Difference between revisions of "UO:Semidar"

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|body_text = <!-- ------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| alignment =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| autoDispel = false
Semidar is the Champion of the Abyss Spawn. She is about twice the size of a normal Succubus. Semidar has the same life draining abilities that the normal Succubus and in addition to that she also has a very dangerous melee attack. She has a very strong dislike for male characters and will reflect any spells they cast on her back onto them and heal herself in the process. A single fireball cast by a male mage can sometimes be suicide even from full health. Female characters are not affected by this ability and are free to cast as many spells as they please, without getting any damage reflected. As a male character, the only way to prevent the spell reflection is to polymorph into the shape of a female. That way you won't get any spells reflected. When Semidar is killed in Felucca, a Scroll of Power will be placed in the backpack of some of the players who damaged her. Additionally one of those who damaged her will also get a "Skull of Pain", which is one of the six skulls needed to summon the Harrower.
| bardingNotes =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| body_text = Semidar is the Champion of the Abyss Spawn. She is about twice the size of a normal Succubus. Semidar has the same life draining abilities that the normal Succubus and in addition to that she also has a very dangerous melee attack. She has a very strong dislike for male characters and will reflect any spells they cast on her back onto them and heal herself in the process. A single fireball cast by a male mage can sometimes be suicide even from full health. Female characters are not affected by this ability and are free to cast as many spells as they please, without getting any damage reflected. As a male character, the only way to prevent the spell reflection is to polymorph into the shape of a female. That way you won't get any spells reflected. When Semidar is killed in Felucca, a Scroll of Power will be placed in the backpack of some of the players who damaged her. Additionally one of those who damaged her will also get a "Skull of Pain", which is one of the six skulls needed to summon the Harrower.
|combatStrategy = <!-- ------------------------------------------------------ -->
| bodytype =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| carvedOther =
| classification =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| combatStrategy =  
|taming_notes = <!-- -------------------------------------------------------- -->
| disableParagon = true
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| dragonBlood =
| dragonScaleBlack =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| dragonScaleBlue =
|bardingNotes = <!-- ------------------------------------------------------- -->
| dragonScaleGreen =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| dragonScaleRed =
| dragonScaleWhite =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| dragonScaleYellow =
|trivia_text = <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
| fame = 24000
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| feathers =
| firstSeen = 2001-03: UO: Third Dawn
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
| found = Abyss Champion Spawn
|firstSeen = Third Dawn
| hues =
|spawning =
| karma = -24000
|summonable =
| loot_base = magic items
|summonPage =
| loot_gold = 6000-6500
|polymorphable =
| loot_special = Level 5 Treasure Map, Gladiator's Collar (Replica), Lava (waterfall tiles), Demon Skull, Lieutenant of The Britannian Royal Guard (Replica), Royal Guard Survival Knife (Replica), The Most Knowledge Person, Skull of Pain
|polymorphPage =
| loot_stealing =
|statue =
| loyaltyPoints =
|statuePage =
| mountskill =
|alignment =
| name = Semidar
|found = Abyss Champion Spawn
| pileHidesB =
|fame = 5
| pileHidesH =
|karma = 5
| pileHidesN =
|loyaltyPoints = none
| pileHidesS =
