Difference between revisions of "UO:Imp"

m (Updating the mob's info.)
m (Updating the mob's info.)
(18 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 2: Line 2:
| alignment = Neutral (grey)
| alignment = Neutral (grey)
| autoDispel = false
| autoDispel = false
| bardable = false
| bardingNotes =  
| bardingNotes =  
| body_text = Originally seen as a red mongbat, these can cast a small array of spells, which includes mass curse and a nasty flamestrike. They have about as many hit points as the subterranean variety of mongbat.  Their peculiarly jerky animation and green color can make them hard to target.
| body_text = Originally seen as a red mongbat, these can cast a small array of spells, which includes mass curse and a nasty flamestrike. They have about as many hit points as the subterranean variety of mongbat.  Their peculiarly jerky animation and green color can make them hard to target.
| bodytype = 74
| bodytype = 74
| carvedOther =
| classification = Clawed, Magical, Necromantic, Tailed
| combatStrategy =  
| combatStrategy =  
| disableParagon = false
| disableParagon = false
| dragonBlood = 0
| dragonScaleBlack = 0
| dragonScaleBlue = 0
| dragonScaleGreen = 0
| dragonScaleRed = 0
| dragonScaleWhite = 0
| dragonScaleYellow = 0
| fame = 2500
| fame = 2500
| feathers = 0
| firstSeen = 1998-10: UO: The Second Age
| firstSeen = 1998-10: UO: The Second Age
| found = Abyss Champion Spawn, Ankh Dungeon, Blood Dungeon, Blood Dungeon Entrance, Burned Forest, Cyclops Dungeon, Cyclops Valley, Hedge Maze, Honesty Moongate, Humility Jungle, Hythloth Level 1, Hythloth Level 2, Hythloth Level 3, Hythloth Level 4, Justice Moongate, Lost Lands Desert, Montor, Montor Desert, Nox Tereg, Sanctuary, Stygian Abyss - Abyssal Lair Entrance, Undead Camp, Volcanic Lair Entrance, Wind, Wisp Dungeon Entrance, Wisp Dungeon Level 4, Wyrm Mountain, Wyvern Point
| found = Abyss Champion Spawn, Ankh Dungeon, Blood Dungeon, Blood Dungeon Entrance, Burned Forest, Cyclops Dungeon, Cyclops Valley, Hedge Maze, Honesty Moongate, Humility Jungle, Hythloth Level 1, Hythloth Level 2, Hythloth Level 3, Hythloth Level 4, Justice Moongate, Lost Lands Desert, Montor, Montor Desert, Nox Tereg, Sanctuary, Stygian Abyss - Abyssal Lair Entrance, Undead Camp, Volcanic Lair Entrance, Wind, Wisp Dungeon Entrance, Wisp Dungeon Level 4, Wyrm Mountain, Wyvern Point
| hues =  
| hues = 0
| karma = -2500
| karma = -2500
| loot_base = 1 Low Level Mage Scroll
| loot_base = 1 Low Level Mage Scroll
| loot_carved = 6 Spined Hides, 1 Raw Rib
| loot_gold = 50-100
| loot_gold = 50-100
| loot_harvester =
| loot_special =  
| loot_special =  
| loot_stealing =  
| loot_stealing =  
| loyaltyPoints =  
| loyaltyPoints = 2
| mountskill =  
| mountskill =  
| name = Imp
| name = Imp
| pileHidesB = 0
| pileHidesH = 0
| pileHidesN = 0
| pileHidesS = 6
| poisonLevel =  
| poisonLevel =  
| polymorphable = false
| polymorphable = false
Line 27: Line 38:
| questPage =  
| questPage =  
| rangedAttack = none
| rangedAttack = none
| rawBird = 0
| rawChicken = 0
| rawLamb = 0
| rawRibs = 1
| slayer = Demon
| slayer = Demon
