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This meeting was held in English and Japanese.  It was logged by Dramora and Larisa<ref>http://stratics.com/ams/july-25-2016-catskills-developer-meet-and-greet-full-transcript.239/</ref>.
This meeting was held in English.  It was logged by Dramora and Larisa<ref>http://stratics.com/ams/july-25-2016-catskills-developer-meet-and-greet-full-transcript.239/</ref>.

Latest revision as of 16:19, 3 February 2017

Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-07-25

This meeting was held in English. It was logged by Dramora and Larisa[1].

Mesanna Evening everyone, making sure we are set up. Bleak will not be with us tonight he is still in the sky and I think Kyronix will be a little late also this evening, RL is going to run a little late
Hurin hi
Mesanna Greetings Hurin
Hurin ty for the newsletter
Misk hello!
Mesanna most welcome
Hurin wanted to ask about leaf armor, will it be enhanced with wood im guessing? when implemented
Mesanna let me check on that, we had a discussion the other day. Leaf will be enhanced with leather
Hurin :( ok ty
Mesanna have a good evening
Misk hello!
Mesanna hi Hugh
Hugh the Hand hi
Mesanna nice name
Hugh the Hand may i ask 2 questions or only one not sure
Mesanna sure
Hugh the Hand ok the artifact windsong from mondain legacy is it supposed to be 100 poison damage cause its green?
Mesanna umm don't go by the color always one sec
Misk it is just a green bow
Mesanna just because its green does not mean poison resist, it was just a color the dev at the time picked
Hugh the Hand can you give us an update on the older artifact ToT type turn in ? if you made any decisions
Mesanna We are doing an update for Halloween TOT version which updates some artifacts by using the old one bringing them into todays standards
Hugh the Hand ok sounds interesting and deadly ty
Mesanna welcome, its only doom artifacts at this time. you will find the specific on it when we publish
Misk just two doom artifacts atm
Summer Summoner hi
Mesanna hi Summer
Misk hello!
Summer Summoner i saw that granite commodity deeds now hold there type. Any update on when we can mine granite only
Mesanna not sure if its going to make it this publish but it will next if not for sure. give me a sec and I will find out
Summer Summoner k ty
Mesanna it will be in this publish which is at the end of August
Summer Summoner will we still get blackrock and mining gems when going for granite?
Mesanna one sec don't want to give bad info
Misk you are talking about the special gems, right?
Summer Summoner yes the ecru citrine and what not
Misk per Kyronix, if you want to get those gems, you will have to mine regularly...
Summer Summoner ok ty
Mesanna hi Scuzzel
Scuzzel Butt hi
Misk hello!
Scuzzel Butt new back to the game after big break
Mesanna welcome back
Scuzzel Butt i have question about clean up pts. resources seem to get a lot more value then magic items. is there any magic item that is a good turn in?
Misk if i recall correctly, the points for magic items are based off of the item intensity, so, high intensity items
Scuzzel Butt like the gp value they get when first on a vendor? before we price them
Misk no, each magic property has an intensity value (usually from 1 to 100)
Scuzzel Butt oh ok sorry, so better loot = more pts
Misk so for instance on a ring, +str has a value of 1 to 8. yes
Scuzzel Butt ty i keep at it :)
Misk a ring with +1 str will provide less intensity than a ring with +8 str
Mesanna it adds up fast
Misk hello!
Hannibal Barca hi
Mesanna hi Hannubal
Hannibal Barca my question is about runic hammers. on the uo wiki on uo.com the max min property numbers for runics is that also the number you get reforging with said runic? or reg crafting and reforging different values?
Misk not necessarily
Hannibal Barca where do i look for the reforge info im google impaired
Mesanna lol no worries alot of us are at times
Misk well, it varies based off of your reforging settings, the type of runic hammer used and a little luck
Hannibal Barca ok and does your imbuing skill level also factor or is it seperate?
Misk you can get up to 6 properties i think that was the cap with valorite runics
Hannibal Barca wow ok
Misk imbuing skill has nothing to do with number of properties, its based on runic tool type, luck and settings of the tool
Hannibal Barca ty vm for the info
Mesanna have a good evening
Chuck DeNomolus hi
Misk hello!
