Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-10-17

Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-10-17

This meeting was held in English. It was logged by Larisa[1].

Note that this transcript is missing the end of the meet & greet.

Mesanna ok missing a few members, they will be here in a bit
Mesanna hi Gator
Gator hi. Wanted to tell you the granite comodity deed still not working and to ask if bods might get an auto fill function?
Mesanna can you be a little more specific
Gator the type does not show after you log in and out. all say granite not val or ver
Mesanna after you log in and out the name on the commonity deed goes away?
Gator yes
Mesanna ok let us look at that again. what was your other issue
Gator wanted to ask if we can get auto fill for bods
Mesanna one sec talking to bleak
Mesanna we might not get it in the publish coming out but we will look at it
Gator ok tyvm
Mesanna Hi Mike
Mike hi. I was wondering if the new bods skills will get runics
Mesanna the only ones are the new ones, fletching and carpentry
Mike still need to go to heartwood :(
Mesanna no
Mike oh
Mesanna you can get the current ones thru the bod system
Mike oh the other 4 no runics you meant
Mesanna for now yes
Mike ok ty was curious
Mesanna we have not added any additional ones like cooking etc
Mike ahh ok ty
Mesanna Hi Viper
Viper hi. I want to know if you had any chance to look at party loot and why it doesnt increase with the addition of party members
Bleak This is still underway. Once this next publish is out the door we can put more time looking into it
Viper ok ty
Seraphim hello
Mesanna hi Seraphim
Seraphim need to cut and paste just a sec
Seraphim could you look at the SA dungeon the rat renown's Vitavi, Tikitavi and Rakktavi. They seem to have an inordinately high amount of hitpts
Seraphim most times people leave them undone and no one wants to bother and spwn gets left undone
Mesanna we will look at them
Seraphim ty vm
Ora hello
Mesanna Hi Ora
Ora thanks so much for the north and west fancy couch and loveseat, but i cant use a furniture dye tub on them
Mesanna oops, that is our mistake easy fix, thanks for letting us know
Ora can we have changeling costumes
Ora my pixie used to turn me into one but now it doesnt
Mesanna we can add it to our list, we will do it for next year
Ora and one more thing
Ora could you maybe let us unmount the mounted pixies for deco please
Mesanna lol nope, that would require new art for that
Ora well thanks for your time
Steven hail
Mesanna Hi Steven
Steven so idocs are falling at weird times not on the 5 10 15 mark, some times they fall early, why is this?
Steven osi are the worst. i seen a osi grealy just fall never go idoc
Mesanna OSI houses are not IDOC houses, if we get them they are way past the recovery stage
Mesanna they either have to be manually deleted due to the fact that some are bugged
Steven but some reg one still falling early
Mesanna are you saying they are falling maybe a day early? or is it hours early
Steven no hour to 2 some times
Steven like a 3pm go idoc should fall 8 and some time it falls at 6 or 7, its bugged
Mesanna so it is a matter of a few hours
Steven was told it was 5 10 15
Steven if u can look in to it be great
Mesanna sure but there are alot of variables, server maintenance etc
Steven ok
Mesanna but we will look at it
Ice cold hay hay
Mesanna hi Ice
Ice cold 2 things one can u dye my mask eheh
Ice cold and 2 can we get some thing for band-aids
Mesanna go away =P
Ice cold went u die then dont fall to ground
Mesanna wait
Ice cold when i play my dexr it blows dieing and then u cant heal
Ice cold like a thing in bag bless kinda like a quiver but for aids
Mesanna are you asking for a container that hold bandages so you don't have to pick them up?
Ice cold nope just to stay on your body
Mesanna we will talk it over
Mesanna hi Britannic
Britannic Good evening, Messana and all the developers.
Mesanna Good evening
Kyronix Hello!
Bleak Hello
Britannic First, as a fellow software developer, thank you for all the hard work you do. I understand the position of trying to please everyone and not being able to do so. So kudos for all that you do do.
Mesanna *nods*
Britannic My question: Can you do something to address the graphical gliches in the enhanced client. Specifically, the bleedthrough of special effects from floors below to floors above.