| spawning = true
| spawning = true
| specialAttack =
| speed = Medium
| speed = Medium
| statue = false
| statue = false
Line 36: Line 50:
| summonable = false
| summonable = false
| summonPage =  
| summonPage =  
| tameable = false
| tameable = true
| taming =  
| taming = 83.1
| taming_notes =  
| taming_notes =  
| trainableAreaEffect = Aura of Energy, Aura of Nausea, Essence of Disease, Essence of Earth, Explosive Goo, Poison Breath
| trainableMagicalAbility = Bashing, Chivalry, Discordance, Magery Mastery, Mysticism, Necromage, Necromancy, Piercing, Poisoning, Slashing, Spellweaving, Wrestling Mastery
| trainableSpecialAbility = Angry Fire, Conductive Blast, Dragon Breath, Grasping Claw, Inferno, Life Leech, Lightning Force, Mana Drain, Raging Breath, Repel, Searing Wounds, Tail Swipe, Vicious Bite
| trainableSpecialMove = Armor Ignore, Armor Pierce, Bladeweave, Bleed, Cold Wind, Concussion Blow, Crushing Blow, Dismount, Feint, Force of Nature, Frenzied Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, Nerve Strike, Paralyze, Psychic Attack, Talon Strike
| trivia_text =  
| trivia_text =  
| unloreable = false
<!-- Everything below this point is generated from Animal Lore readings.  Do not edit.  -->
<!--storedLores = [[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,3,4,[],["Daemon"]],[null,null,null,null,null,null,70,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[],[]],[null,null,null,null,null,null,70,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[],[]],[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,3,4,[],["Daemon"],"Magery"],[55,81,109,101,81,109,71.6,0,0,0,31,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,10,14,40.2,48.6,47.9,2,0,0,40,0,0,90.3,28.4,15.9,20,20,0,30.4,0,0,0,0,0,null,null,"Meat","Daemon"],[57,78,96,97,78,96,70,0,0,0,28,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,10,14,42.3,42.2,44.9,0,0,0,40,0,0,91.3,24.6,2,20,20,0,10.6,0,0,0,0,0,null,null,"Meat","Daemon"],[58,75,107,97,75,107,71.1,0,0,0,27,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,10,14,41.1,42.4,37.7,1,0,0,40,0,0,96.7,25.2,17.6,20,20,0,27.5,0,0,0,0,0,null,null,"Meat","Daemon"],[68,65,97,106,65,97,68.9,0,0,0,30,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,10,14,40.1,49.5,35.2,0,0,0,40,0,0,92.6,22.3,0,20,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,null,null,"Meat","Daemon"],[65,66,94,109,66,94,70.6,0,0,0,30,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,10,14,41.8,44.9,37.2,3,0,0,40,0,0,96.1,27.7,3.9,20,20,0,25.4,0,0,0,0,0,null,null,"Meat","Daemon"],[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,25,40,20,30,30,0,50,0,50,0,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[],[],""],[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,35,50,30,40,40,0,50,0,50,0,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[],[],""],[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,0,50,0,50,0,10,14,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,3,4,["Meat"],["Daemon"],"Magery"]]-->
| min_hits = 55
| max_hits = 68
| min_stam = 65
| max_stam = 81
| min_mana = 94
| max_mana = 109
| min_str = 97
