2004-07-06: 魔女の足跡

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Global Edition

魔女の足跡 / Witch's footprints

Author: Rourke, Town Cryer Guildmaster Published: July 6, 2004

先頃、ロイヤルガード指揮官エレイン・ベイフェリー(Elaine Bayfery)の指示により、イルシェナーにあるガーゴイルシティのVer Lor Regにロイヤルブリタニアンガードが展開された。 エレインによると、先のイルシェナーの「ウィスプ」の名で知られるダンジョンへの探索行の折にひときわ光り輝くウィスプから得られた手がかりは解析され、そこから導き出された情報をもとに、彼女らはかつてエクソダスを内包したダンジョンへと向かうことになっていた。

先にロイヤルガードにより派遣された偵察部隊の報告により、ダンジョン入り口には強力な結界が張れている事が確認されていたが、誰がいったい何の為に結界を張ったのか、それに関する手掛りは得られないままであったが、そこに何か秘められたものが存在している事は誰の目にも明らかであった。 今回ブリタニアの宮廷メイジ、クレイニン(Clainin)が同行する事となったのも、この結界を彼の力で消し去れないか試みるためであった。


「An Ort Por Jux」

クレイニンが数度念を込めると、人ひとりが通れる程の亀裂を結界に開ける事に成功した。 一行がダンジョン内部へと潜入する中、クレイニンは研究の続きがあるとキャッスル・ブリタニアへと戻って行った。

ダンジョンに入って間もなくロイヤルガード一行は漆黒のエクソダスミニオンロード(Exodus Minion Lord)に遭遇した。たちまち戦闘が始まったが、幾度となく死線をくぐり抜けた冒険者達の前にあっけなく倒された。しかし突然のミニオンロード出現を不審に思った一行の探索により、付近の台座の上にある不思議な二冊の本が発見される事となった。





...宝珠の欠片は研究によって予想以上の可能性を持っていることが明らかになった。 これまでに得られた結果は、次元を超えた自己転送が指定の時間枠内に実現可能になることを示している。 装置を適切に組み立て、動力が宝珠によって供給され、そして宝珠に関連づけられることによって転送が可能となるはずだ。



Recently, the royal britannian guard was developed at the Ver Lor Reg in Gargoyle City in Ilshiener, as instructed by the Royal Guard commander Elaine Bayfery. According to Elaine, the clues obtained from the sparkling whispers, which are exquisitely drawn to the search line to the dungeon known under the name of Ilshener's "Wisp", were analyzed, and based on the information derived therefrom, It was supposed to head to the dungeon containing the exodus.

According to the report of the reconnaissance unit dispatched by the Royal Guard earlier, it was confirmed that a strong boundary was established at the entrance of the dungeon, but as for who wrote the barrier for whatever reason, got a clue concerning it Although it remained unabsorbed, it was clear to everyone's eyes that there was something hidden there. This time Britannia court mage Clainin accompanied me to try to eliminate this barrier with his power.

When I arrived at the entrance to the dungeon, the entrance was surely sealed up by a boundless barrier. Clayinn, inspired by Elaine and approaching the barrier, confirmed the circumstances and told the adventurers who were accompanying to take a step. And the next moment of quiet breathing, the word of power reverberated.

"An Ort Por Jux"

When Clayinn puts it just a few times, he succeeded in opening the cracks as perceptible as one can pass. As one party infiltrated into the dungeon, Krayinn returned to Castle Britannia with a continuation of the research.

Shortly after entering the dungeon, the Royal Guards encountered a jet black Exodus Minion Lord. The battle began immediately, but was defeated beyond the adventurer who went through the death line several times. However, by searching for a line who suspected the sudden appearance of a minion road, it was decided that two mysterious books on the nearby pedestal were discovered.

One of the titles was "Discussion on fragmented changes" and the other was "guidance for self transfers across dimensions". Each described the possibility of self-aura projection on another faceted face.

Everyone who confirmed this book came up with the appearance of Minax that appeared during that Keeonean trial. Minax should not be able to go to the world of the trammel side originally. It was obvious that she got the means to forcibly make her come from the side of Felucca using the Exodus minion road. This book became logical evidence of how Minax appeared in the Kewanan trial and could kill him.

Elain took those books back to Britain and left the royal artisans to verify to find a way to invalidate the devices that Minax used.

Consideration on fragmented change

... It was revealed by research that the fragments of the pearl have more than expected possibilities. Results obtained so far show that self transfers across dimension can be realized within a specified time frame. It should be possible to transfer by properly assembling the equipment, power being supplied by the treasure, and being associated with the treasure.

Guide for self-transfer across dimension

A piece of a gem can be used to go through the upper structure of the facet plane. However, even if the necessary conditions are satisfied, it will be only to project relatively small objects for a short time. Even if it is powerful even if it is an aura, projection can be done for any facet.