Mesanna yes we can look into the special effects, that is actually something that bothers us also
Britannic And second can you fix the color of dragons in the EC as well? They are all "red" in the EC even through they may be red or brown in the CC.
Mesanna working on the dragons for the pet revamp
Britannic Awesome! Thank you.
Mesanna batting 100 so far
Britannic That was all for me. Again, thank you for your time. It is appreciated.
Mesanna most welcome
Mesanna we are happy to get the dragon fixed also
Britannic =) Me too as a tamer it drives me nuts
Mesanna agreed
Mesanna hi Nia
Nia Hail Developers!
Kyronix Hello!
Nia Also, I would like to thank you for all your hard work.
Mesanna thank you
Nia Would it be possible to make it so that unmarked recall runes can stack? It's a pain to have to move them around one at a time to the top level of your backpack if you working on runebook, etc.
Kyronix Perhaps. You wouldn't be able to mark a stack of runes
Nia No, but when you cast mark on a stack just pop one off and put in the backpack if there is room. If there is no room it drops to the ground.
Kyronix Targetting the stack could be problematic. Would have to look into it
Nia Just a thought. That was all.
Kyronix Thanks for the suggestion!
Nia Again, thank you for your time whatever comes of it. Have a great night.
Mesanna You also
Drowy Hi
Mesanna hi Drowy
Kyronix G'evening
Drowy I got 2 questions
Drowy First one: Will we ever see the gargoyle versions of the shadowguard artifacts
Drowy or at least a way to alter all of them, maybe except the hawkwinds robe because there wasnt a gargoyle version?
Kyronix Sure, this is something we can look into. There's an issue in our system already
Drowy ok
Drowy Second one: Can we get a better way to acquire Iron Beetle Scales? At the moment there is just one spawn of 3 and it takes about 5 minutes for them to respawn. The drop rate is about 25% and you need 200 of the scales if you want advance from tier 2 to tier 3 from Zosilem quest. This takes like forever and there should be some tweak to it, please. Ty.
Mesanna that seems like a lot, we will look at it
Drowy tyvm
Mesanna welcome
Drowy Thats all for today :)
Mesanna thank you
Silent Bob Hail Lords and Lady of Broadsword!
Mesanna Hi Silent Bob
Kyronix Well met!
Silent Bob With the advent of new BODs, has any thought been given to their storage?
Silent Bob I am terribly concerned about how much BODs already impinge on storage.
Silent Bob And is it legal to store BODs on books on vendors?
Mesanna yes it is, you can store them on a vendor
Silent Bob I worry with the proliferation of bods that my house will be full of nothing but. Will the new bods have their own books?
Mesanna we are not going to be changing the storage at this time, we want people to turn them in not horde them
Silent Bob aye but if u get a new one fore each u turn in you end up with alot of bods
Mesanna we have not come up with a good solution to be honest
Silent Bob thanks for your consideration, have a great evening
Noah hi
Mesanna hi Noah
Noah i have a question about account age
Mesanna ok
Noah could we pay to age an account that was lets say started in 98 but only gets vet rewards for 4 years paid
Mesanna we have talked about it, just have not come up with a fair solution as of yet. not really fair to the vets
Noah can you buy a token to age your acct?
Mesanna as stated we have it on our discussion board but have not come up with a good solution
Noah thx for your time
Mesanna welcome
a tiger *hi there*
Mesanna hi Tiger, sorry didn't mean to pass you up
a tiger *i just came back from 14 years off and i wanted to say thanks for keeping the game alive*
Kyronix Welcome back!
a tiger *no worries. i do look like a pet*
a tiger *thanks*
a tiger *i dont have a question. just wanted to say hi and meet you guys*
Mesanna ahh nice to meet you
a tiger *thanks everyone*
Mesanna and hope you are enjoying being back
a tiger *i am fun so far* *thanks again*
Mesanna most welcome
Mesanna hi Muchi
Muchi Muchi Munn Hello my Queen, I wanted to ask two small things about pvp.
Muchi Muchi Munn 1) will you make a mastery for alchemy ?