Mesanna hi Chuck
Chuck DeNomolus my question deals with bods specifically smithing. I know you are looking at changes
Mesanna yes we are
Chuck DeNomolus i wanted to aks when you make them if ringmail and chain can be flipped flopped in value. it always drove me nuts to turn in a 4pc large and it be worth less that a 3 pc
Mesanna we will be looking at the system when we redo the point delivery so yes we can look into that, valid concern
Chuck DeNomolus ty vm :) gn
Mesanna good night
Succubus hi
Mesanna hi Succubus
Misk hello!
Succubus i wanted to ask from previous M&G you had directed us to send suggestions i forgot the best place to send the suggestions
Mesanna to me
Succubus email?
Mesanna [email protected]. I will make sure the team sees all suggestions
Succubus one last concern, can you legally block critters now a days
Mesanna no you can not
Alphonso Hi
Misk hello!
Mesanna hi Alphonso
Alphonso Just one quick question, and apologies if it's been asked before ... Any plans to make it so you can turn in primers for clean up points?
Mesanna not at this time, I am sure in the future we will
Alphonso Okay, thanks. Those level 1s in particular take up a lot of space!
Mesanna its a good idea since you can turn in Power Scrolls
Alphonso Yeah, it would be cool if we could. Thanks for your time.
Mesanna we will see what we can do about that
Misk hello!
Mesanna hi Ronald
Ronald Lee Ermey hello. I have 1 question regarding the primers. I have heard that their will be an option to bind them
Mesanna nope we have not talked about that at all
Misk that is not currently planned
Ronald Lee Ermey ok sounds good.
Izznet Hunar *smiles* good evening Mamma Mesanna
Mesanna hi Izznet
Misk hello!
Izznet Hunar I have two questions, first *braces for a death robe* any plans on a hot air balloon?
Mesanna death! ask your second one before I stake you
Izznet Hunar seriously... I would like to suggest additions to the evening gown, silk gloves and new shoes.
Mesanna explain your idea, or better yet send it to me so I can send it to the artist
Izznet Hunar *nods* very good I will do that thank you
Mesanna hi Bytor
Bytor hello I wanted to Thank you for the 2 historical banners.
Mesanna you are most welcome
Bytor i also wanted to know if you have tabled the library for the town stone ?
Mesanna no we just have not really gotten many additions which is surprising to me
Bytor are you still working on it then ?
Mesanna when we get them yes, but I have to be honest its slow
Bytor then I will have to work on getting you some submissions
Mesanna sounds good
Merek Penrose Twitches
Mesanna hi Merek
Merek Penrose Please the question goes to you both... Can you describe any upcoming projects that either of you will be working on in the coming future. any...that you perhaps are most proud of, and are looking forward to
Mesanna We as a team will be doing some little something new for Thanksgiving, we are adding to existing quests such as the hunters quest. We are working on Christmas, vet rewards, a new mount this year. Also we are planning out next years items, first being a pet re-vamp. A lot of things will be listed soon when we go to TC1. You guys have a lot of fun things coming your way.
Merek Penrose But..nothing prior to Thanksgiving?
Misk I am a fan of sweets so I am looking forward to Halloween!
Kyronix I like pumpkins
Mesanna Yes we are publishing out the end of August. We have some really nice new art for pumpkins this year, plus a lot of other things we will describe in the notes. We have given hints in the newsletter.
Merek Penrose One last question?
Mesanna Yes?
Merek Penrose Will the Developers be looking to involve themselves with the communities more..I know you do events and such but I feel like it has been quite awhile.
Mesanna We have EM's for the events, we get involved on TC's but as far as individual events not really.
Merek Penrose AH, perhaps I just miss getting slayed by your sweetness? Thank you for your time.
Mesanna Hun I will be happy to slay you, you are not missing out.
Merek Penrose *Flexes* Ready!
Mesanna Feel better? :)
Merek Penrose *Twitches* Much
Mesanna lol
Mesanna Hi Aedon
Lord Aedon Durreah Evening Mesanna
Misk Hello!