| max_str = 109
| min_dex = 65
| max_dex = 81
| min_int = 94
| max_int = 109
| bardingDifficulty = 68.9 - 71.6
| min_hpr = 0
| max_hpr = 0
| min_stamRegen = 0
| max_stamRegen = 0
| min_manaRegen = 0
| max_manaRegen = 0
| min_resistPhysical = 25
| max_resistPhysical = 35
| min_resistFire = 40
| max_resistFire = 50
| min_resistCold = 20
| max_resistCold = 30
| min_resistPoison = 30
| max_resistPoison = 40
| min_resistEnergy = 30
| max_resistEnergy = 40
| damagePhysical = 0
| damageFire = 50
| damageCold = 0
| damagePoison = 50
| damageEnergy = 0
| baseDamage = 10-14
| min_wrestling = 40.1
| max_wrestling = 42.3
| min_tactics = 42.2
| max_tactics = 49.5
| min_resist = 35.2
| max_resist = 47.9
| min_anatomy = 0
| max_anatomy = 3
| min_healing = 0
| max_healing = 0
| min_poison = 0
| max_poison = 0
| min_detectingHidden = 40
| max_detectingHidden = 40
| min_hiding = 0
| max_hiding = 0
| min_parrying = 0
| max_parrying = 0
| min_magery = 90.3
| max_magery = 96.7
| min_eval = 22.3
| max_eval = 28.4
| min_med = 0
| max_med = 17.6
| min_necro = 20
| max_necro = 20
| min_spiritSpeak = 20
| max_spiritSpeak = 20
| min_mysticism = 0
| max_mysticism = 0
| min_focus = 0
| max_focus = 30.4
| min_spellweaving = 0
| max_spellweaving = 0
| min_discordance = 0
| max_discordance = 0
| min_bushido = 0
| max_bushido = 0
| min_ninjitsu = 0
| max_ninjitsu = 0
| min_chivalry = 0
| max_chivalry = 0
| eats_BlackrockStew = No
| eats_Crops = No
| eats_Eggs = No
| eats_Fish = No
| eats_FruitVeg = No
| eats_Gold = No
| eats_Grain = No
| eats_Hay = No
| eats_Leather = No
| eats_Meat = Yes
| eats_Metal = No
| eats_None = No
| instinct_Arachnid = No
| instinct_Bear = No
| instinct_Bull = No
| instinct_Canine = No
| instinct_Daemon = Yes
| instinct_Equine = No
| instinct_Feline = No
| instinct_Ostard = No
| instinct_Raptor = No
| instinct_None = No
| packText = Daemon
| controlslots = 3
| maxcontrolslots = 4
| specialAttack = Magery
| magicLevel = Apprentice
| magicLevel2 = Journeyman
| bardable = true
| readings = 12
|magicLevel = Master
|damagePhysical = 0
|damageFire = 50
|damageCold = 0
|damagePoison = 50
|damageEnergy = 0
|baseDamage = 10-14
|min_resistPhysical = 25
|max_resistPhysical = 35
|min_resistFire = 40
|max_resistFire = 50
|min_resistCold = 20
|max_resistCold = 30
|min_resistPoison = 30
|max_resistPoison = 40
|min_resistEnergy = 30
|max_resistEnergy = 40
|min_hits = 55
|max_hits = 69
|min_stam = 61
|max_stam = 80
|min_mana = 86
|max_mana = 110
|min_str= 91
|max_str= 115
|min_dex= 61
|max_dex= 80
|min_int= 86
|max_int= 110
|bardingDifficulty =
|controlslots = 2
|min_anatomy = 0.0
|max_anatomy = 0.0
|min_eval = 20.1
|max_eval = 30.0
|min_healing = 0
|max_healing = 0
|min_magery = 90.1
|max_magery = 100.0
|min_resist = 30.1
|max_resist = 50.0
|min_med = 0.0
|max_med = 0.0
|min_poison = 0
|max_poison = 0
|min_tactics = 42.1
|max_tactics = 50.0
|min_wrestling = 40.1
|max_wrestling = 44.0
|packInstinct = Daemon
|eats_Crops = false
|eats_Eggs = false
|eats_Fish = false
|eats_FruitVeg = false
|eats_Grain = false
|eats_Hay = false
|eats_Leather = false
|eats_Meat = true
|eats_Metal = false
|eats_Special =