Mesanna how about this, right now we not have anything on the plate so why not do this for me. email me your ideas so we can have it when we start discussing it again. I have been getting a few great ideas in emails which really help
Muchi Muchi Munn Ok my Queen I will. My second question
Muchi Muchi Munn I wanted to ask if you have any plans to make town buff for reds to revamp the pkers again
Mesanna That is in discussion also
Kyronix It's something we've talked about, no concrete plans yet, Still in the concepting phase
Muchi Muchi Munn great. Thanks a lot for your time and for all you do for uo
Izaya Good Evening!
Mesanna hi Izaya
Izaya I was wondering if EM bosses could have a more lethal skillset implemented into them
Mesanna the bosses are set up per the EM's and can have alot of scripts on them
Mesanna I will say this, they have made them harder and I got a call to come debuff them
Mesanna are you talking about on Atlantic? or a different shard
Izaya yea... some of the bosses just die in like 15 seconds and that's due to the unattended macroing just having a free ride on them...
Izaya I'm not just refering to atlantic
Mesanna you are mistaken, if you do not hit the mobs they do not get a reward or a chance at one. Healing also of course
Izaya I understand but there's a lot of throwers just following after one character at these events lately so I figure if everyone is dead at some point at least it will be a much fairer playing field
Mesanna so you want stomp on every mob, thats a good way to die every time
Izaya I wouldn't say stomper but an opening stomp wouldn't be to bad
Mesanna lol what shard, are you talking this one or all shards
Izaya well I can say for example lake austin on saturday that must've died in less than a minute
Mesanna I will talk to the EM's, thank you for the feedback
Mesanna remember some of those are new EM's also
Izaya I'm not faulting them
Mesanna they have to see what works and what doesn't
Izaya I just figured for future bosses to make it more fairer it would be nice if they were harder
Mesanna I will talk to my EM's and get their feedback also
Izaya =) thank you for your time, have a good evening
Mesanna thank you, you also
Hysteria Greetings, I have two questions for you.
Mesanna hi Hysteria
Hysteria Are any of the changes that are written on stratics finalized regarding archery finalized?
Hysteria err I mean are any of the changes set in stone*
Mesanna We do not control Stratics
Hysteria Any confirmation?
Mesanna we do have our own Wiki though
Hysteria It's been said that swing speed would be capped at 1.5 now instead of 1.25?
Bleak That thread is only a discussion, nothing is final
Hysteria Also, coke or pepsi? I'm more of a pepsi kind of guy myself.
Mesanna I like coke
Kyronix Definitely coke
Hysteria Hm thx
Mesanna pepsi is sweeter =P
Mesanna hi Return
Return of Ron Howdy :)
Return of Ron I just returned and transferred here becasue there was no pvp on Sonoma, Do you have any plans to entice former pvpers to return? Obviously there are still alot of pvm players :)
Mesanna yes we do
Return of Ron Can you get into specifics?
Mesanna yes we do have plans so keep an eye on the newsletter for more details
Return of Ron Thank you
Ma Nerva hi
Mesanna hi Ma
Ma Nerva i have concerns over mibs, seems its getting worse, i can open a hundred and get no white ancient sos. We used to get 5 ish per 100 opened
Mesanna we can look at it
Ma Nerva thank you
Mesanna but we have not made any changes to the delivery rate
Ma Nerva it got worse around hi seas
Ma Nerva also can we get a pie dispenser turned
Mesanna lol no
Mesanna wait a pie dispenser?
Ma Nerva its hard to host a pie fight with no pies, this would of been perfect for a pie fight
Mesanna your EM's can make them
Ma Nerva ill ask him thank you
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna hi Kozilek
Kozilek Hello can we get a mouseover display for pets that has age/owner & a craftable spittoon deco & can we get more health healed when a wondering healer res's us
Mesanna the pet request for age/owner, we have had a request to hue something on the pet to show its theirs like a blanket, saddle, something along those lines, is that what you are talking about?
