A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be (disambiguation)

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Disambiguation Page for “A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be”

Multiple things in the world of Ultima Online have this same name.

Rare items

Name Graphic Hue Type Shard Year Date Quantity
UO-Item-5928-73.png A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be  5928 73 EM Item Atlantic
2009 ?
UO-Item-5928-8.png A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be  5928 8 EM Item Atlantic
2009 ?
UO-Item-5928-88.png A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be  5928 88 EM Item Atlantic
2009 ?
UO-Item-5928-93.png A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be  5928 93 EM Item Atlantic
2009 ?