dungeon Wrong. In a few days time, I will be setting up near the arena, ready to take entries. If anyone is interested in placing an entry, please meet me there. The entries will be taken for a period of one hour, after which they will be judged by a panel of judges.
The winner of the contest will have the honor of having their name and the name they chose inscribed upon the Arena. For all eternity, when people speak of the Arena, they shall call it by your name! I encourage all who may want to take part to make their way to the new Arena to enter!
I have also enclosed a map for you to follow.
Thank you!"
Well there you have it everyone! A contest! Take the time to head to the Arena near Dungeon Wrong to enter the contest!
Safe Travels!
If you would like to submit your entry to Arilyn Muzette, please join her at the Arena on Wednesday, March 14th at 8:00pm CST. Good luck!