Kozilek i mean like just move the mouse over it and it has it where it shows the name
Mesanna we will look into it but it would depend on the owners to display it
Kozilek how about spittoons added to tinker menu & more health when resed by a healer
Mesanna not sure about the spittoon and we will talk about the healer
Kozilek thank you all for everything
Mesanna most welcome
Blessed *removes hat* Hello Mesanna
Mesanna Greetings Blessed
Blessed I wanted to ask two fast questions if possible
Blessed 1) can we get on the uo store somekind of machine that we put in the house and it searches the items we have in the house. something like vendor search but for houses
Mesanna we have talked about that. Bleak is trying to see if we can do that
Blessed I would buy many
Blessed nice nice
Mesanna like where something is etc
Blessed aye, it would be amazing I would deffo buy some
Blessed and last question
Blessed will you ever make a world tour again?
Mesanna I don't know, it got a little out of hand, first few were alot of fun then I started getting cussed out, not worth it for me
Blessed I see :(
Mesanna to be honest if I could figure out a way yes I would love to do them
Blessed great let's hope, thank you
Mesanna Atlantic would be hard I think lol
Blessed ya atlantic is a beast
Mesanna but atleast I would get to kill everyone
Blessed aye, do a felucca event! we will be ready
Mesanna Oh god lol
Blessed hehe
Mesanna might have to, only the strong will survive
Blessed aye we are prepared
Mesanna I will see
Blessed old vet pkers :) thanks again
Mesanna *hugs* anytime
Blessed have a good evening everyone
Mesanna you also
Mesanna hi ISIS
ISIS i just want to thank you guys for all you guys do and that is it :_). will it be uo in Russia server?
Mesanna oh a Russian server
ISIS yes
Mesanna I will talk to our IT person and see what he says
ISIS Thanks and have a Blessed night :)
Mesanna you also
Pink Dragoness I have to announce to you Master Ivesters arrival, your biggest fan!
Mesanna ok thank you
Pink Dragoness will you ever add the primers to the clean up points pls
Mesanna we might down the road, they are still pretty new
Pink Dragoness will you tear down Nujelm, we need more rubble
Mesanna lol no it stays
Pink Dragoness *grins*
Mesanna lol you mean destroy a city
Pink Dragoness Moonglow
Mesanna thats funny
Pink Dragoness yes like the great house fall we had and the maggy city. tear something down let us have some of it
Mesanna lol
Pink Dragoness :]
Mesanna we will talk about it, but its not on our list
Pink Dragoness thank you
Merlin Hello. Thank you for coming to Atlantic. I hope you and the development team can get to this shard more often.
Mesanna hi Merlin
Merlin First question for you… something I would ask you add into the next newsletter.
Merlin Can you give an official explanation of how the Eater properties work on armor and gear? Something that has a formula and example possibly?
Mesanna yes I can do that
Merlin The publicly available examples on the internet are few and far between and not quite clear or concise.
Mesanna I can do that
Merlin Comment for you: Thank you for allowing some developers, like Bleak and Kyronix, to reach out to Stratics for comments, such as those regarding changes in PVP. It has been a hot topic of discussion lately. I hope your team finds the feed back from the Stratics crowd to be valuable.
Merlin Next question... regarding Shadowguard roof encounter. Will you be adding bosses to the roof encounter any time soon? so that the final four bosses would always be different rather than the same four?
Kyronix Not in the immediate future, but Shadowguard was built to be expanded on So the oppurtunity is there
Merlin Ah. Thank you.
Merlin Last question… any sneak peak or new information you can share about upcoming publishes, specifically the pet revamp ? =) Alot of people are buzzing about it .
Mesanna I promise as soon as we get final details we will give more information. I will say that the first big publish of next year is a pet revamp
Merlin Good to know. thank you for the confirmation.
Mesanna specific details will be released at a later date
Merlin Well thats all I have. I hope you enjoy your time on Atlantic and plan to return soon.
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna Greetings
WarbrosNumberOne Good evening
Mesanna long name =)
WarbrosNumberOne I had a question about the upcoming steam integration release, will there also be Any exclusive promotional bonuses either granted for logging in through the version client, or otherwise sold as downloadable content
Mesanna Steam is not going forward until EA allows it and they have not given permission
WarbrosNumberOne Also will the Animal Taming Mastery book bonuses from eodon still be as significant after the pet system revamps?