|magicLevel =  
| poisonLevel =
|poisonLevel = Magical Poison
| polymorphable = false
|abilities = Life Drain Attack. Reflects damage back to male magic-users.
| polymorphPage =
|mountskill =  
| questPage =
|questPage =  
| rangedAttack = none
|damagePhysical = 75
| rawBird =
|damageFire = 25
| rawChicken =
|damageCold = 0
| rawLamb =
|damagePoison = 0
| rawRibs =
|damageEnergy = 0
| slayer = Demon
|baseDamage = 29 - 35 HP
| spawning = true
|min_resistPhysical = 20
| speed =
|max_resistPhysical = 30
| statue = false
|min_resistFire = 50
| statuePage =
|max_resistFire = 60
| subdueRequired = false
|min_resistCold = 20
| summonable = false
|max_resistCold = 30
| summonPage =
|min_resistPoison = 20
| tameable = false
|max_resistPoison = 30
| taming =
|min_resistEnergy = 10
| taming_notes =  
|max_resistEnergy = 20
| trainableAreaEffect =
|autoDispel = No
| trainableMagicalAbility =
|rangedAttack = none
| trainableSpecialAbility =
|slayer = Demon
| trainableSpecialMove =
|speed = Very Fast
| trivia_text =
|specialAttack =  
| unloreable = false
|min_hits = 10000
<!-- Everything below this point is generated from Animal Lore readings. Do not edit.  -->
|max_hits = 10000
<!--storedLores = []-->
|min_stam = 103
| min_hits =
|max_stam = 250
| max_hits =
|min_mana = 601
| min_stam =
|max_mana = 750
| max_stam =  
|min_str= 502
| min_mana =
|max_str= 600
| max_mana =
|min_dex= 102
| min_str =
|max_dex= 200
| max_str =  
|min_int= 601
| min_dex =
|max_int= 750
| max_dex =
|loot_gold = 6000 - 6500 Gold.
| min_int =
Magic Items
| max_int =  
| bardingDifficulty =  
| min_hpr =  
| max_hpr =  
| min_stamRegen =  
| max_stamRegen =  
| min_manaRegen =  
| max_manaRegen =  
| min_resistPhysical =  
| max_resistPhysical =  
| min_resistFire =  
| max_resistFire =  
| min_resistCold =  
| max_resistCold =  
| min_resistPoison =  
| max_resistPoison =  
| min_resistEnergy =  
| max_resistEnergy =  
| damagePhysical =  
| damageFire =  
| damageCold =  
| damagePoison =  
| damageEnergy =  
| baseDamage = ?-?
| min_wrestling =
| max_wrestling =
| min_tactics =
| max_tactics =
| min_resist =
| max_resist =
| min_anatomy =
| max_anatomy =
| min_healing =
| max_healing =
| min_poison =
| max_poison =
| min_detectingHidden =
| max_detectingHidden =
| min_hiding =
| max_hiding =
| min_parrying =
| max_parrying =
| min_magery =
| max_magery =
| min_eval =
| max_eval =
| min_med =
| max_med =
| min_necro =
| max_necro =
| min_spiritSpeak =
| max_spiritSpeak =
| min_mysticism =
| max_mysticism =
| min_focus =
| max_focus =
| min_spellweaving =
| max_spellweaving =
| min_discordance =
| max_discordance =
| min_bushido =
| max_bushido =
| min_ninjitsu =
| max_ninjitsu =
| min_chivalry =  
| max_chivalry =  
| eats_BlackrockStew = No
| eats_Crops = No
| eats_Eggs = No
| eats_Fish = No
| eats_FruitVeg = No
| eats_Gold = No
| eats_Grain = No
| eats_Hay = No
| eats_Leather = No
| eats_Meat = No
| eats_Metal = No
| instinct_Arachnid = No
| instinct_Bear = No
| instinct_Bull = No
| instinct_Canine = No
| instinct_Daemon = No
| instinct_Equine = No
| instinct_Feline = No
| instinct_Ostard = No
| instinct_Raptor = No
| instinct_None = No
| controlslots =  
| maxcontrolslots =  
| specialAttack =  
| magicLevel = unknown
| bardable = true
| readings = 0
Special: Level 5 Treasure Map
|loot_base =
|loot_special =
|loot_carved =
|loot_harvester =
|loot_stealing =
|bardable =
|bardingDifficulty =
|tameable =
|taming = -
|controlslots =
|subdueRequired =
|min_anatomy = 0.0
|max_anatomy = 0.0
|min_eval = 95.1
|max_eval = 100.0
|min_healing = 0
|max_healing = 0
|min_magery = 90.0
|max_magery = 105.0
|min_resist = 120.2
|max_resist = 140.0
|min_med = 95.1
|max_med = 100.0
|min_poison = 0
|max_poison = 0
|min_tactics = 90.1
|max_tactics = 105.0
|min_wrestling = 90.1
|max_wrestling = 105.0
|packInstinct = none
|eats_Crops = false
|eats_Eggs = false
|eats_Fish = false
|eats_FruitVeg = false
|eats_Grain = false
|eats_Hay = false
|eats_Leather = false
|eats_Meat = false
|eats_Metal = false
|eats_Special =
|FamilyTree =
|Mobile =
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->

