2004-04-19: 解毒の試み

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Global Edition

解毒の試み / Attempt of detoxification

Author: Gustav Vinterssen Published: April 19, 2004

神秘の力に頼る治療というのは奇妙な技である。先頃、ロイヤルガードの指揮官であるエレイン・ベイフェリー(Elain Bayfery)が毒に冒され、宮廷魔道師であるクレイニン(Clainin)がその治療を一手に引き受けた。とはいえ、必要とされる秘薬は非常に希少なものであり、探求の旅を要することとなった。


クレイニンと彼の要請を受けた冒険者たちの一行は、治療薬を携えてキャッスルブリタニアから三つの徳の神殿を訪ねて廻った。彼らはそれぞれの神殿で各々の徳を表わす言葉であるマントラを三度ずつ唱え、ポーションに徳のエッセンスを混入させた。そして彼らはブリテインに戻るとエレイン指揮官を連れ、儀式を完成させるためにチャンバー オブ バーチュー(Chamber of Virtue)へと急いだ。

エレインはその神秘の力が込められたポーションを飲んだが、その直後儀式そのものが群集に紛れていた女性によって妨害されてしまった。彼女の名はニーラ(Neira the Necromancer)という不浄なる恐怖のネクロマンサー(Champion of Unholy Terrors)で、ニーラはクレイニンと群衆がニーラを取り押さえるまで儀式を妨害し続けていた。ポーションの力によりエレイン指揮官は危険な状態を脱したが完全には解毒されず、依然として療養中である。




Treatment that relies on the power of mystery is a strange technique. A recent Royal Guard commander Elain Bayfery was affected by the poison, and the court mageist Clainin took the treatment for one treatment. Nevertheless, the necessary secret medicine is very rare and it is necessary to travel in quest.

For Elaine who was affected by poison during combat with the bad ambush with Minax, Clayinn, a member of the Britannia Council, soon caught the old book and began looking for a formulation of this poisonous potion. The poison was a very rare one, but at the end of the quest I could find what I needed for a potion for detoxification. However, it is a mixture, and it turned out that it is necessary to create spiritual elements such as virtue which Elain himself is acquiring.

Krayinin and a group of adventurers who received his request visited the temple of three virtues from Castle Britannia with a remedy. They cast each mantra three times at each temple in words expressing each virtue, and mixed the virtue essence into the potion. And as they returned to Britain, they took Elaine 's commander and rushed to the Chamber of Virtue to complete the ceremony.

Elaine drunk a potion with its mystical power, but shortly afterwards the ceremony itself was disturbed by a woman who was lost in the crowd. Her name was Neila the Necromancer, an unclean fear of the Necromancer (Champion of Unholy Terrors), which continued to interfere with the ceremony until Kraininin and the crowd hauled Nyira. Due to the power of the potion, Elaine's commander has left the dangerous state but is not completely detoxified and is still under medical treatment.

Complete detoxification of Elaine commander seemed to be hopeless no longer. The medicine used for treatment has been exhausted in ceremonies. They were very rare and it was nearly impossible to collect again. But when the hope seemed cut off, a mage walked out of the crowd and bought some help for treatment.

The method offered by the Mage was not a prompt decision. And the fatigued Elaine was brought back to Castle Britannia. Clayin and the mages decided to discuss the details of the day.

As Crayinin revealed to me, he seems to be feeling uneasy about this "help" mage. The appearance of that mage was too favorable for this one case. But we have to find a cure for anything. So he confided to me.