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Latest revision as of 18:45, 31 May 2017

Global Edition

帝国からの御触れ【続報】 / Touching from the Empire 【Continuing】

Author: Imperial Press Published: October 7, 2006


本日、帝国政府は徳之諸島全域の防備を固めるべく、声明を発表しました。 ブリタニア王国とその連合自治領で発生した出来事は、皇帝陛下とその臣民にも禍いとなる怖れがあります。帝国の防備を固めるため、皇帝陛下の御名により、以下の勅命が発せられました。

ひとつ、禅都の守りを固めよ ムーンゲートを含む禅都に至るすべての要所に衛兵を配置せよ。 しかし、ただちに往来を妨げるものにあらず。

ひとつ、御所の所在地を明らかにしてはならぬ 参殿は限られた議員のみとする。

ひとつ、帝国の財宝を回収せよ 先の禅都襲撃の際に沈没船より発見された帝国の財宝は、我が領土の防備を固めるに必要不可欠なり。財宝を探し続ける者に対し、引き続きその褒章として、いくつかのアーティファクトを与える。



続  報 帝国の視察官より、徳之諸島にはびこっている魔物たちが新しい宝物を持っていることを確認したとの情報が入りました。また、これらの宝物のいくつかは奇妙な特性を持っているようであり、持ち主に危険をもたらす物なのではないかとの噂も飛び交っています。 皇帝陛下は昨今の冒険者の協力に対し、「財宝収集に助力している多くの冒険者に感謝している。勇敢な冒険者たちのさらなる協力を望む」との声明を発表しました。

Imperial Newspaper

Today, the Imperial government announced a statement to consolidate the defense throughout the Tokuno Islands. The events that occurred in the Kingdom of Britannia and its coalition government are in danger of getting hurt by the Emperor and his subjects. In order to strengthen the defense of the empire, in the name of the Emperor 's Emperor, the following imperial appeal was issued.

Please fix one defense of Zen city Arrange the guards at every point of the way to Zen, including the Moon Gate. However, it is not an obstacle to traffic immediately.

One thing, do not clarify the location of the Imperial Palace The rulers shall be limited to limited members.

One, collect the empire's treasure The empire 's treasure that was discovered from the sinking ship during the previous Zen capital attack is essential for consolidating the defense of our territory. Continue to give some artifacts to those who continue looking for treasure as their reward.

It is clear from the observation of the sinking ship that more treasures have been launched to the beach than were collected in the past. The monsters living in this area seem to be interested in the treasure that should be owned by the empire, or even once again. I command my subjects. Support full reinforcement of resumed defense.

Write down these His Majesty's words and make it a law here

Follow-up report Information from the empire's inspector confirmed that the monsters that are infested in Tokuyu Islands have confirmed that they have new treasures. Also, some of these treasures seem to have strange traits, and rumors are also rumored that they may be dangerous to the owner. His Majesty the Emperor announced a statement to the cooperation of recent adventurers, "I am thankful to many adventurers who are helping treasure treasure, wishing for further cooperation of brave adventurers."