Mesanna yes it will be. we are not going to step on what we just put in
WarbrosNumberOne Sounds good, thank you
Mesanna thank you, good night
Mesanna Greetings
Amythis hello, are there any events for crafters?
Mesanna Yes there is
Amythis thank you
Mesanna we are working on one for xmas actually
Kyronix HUUUGE Holiday Crafting event!
Mesanna I think you guys will enjoy it
Amythis oh, very nice, thanks
Mesanna Kyronix has been working hard on it
Amythis have a good evening
Mesanna you also
Ivester hi my beautiful queen of many moons :)
Mesanna hi Ivester
Ivester i had a question about luck
Ivester my luck suit is currently at 2050
Ivester and i was wondering if it was high enough to have a succesful chance of asking you out to dinner :)
Mesanna *spits tea*
Mesanna Ask my husband first
Ivester omg :(
Mesanna psst Misk is his luck good enough?
Ivester ok well he is a lucky lucky man
Misk I will go to dinner with you!
Ivester omg
Mesanna *laughs*
Ivester my apoliges my lady
Mesanna Thank you for the invite
Ivester yes :)
Mesanna Have a good evening
Julieanna => Hi Mesanna Hello all
Mesanna Greetings
Julieanna hey i just have two ques
Julieanna are we ever gonna get to ride that greater or just keep dragging him about ?
Mesanna well if we are good you might see a version for 20th
Julieanna nice
Julieanna and last will they ever make luna as nice as other banks on the Uo shard? make it pretty
Mesanna well I have decorated alot of the luna banks
Julieanna they are beautiful
Mesanna I don't want to create more lag no matter what, I can add a few things here
Julieanna just wished Luna in atl would get a lil update
Mesanna I can do that
Julieanna thank you, nice meeting you as well
Mesanna I just need some colors to work from
Julieanna well the ones u have done are really nice
Mesanna thanks
Julieanna just a lil color would be nice
Mesanna I can do something tasteful inbetween my other issues
Julieanna perfect thank you for ur time
Mesanna most welcome
Patriarch ello mah lady
Mesanna Greetings
Patriarch curious to know if we can make turn in points account wide like other currency
Mesanna this has been brought up before, we would have to rework the system
Mesanna so its time vs reward honestly
Patriarch is it possible to make a garbage can bigger then?
Mesanna ? explain?
Patriarch like more than 125 items at a time or one that can instantly delete items like at the bank that we can lock down at home
Mesanna well we have to protect people, we can toggle it to delete immediately but if someone puts something they want in there its gone, no way to get it back
Patriarch you can insert a menu similar to imbuing
Mesanna you mean a warning gump
Patriarch yep
Mesanna like are you really sure you want to delete this
Patriarch you are about to do something dumb do you accept?
Mesanna we will talk about it
Patriarch if they agree to it then its a done deal. cool thanks
Mesanna but we would not accept any responsibility for trash
Patriarch wouldnt expect you too, there are many ways to lose items in this game
Mesanna yes there is
Patriarch well thats all I have
Mesanna ok have a good evening
Patriarch thanks for letting us play another year
Mesanna anytime
Mesanna hi Hobo
Hobo Joe hello, so I got a couple for you. Some are related. I noticed a few bugs with ships. the powder charges when removed from deed but to 10 stones each you have to unstack and restack to fix.
Mesanna stacking issue what is written up was brought up earlier, we are going to look at that.
Hobo Joe the logs you get from ship loot dont show type on commodity deed and magincia vendors dont reconize them
Mesanna wait, they do not recognize the logs or the deeds?
Hobo Joe nope, not the ones from merchent and pirate ships
Mesanna which one
Hobo Joe they reconize normal logs from the ship but any other type they dont show wood type just says logs
Mesanna ok we will loook at it
Hobo Joe not ash or oak and magincia vendors wont take them
Mesanna ok we will look into it Hobo
Hobo Joe then want to know if we can get more custimazition on ships, not as crazy as house but things like decals for ship sails and sides.
Mesanna we will review that when we redo that system

(Missing the final part of this meet & greet.)