Latest revision as of 22:04, 9 July 2017


UO-Imp-cc-animated.gif UO-Imp-kr.png UO-EC-bodytype-74.png
Classic client Kingdom Reborn client
Enhanced client
Basic Stats
Alignment Neutral (grey)
Magic Level apprentice
Poison Level unknown
Loyalty Points 2
Fame 2500 ᵇ
Fame (Felucca) ≈ 3250 ᵇ
Karma -2500 ᵇ
Karma (Felucca) ≈ -3250 ᵇ
+40% if paragon.
When was this mobile added to the game?First Seen? 1998-10: UO: The Second Age
Is this mobile still spawning somewhere in the game?Spawning? Yes
Found Where? (old) Abyss Champion Spawn
Ankh Dungeon
Blood Dungeon
Blood Dungeon Entrance
Burned Forest
Cyclops Dungeon
Cyclops Valley
Hedge Maze
Honesty Moongate
Humility Jungle
Hythloth Level 4
Hythloth Level 1
Hythloth Level 2
Hythloth Level 3
Justice Moongate
Lost Lands Desert
Montor Desert
Nox Tereg
Stygian Abyss - Abyssal Lair Entrance
Undead Camp
Volcanic Lair Entrance
Wisp Dungeon Entrance
Wisp Dungeon Level 4
Wyrm Mountain
Wyvern Point
Found Where? (new) Alexandretta's Bowl
Anordkor Tereg
Central Ilshenar
Desert Outpost (east)
Desert Outpost (west)
Ankh Dungeon
Blood Dungeon
Cyclops Dungeon
Elemental Canyon
Wisp Dungeon
Nox Tereg
Prílein Tereg
Teper Tervasarb
The Glacier
Can this mobile be tamed?Tameable? Yes
Bodytype #(s) 74
Hue #(s) 0
Can this mobile be mounted?Mountable? No
Can you 'summon' this mobile in some way (other than from your stable)?Summonable? No
Can you polymorph into this body form in some wayPolymorphable? No
Is this mobile only seen while on a quest? If so, which quest?Quest only? No
Does a statue version of this mobile exist?Statue form? No
Gold 50-100 gp
Base Loot 1 Low Level Mage Scroll
Special Loot unknown
Stealing unknown
Pile of Spined Hides
Pile of Spined Leather
Cut Of Raw Ribs
Elf/Gargoyle 6 0 1
...w/Harvester's 0 7 1
Human 7 0 1
...w/Harvester's 0 7 1
Pile of Spined Hides
Pile of Spined Leather
Cut Of Raw Ribs
Elf/Gargoyle 12 0 2
...w/Harvester's 0 13 2
Human 13 0 2
...w/Harvester's 0 15 2
Originally seen as a red mongbat, these can cast a small array of spells, which includes mass curse and a nasty flamestrike. They have about as many hit points as the subterranean variety of mongbat. Their peculiarly jerky animation and green color can make them hard to target.


Base Damage 10-14
Ranged Attack none
Slayer Demon
Anti-Slayer None
Speed medium
Does this mobile auto-dispel summons?Auto-Dispel? No
Special Moves & Abilities Magery
5 points higher if paragon.

Data is based on 12 reports.

Damage and Resistances

Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Damage 0% 50% 0% 50% 0%
Resist (min) 25% 40% 20% 30% 30%
Resist (avg) 30% 45% 25% 35% 35%
Resist (max) 35% 50% 30% 40% 40%

HP Stamina Mana Strength Dexterity Intelligence
min 55 65 94 97 65 94
avg 61.5 73 101.5 103 73 101.5
max 68 81 109 109 81 109
paragon 275 - 340   78 - 97.2   112.8 - 130.8   101.85 - 114.45   78 - 97.2   112.8 - 130.8  


Barding Difficulty: 68.9 - 71.6

Barding Notes: No notes have yet been added.


Tameable?: Yes

Skill required to attempt to tame:

1st tame: 83.1 taming
2nd retame: 87.9 taming
3rd retame: 102.3 taming
4th retame: -
5th retame: -

Pack Instincts: Daemon

Preferred Foods: Meat

Control Slots: 3 - 4



Anatomy Detecting Hidden Healing Hiding Magic Resist Parrying Poisoning Tactics Wrestling
min 0 40 0 0 35.2 0 0 42.2 40.1
avg 1.5 40 0 0 41.55 0 0 45.85 41.2
max 3 40 0 0 47.9 0 0 49.5 42.3

Lore & Knowledge:

Bushido Chivalry Discordance Eval Int Focus Magery Meditation Mysticism Necromancy Ninjitsu Spellweaving Spirit Speak
min 0 0 0 22.3 0 90.3 0 0 20 0 0 20
avg 0 0 0 25.35 15.2 93.5 8.8 0 20 0 0 20
max 0 0 0 28.4 30.4 96.7 17.6 0 20 0 0 20

Data is based on 12 reports.

Classification and Restrictions

Special Moves & Abilities