Latest revision as of 15:53, 24 August 2017


UO-Semidar-cc-animated.gif Upload a picture
Classic client Enhanced client
Basic Stats
Alignment unknown
Magic Level unknown
Poison Level unknown
Loyalty Points unknown
Fame 24000 
Fame (Felucca) ≈ 31200 
Karma -24000 
Karma (Felucca) ≈ -31200 
When was this mobile added to the game?First Seen? 2001-03: UO: Third Dawn
Is this mobile still spawning somewhere in the game?Spawning? Yes
Found Where? (old) Abyss Champion Spawn
Found Where? (new) Nox Tereg
Teper Tervasarb
Can this mobile be tamed?Tameable? No
Bodytype #(s) unknown
Hue #(s) unknown
Can this mobile be mounted?Mountable? No
Can you 'summon' this mobile in some way (other than from your stable)?Summonable? No
Can you polymorph into this body form in some wayPolymorphable? No
Is this mobile only seen while on a quest? If so, which quest?Quest only? No
Does a statue version of this mobile exist?Statue form? No
Gold 6000-6500 gp
Base Loot magic items
Special Loot Demon Skull
Gladiator's Collar (Replica)
Lava (waterfall tiles)
Level 5 Treasure Map
Lieutenant of The Britannian Royal Guard (Replica)
Royal Guard Survival Knife (Replica)
Skull of Pain
The Most Knowledge Person
Stealing unknown
Semidar is the Champion of the Abyss Spawn. She is about twice the size of a normal Succubus. Semidar has the same life draining abilities that the normal Succubus and in addition to that she also has a very dangerous melee attack. She has a very strong dislike for male characters and will reflect any spells they cast on her back onto them and heal herself in the process. A single fireball cast by a male mage can sometimes be suicide even from full health. Female characters are not affected by this ability and are free to cast as many spells as they please, without getting any damage reflected. As a male character, the only way to prevent the spell reflection is to polymorph into the shape of a female. That way you won't get any spells reflected. When Semidar is killed in Felucca, a Scroll of Power will be placed in the backpack of some of the players who damaged her. Additionally one of those who damaged her will also get a "Skull of Pain", which is one of the six skulls needed to summon the Harrower.


Base Damage ?-?
Ranged Attack none
Slayer Demon
Anti-Slayer None
Speed unknown
Does this mobile auto-dispel summons?Auto-Dispel? No
Special Moves & Abilities unknown

Data is based on 0 reports.

Damage and Resistances

Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Damage unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Resist (min) unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Resist (avg) unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Resist (max) unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown

HP Stamina Mana Strength Dexterity Intelligence
min unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Hit Point Regeneration Stamina Regeneration Mana Regeneration
min unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown


Barding Difficulty: unknown

Barding Notes: No notes have yet been added.


Tameable?: No

Pack Instincts:  unknown



Anatomy Detecting Hidden Healing Hiding Magic Resist Parrying Poisoning Tactics Wrestling
min unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown

Lore & Knowledge:

Bushido Chivalry Discordance Eval Int Focus Magery Meditation Mysticism Necromancy Ninjitsu Spellweaving Spirit Speak
min unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown

Data is based on 0 reports.

