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=English patch notes=
=English patch notes=
''No English patch notes were released for this patch.''
==KR Client vers.
* While customizing a house, the eyedropper and erase tools will highlight the currently selected tile
* Players should properly see the world in black and white when dead
* Fixed a few crash bugs
* Bushido and Ninjitsu ability icons should correctly change color when activated
* Faces should not have "halos"
* Fur cape should have the correct image
* Added good and evil gumps
* Decorated the Necro temple in New Haven
* Fixed some layering issues, particularly with hair
* Players should be able to open quivers while they’re equipped
* Names should not get cut off in the trade gump
* Fixed several issues with riding animations
* Added savage paperdoll art
* Polished human and elf paperdolls
* Polished a number of house and terrain tiles
* Polished character select screen
* Fixed bug with lockdowns/storage numbers not displaying correctly
* Polished a number of gumps
* Polished a number of items
* Polished a number of wearables
* Creatures with alternate death animations should be able to use both now
* Added Pet Command macro icon art
* Added Ship Control macro icon art (both of these are designed to be used with the appropriate "say" macros – full macro options are forthcoming)
* Object handles have a larger close button
* Fixed a bug where names in the ignore list would overlap one another
* Added "Show Shadows" option to the User Settings – turn this off to improve performance
* Fixed bugs with the "Wait for Target" and "Cursor Target Last" macros
* Adjusted the way gameplay window resolution is handled to improve sharpness
* The game can now be maximized in windowed mode and/or set to your desired size via click-and-dragging
* Hairstylist changes should now show immediately, not just after logout/login
* Ethereal mounts should actually be ethereal
* Character sheet no longer opens automatically when paperdoll is opened. You can now open the character sheet by double-clicking on the player status bar
* Cave mouths should now look much better
* Tweaked size of many monsters
* Polished Prism of Light, Sanctuary, and some of Paroxymus areas
* Items should stay where you put them in Grid Mode
* Added the ability to remap mouse buttons, including the scroll wheel "click" function
* Partial fix for items in houses disappearing if they’re too high (Known Issue: stacks of chests still get cut off)
* Added Arm/Disarm Macro
* Polished chat window, including a dropdown menu for channel commands if you prefer not to use slash commands
* Fixed bug that caused pet window to not always be created properly on login
* Fixed issues with selecting a material type when crafting
=Japanese patch notes=
=Japanese patch notes=

Latest revision as of 01:58, 15 March 2017

Patch Notes from 2007-07-16-2

English patch notes

KR Client vers.

  • While customizing a house, the eyedropper and erase tools will highlight the currently selected tile
  • Players should properly see the world in black and white when dead
  • Fixed a few crash bugs
  • Bushido and Ninjitsu ability icons should correctly change color when activated
  • Faces should not have "halos"
  • Fur cape should have the correct image
  • Added good and evil gumps
  • Decorated the Necro temple in New Haven
  • Fixed some layering issues, particularly with hair
  • Players should be able to open quivers while they’re equipped
  • Names should not get cut off in the trade gump
  • Fixed several issues with riding animations
  • Added savage paperdoll art
  • Polished human and elf paperdolls
  • Polished a number of house and terrain tiles
  • Polished character select screen
  • Fixed bug with lockdowns/storage numbers not displaying correctly
  • Polished a number of gumps
  • Polished a number of items
  • Polished a number of wearables
  • Creatures with alternate death animations should be able to use both now
  • Added Pet Command macro icon art
  • Added Ship Control macro icon art (both of these are designed to be used with the appropriate "say" macros – full macro options are forthcoming)
  • Object handles have a larger close button
  • Fixed a bug where names in the ignore list would overlap one another
  • Added "Show Shadows" option to the User Settings – turn this off to improve performance
  • Fixed bugs with the "Wait for Target" and "Cursor Target Last" macros
  • Adjusted the way gameplay window resolution is handled to improve sharpness
  • The game can now be maximized in windowed mode and/or set to your desired size via click-and-dragging
  • Hairstylist changes should now show immediately, not just after logout/login
  • Ethereal mounts should actually be ethereal
  • Character sheet no longer opens automatically when paperdoll is opened. You can now open the character sheet by double-clicking on the player status bar
  • Cave mouths should now look much better
  • Tweaked size of many monsters
  • Polished Prism of Light, Sanctuary, and some of Paroxymus areas
  • Items should stay where you put them in Grid Mode
  • Added the ability to remap mouse buttons, including the scroll wheel "click" function
  • Partial fix for items in houses disappearing if they’re too high (Known Issue: stacks of chests still get cut off)
  • Added Arm/Disarm Macro
  • Polished chat window, including a dropdown menu for channel commands if you prefer not to use slash commands
  • Fixed bug that caused pet window to not always be created properly on login
  • Fixed issues with selecting a material type when crafting

Japanese patch notes

Note: this patch log was originally published in Japanese, and has been translated using Google Translate.