Lord Aedon Durreah First off I admire the evening gowns for the ladies. Many in the community hold galas and events and they are a welcome look.
Mesanna Yes we needed some ladies clothing :)
Lord Aedon Durreah I wonder though if it might be possible to make more festive attire for the gents?
Mesanna Like a tux?
Lord Aedon Durreah Something to compliment the ladies at a special affair.
Mesanna Long tails maybe on a coat.
Lord Aedon Durreah Aye
Mesanna I will talk to the artist, no promises.
Lord Aedon Durreah Thank you, oh...and hot air balloons, lots of them.
Mesanna Go away
Lord Aedon Durreah *laughs* good eve.
Tharkun Hello
Mesanna Hi Tharkun
Tharkun Lord Bytor asked about the town additions, and you said you had not gotten many submissions.
Mesanna That is correct
Tharkun I think people don't know how or what to do to make a submission
Mesanna work with the EM
Tharkun What do you recommend to build a town addition?
Mesanna Keep in mind none of these are meant to be permanent. Talk to your EM or E-mail me if you can't get in touch with him. If you want to build something for an event.
Tharkun So work with the EM to build a temporary addition, which then may be added to a pool?
Mesanna Or even get with Wraith...a pool? To swim in?
Tharkun ...no
Mesanna What kind of pool?
Tharkun A pool of additions that we can choose from, that was what I understood was discussed some time back.
Mesanna Yes and I explained earlier we have not had many turned in. If you have any suggestions we are here for support.
Odd Greetings Lady Mesanna and Misk
Misk Hello!
Mesanna Hi Odd
Odd My question 1st, then my comment. Have the drops for Lady Mel and Navery been lowered? The drop rate?
Misk They have not been altered.
Mesanna Ni we have not altered the drop at all.
Odd Seems so, but thank you.
Mesanna Welcome
Misk Nothing has changed, sorry
Odd My comment, I have been playing on this shard for 15 or 16 years. I still love this game and thank you all for keeping it real and fresh, that is all.
Mesanna We love this game also, I have worked and played UO since 97, worked since 99, it's a great game!
Odd We who play are fiercely loyal to UO, thank you both.
Mesanna The whole team plays except for the artist, most welcome, have a great evening.
Sergio Jarrett I'll keep it quick. People are talking about clothing but I know more then a few people would like cloaks with hoods or at least robes with hoods, preferably both.
Mesanna That's an engineering task that we have talked about several times. I will talk with Bleak and see if we can't get that on our to-do list.
Dysock Hail. Wanted to thank you for the new stone stuff for castles etc. Are their any bugs or changes with the stone stuff, worried stuff may disappear.
Mesanna You mean like stone disappearing? We have seen a few reports about that. We have not been able to confirm it. If we can't confirm it, we can't fix it so if you get any steps please please send them to us.
Dysock Well that is all, thank you
Mesanna Thank you
Al Hi! For real question this time!
Misk Hello! Again...
Al Any word on UO Forums?
Mesanna Yes, we are working on our own forums but you will not be able to post unless you have an account.
Mesanna Hopefully we get good feedback and people feel safer to post
Al Thank is all, good night.
Mesanna Good night
Mesanna Hi Dupre
Dupre Good evening folks, this may not be the right forum for this but...as a returning player, after many years I notice that citizenship on Catskills is down. Are there any plans to push for a membership drive?
Mesanna Yes we have plans that I cannot discuss at this time, but know we are working on a few things for the future.
Dupre That's good to hear, the game is just as fun as it always was, but sometimes it's hard to find the kind of interaction that makes it great. Thanks for your time.
Mesanna Most welcome.
Adrian Monk Good evening
Mesanna Hi Adrian
Adrian Monk One question, will it be possible in the future to unstack fish bait? I have all these mugs of bait that I share with guildies for contests. It would be nice to be able to unstack them and lower my house count and to share with guildies still.
Mesanna I am not sure about this, we will talk about it.
Adrian Monk That is all I ask, thank you.
Mesanna No problem. Keep an eye on the newsletter for updates.
