Rare EM Books




UO-Item-4082-133.pngA Boogieman's In Your Closet

UO-Item-4082-1195.pngA First Edition Copy Of A Grammar Of Orcish By Yorick Of Yew

UO-Item-4082-921.pngA Page From A Diary

UO-Item-4082-138.pngA Political Call to Anarchy, by Lord Blackthorn (First Edition)

UO-Item-4082-33.pngA Thank You

UO-Item-4082-38.pngAdgangskode (name in lower case)

UO-Item-4082-38.pngAdgangskode (spell words)

UO-Item-4082-432.pngGarkin's Research

UO-Item-4082-237.pngNo One Never Not

UO-Item-4082-14.pngOblivion: Chaos and Sorrow, Ice Within my Soul, by Xcio the Infernal

UO-Item-4082-93.pngOn the Diversity of Our Land, by Lord Blackthorn (First Edition)

UO-Item-4082-2.pngOuroboros: A Study

UO-Item-4082-39.pngSearch and Destroy

UO-Item-4082-502.pngThe Daemon's Playground: A Direct Your Own Fate Adventure!

UO-Item-4082-99.pngThe Veil, Volume One

UO-Item-4082-1195.pngTo My Dear Friends.

UO-Item-4082-135.pngTome of Love


UO-Item-4082-232.pngAn Unusual Collection of Recipes

UO-Item-17080-1209.pngBaja's 2017 Cookbook

UO-Item-4082-1445.pngBaja's 2018 Cookbook


UO-Item-4082-73.pngVengeance The Gift (Hue 73)

UO-Item-4082-88.pngVengeance The Gift (Hue 88)

UO-Item-4082-232.pngVote Receipt


UO-Item-17080-1988.pngMaster Archivist

UO-Item-4082-1281.pngRoyal Britannian Guard


UO-Item-4082-2012.png*Tattered Journal*

UO-Item-4082-2012.pngAncient Tome

UO-Item-4082-2012.pngArchaeologist's Journal

UO-Item-4082-2012.pngDiscarded Notes

UO-Item-4082-2012.pngPersonal Journal

UO-Item-4082-2012.pngThe Madness Of Vulcan

UO-Item-4082-351.pngThe Saga Of The Poseidon's Fury


UO-Item-4082-351.pngDas Hinweise Buch

UO-Item-4082-48.pngThank You Drachenfels

UO-Item-17080-2070.pngThe Book Of Grimm's Fairy Tales

UO-Item-4082-351.pngThe Hints Book


UO-Item-4081-971.pngA Sealed Letter

Great Lakes


UO-Item-4081-173.pngFinarfin's Harvest

UO-Item-4081-201.pngFind Inu!

UO-Item-4082-1153.pngJustin's Diary 92-30

UO-Item-4082-1153.pngJustin's Note 514

UO-Item-4082-1153.pngKenneth's Diary 422

UO-Item-4082-1153.pngKenneth's Diary, 410

UO-Item-4082-1153.pngKenneth's Diary, 45

UO-Item-4081-298.pngVRG Training 1.4

Japanese Books

UO-Item-4082-566.pngA Weathered Journal

UO-Item-4082-2500.pngObservations of BR

UO-Item-4082-1166.pngScavenger List (version 1)

UO-Item-4082-1166.pngScavenger List (version 2)

UO-Item-4082-1166.pngScavenger List (version 3)

UO-Item-4082-1166.pngScavenger List (version 4)

UO-Item-4082-2500.pngThis Olde Ship

Lake Austin

UO-Item-4082-46.pngA Mauled Journal

UO-Item-4082-23.pngOfficial Certification


UO-Item-4082-587.pngHealers Log

Napa Valley

UO-Item-4081-68.pngBotanical Research (version 1)

UO-Item-4082-773.pngBotanical Research (version 2)

UO-Item-4082-38.pngSearch Orders


UO-Item-4082-53.png1st Clue (Hue 53)

UO-Item-4082-63.png1st Clue (Hue 63)

UO-Item-4082-2.pngArachnid Libram

UO-Item-4082-1750.pngDiversity Of Our Land

UO-Item-4082-1750.pngPolitic Call To Anarchy

UO-Item-4082-57.pngRare Animals - Vol I (hue 57)

UO-Item-4082-62.pngRare Animals - Vol I (hue 62)

UO-Item-4082-77.pngRare Animals - Vol I (hue 77)

UO-Item-4082-388.pngRare Animals Vol II (hue 388)

UO-Item-4082-687.pngRare Animals Vol II (hue 687)

UO-Item-4082-88.pngRare Animals Vol II (hue 88)

UO-Item-4082-137.pngThe Serpent Codex


UO-Item-4082-432.pngI Survived Summerfest

UO-Item-4082-42.pngLuscious Apple Cider


UO-Item-4082-566.pngDaemonic Language

UO-Item-4082-43.pngMarching Orders

Siege Perilous

UO-Item-4082-32.pngEvil Archmage Handbook


UO-Item-4082-16.pngA Letter To Mary

UO-Item-4082-38.pngNoella's Tale

UO-Item-4081-3.pngTo The Royal Guard