  • By customizing the house, the eyedropper tool and the eraser tool will correctly highlight the currently selected part.
  • Black and white screen at player's death will be displayed correctly.
  • Some crash bugs are fixed.
  • When activated, the Bushido and Ninjutsu icons will change color correctly.
  • The backlight effect of the face disappears.
  • Skin Cape image will be correct.
  • A screen about Good and Evil will be added.
  • Necro Temple of New Haven is decorated.
  • Especially problems of several layers related to hair are fixed.
  • The quiver will be able to open the inside even with the equipment equipped.
  • Name display in transaction window will be correct.
  • Several problems with the horse riding animation are fixed.
  • Savage's paper doll image will be added.
  • Human and elf paper doll will be improved.
  • Topography and house tiles will be improved.
  • The character selection screen is improved.
  • Lockdown, problems that the number of storage was not displayed correctly will be fixed.
  • A number of window improvements will be made.
  • A number of items are improved.
  • A number of clothing improvements will be made.
  • When an organism has two death animations, both will be used.
  • Macro icon of pet command and ship command is added. These are now to be used as Say macros, but will be provided as a separate macro option in the future.
  • The object handle is improved.
  • The problem that the disregard list display was wrong is fixed.
  • "Show Shadows" option is added to user setting. Turning this option off improves performance.
  • Bugs related to "Wait for Target" and "Cursor Target Last" are fixed.
  • The way the resolution of the game play window is handled is adjusted to improve sharpness.
  • You will be able to maximize the game window. You can also drag the window to change it to any size. As a result, the "resolution in window mode" item disappears from the "Graphics" item in "User setting".
  • The hair style change screen will come out soon even if you do not log out and log back in.
  • The display of the Ethical Leader is correct.
  • The character sheet will not be displayed automatically even if you open the paper doll. For the character sheet, click on the status bar to display it.
  • The indication of cave entrance will be improved.
  • The size of several monsters will be adjusted.
  • Some areas of Prism of Light, Sanctuary, Paroxymus are improved.
  • In the grid mode backpack, the position where the item is placed will be memorized.
  • You can rearrange the mouse buttons including clicking of the mouse scroll wheel button.
  • Some problems will be corrected which make it impossible to see if items are stacked considerably high at home. However, there are things such as chest that have not been modified yet.
  • Arm and Disarm macros are added.
  • Improve the chat window, including adding that you can use the channel command drop down menu if you do not want to use the slash command.
  • The problem that the pet window does not display correctly whenever you log in will be fixed.
  • Problems related to selection of material type in production menu are corrected.

Japanese version

  • 家のカスタマイズで、スポイトツールや消しゴムツールは、現在選択しているパーツを正しくハイライトするようになります。
  • プレイヤー死亡時の白黒画面が正しく表示されるようになります。
  • いくつかのクラッシュバグが修正されます。
  • アクティブになった場合、武士道、忍術のアイコンは正しく色が変わるようになります。
  • 顔の後光効果がなくなります。
  • 皮のケープの画像が正しくなります。
  • GoodとEvilに関する画面が追加されます。
  • ニューヘイブンのネクロ寺院が装飾されます。
  • 特に髪に関するいくつかのレイヤーの問題が修正されます。
  • 矢筒は、装備した状態でも中を開けることが出来るようになります。
  • 取引ウインドウでの名前表示が正しくなります。
  • 騎乗アニメーションの問題がいくつか修正されます。
  • サベージのペーパードール画像が追加されます。
  • ヒューマンとエルフのペーパードールが改善されます。
  • 地形や家のタイルが改善されます。
  • キャラクター選択画面が改善されます。
  • ロックダウン、ストレージの数が正しく表示されていなかった問題が修正されます。
  • ウインドウの改善がいくつも行われます。
  • アイテムの改善がいくつも行われます。
  • 衣類の改善がいくつも行われます。
  • 生物が2つの死亡アニメーションを持つ場合、両方利用されるようになります。
  • ペットコマンドと船コマンドのマクロアイコンが追加されます。これらは、現在Sayマクロとして利用するようになっていますが、将来的には、別のマクロオプションとして提供される予定です。
  • オブジェクトハンドルが改善されます。
  • 無視リストの表示がおかしかった問題が修正されます。
  • ユーザー設定に「Show Shadows」オプションが追加されます。このオプションをオフにすればパフォーマンスが改善されます。
  • 「Wait for Target」、「Cursor Target Last」に関するバグが修正されます。
  • 鮮明さを改善するためにゲームプレイウインドウの解像度が取り扱われる方法が調整されます。
  • ゲームウインドウの最大化が行えるようになります。またウインドウをドラッグして任意のサイズに変更することも出来るようになります。これにより、「ユーザー設定」の「グラフィック」の項目から、「ウィンドウモード時の解像度」の項目がなくなります。
  • ログアウトしてログインし直さなくても髪型変更の画面がすぐに出るようになります。
  • エセリアル騎乗生物の表示が正しくなります。
  • ペーパードールを開いてもキャラクターシートが自動的に表示されなくなります。キャラクターシートは、ステータスバーをWクリックして表示させます。
  • 洞穴の入口の表示が改善されます。
  • いくつものモンスターのサイズが調整されます。
  • Prism of Light、Sanctuary、Paroxymusの一部のエリアが改善されます。
  • グリッドモードのバックパックで、アイテムを置いた位置が記憶されるようになります。
  • マウスのスクロールホイールボタンのクリックも含め、マウスボタンの再配置が行えるようになります。
  • 家でアイテムをかなり高く積み上げると見えなくなる問題が一部修正されます。ただし、チェストなどまだ修正されていないものがあります。
  • Arm、Disarmのマクロが追加されます。
  • スラッシュコマンドを使用したくない場合に、チャンネルコマンドのドロップダウンメニューを利用することが出来るようになるという追加を含む、チャットウインドウの改善が行われます。
  • ペットウインドウがログインしたときに常に正しく表示されない問題が修正されます。
  • 生産メニューの素材タイプの選択に関する問題が修正されます。