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Revision as of 00:04, 4 September 2017

Developer Meet And Greet from 2017-08-28

This meeting was held in English. It was logged by Larisa.


Kyronix Good evening Europa!
Mesanna Good afternoon
Mesanna shall we begin
Mesanna umm
Shandara good evening
Mesanna down here please
Kyronix Greetings!
Mesanna Good evening
Shandara Lets talk about BODs
Shandara Is there plans to make the BOD Books usuable locked down and only counting as one unit?
Mesanna not at the time
Mesanna I will say this
Shandara Thank you for your time
Anna Goodward *Giggle*
Mesanna if its locked down I do not have an issue but its different if its in your pack
Mesanna Hi Anna
Anna Goodward 'ello. Long time no see
Anna Goodward *Smile*
Kyronix Hello!
Mesanna tis true
Anna Goodward I got 4 topics to address at this time
Anna Goodward If you don't mind
Mesanna ?
Anna Goodward Yep
Anna Goodward So 1st thing is about the targettting bug in EC in regards to player housing
Anna Goodward I wonder if you got this still on your list
Mesanna need a little more information
Mesanna there are several issues we are aware of
Anna Goodward Well, when you target for like decorating house addons or placing items the check will go through down to the bottom floor
Mesanna the floors issue?
Mesanna that is an engineering issue
Anna Goodward instead of checking against the item or floor targetted
Mesanna but yes
Mesanna it is still on our list of things to do
Anna Goodward Oh good. It really is a bit annoyance in EC
Anna Goodward 2nd there are those signs we got with christmas gift tokens
Anna Goodward The ones you can put on 3 custom lines
Anna Goodward I wanted to ask if it would be feasable to tie the editing of those signs to the house security settings of the sign rather than..
Anna Goodward having it in your backpack and stand in your own house to edit them
Mesanna you want to have to stand in the house to use it?
Mesanna I am confused as to your meaning
Anna Goodward No no. At the moment you need to have the signs in your back pack and stand in your own house to edit them
Anna Goodward It would be really good if you could tie the editing permission to the house security settings of the sign instead
Mesanna that will not be changed in the near future
Anna Goodward so we nay needto take them off for editing
Mesanna we have alot of other pressing things to put in first
Anna Goodward Righto. Please take it into consideration though
Mesanna sooo
Anna Goodward I got two more points I like to address or ask about
Mesanna Oh wait you are just asing us to change it to make sure you don't have to have it in your pack?
Mesanna we are getting a line
Anna Goodward Yes
Anna Goodward Am sorry but this is important dear highness
Mesanna so are their questions
Anna Goodward *arches a brow*
Mesanna next question please
Anna Goodward Fine. If you say my question are of lesser importantace so I will retreat
Mesanna that is not what I just said
Mesanna I said theirs are as important
Jacques De Molay Sanctum Viatas
Anna Goodward Some time ago I asked you about if it is possible to empower EMs to do something against event distrubing behaviour
Jacques De Molay Sanctum Viatas
Anna Goodward Like squelching area spells and the likes maybe
Mesanna and I told you no they will not get any more powers than they have
Mesanna there is a procedure they have to follow
Anna Goodward *nods*
Mesanna only chance is
Mesanna if you disrupt an event you will be suspended for 24 hours
Mesanna first time
Mesanna no more warnings
Anna Goodward Lastly I wanted to ask if it is possible to get a citizen index about the town citizens and maybe a way to pass messages to them
Anna Goodward Am aware of the townbaord at the bank but people nay seem to read it or know about it if they are new
Kyronix We have no plans to implement a citizen index, however you can use the town board
Anna Goodward *Nods*
Anna Goodward Well, thank you for your time then
Kyronix We are also looking at ways to make the chat experience better, so stay tuned for that
Anna Goodward Let's play some games again soon
Mesanna have a great afternoon
Cala'n thinello!
Mesanna Greetings
Kyronix Hello!
Cala'n ello!
Cala'n simple question!
Cala'n well sort of anyway
Cala'n the bods points system
Cala'n seem to be odd
Cala'n example
Cala'n 15 rotworm stew give 0.5
Cala'n but this miso soup give 4.5
Cala'n I would say it is harder to get the rotworm ingredients
Cala'n than the fishsteak and water for the miso
Cala'n one has noticed such odd points in other bods as well
Mesanna we understand and will review it again
Cala'n ah goodie
Mesanna and yes you do have a point
Cala'n been bothering me for a long while
Cala'n ah
Cala'n okies!
Cala'n well that was all I had to ask about
Cala'n *grins*
Kyronix Thanks!
Cala'n wheee
Mesanna hi Brian
Kyronix Greetings!
Brian DeSpell Hail lords and lady :)
Brian DeSpell Re the signs, I think he was referring to the fact that you have to be owner and it in your
Brian DeSpell pack to edit
Mesanna yes I understood that =)
Brian DeSpell But my question is, can you up the ambusher spawn rate and drop rate?
Kyronix We have no plans to make any adjustments, its working as expected given the length of the event
Brian DeSpell It is painfully slow, to a very discouraging degree
Brian DeSpell I spent over 2 hours the other day without even 1 ambush
Kyronix how many trades did you complete in that span?
Brian DeSpell 3
Brian DeSpell Britain to Trinsic, Trinsic to Britain, Vesper to Trinsic
Kyronix There are number of exceptions as to where they will spawn
Kyronix For example, you cannot be near housing, server lines, a previous location you were ambushed
Brian DeSpell well, I walked the whole way, and followed the road the entire way
Kyronix Certain mountain passes and such, to prevent issues
Kyronix After a while ambushers will also not spawn on a single trade mission
Brian DeSpell anyhow, frustrating to the point I've given up on week 1's content.
Kyronix So you can't just run in circles ad infinitum expecting to farm it out
Kyronix It's a very small piece of the overall event
Kyronix Meant to introduce the story through the narrative pushing items
Brian DeSpell well, froim various reports, certain items seem to be quite low drop
Brian DeSpell so one trip, a frtiend and I walked the same trip; she got 7 ambushes, I got zero.
Brian DeSpell anyhow, if you can consider looking at it.
Brian DeSpell Thanks :)
Mesanna Kyronix is checking something
Mesanna Greetings
Myhrea Hla'ate Hello M'Lady
Kyronix One of those restrictions is also not being near other ambushes, so that is likely the cause of
Kyronix what you observed
Myhrea Hla'ate I must say I love your boots...
Kyronix Thanks for the feedback!
Myhrea Hla'ate If you could drop those in my collection of boots....
Mesanna these boots?
Myhrea Hla'ate It's on GL's just south West of the Moongate a bit can't miss it
Myhrea Hla'ate I have a horde of boots there.
Myhrea Hla'ate Would go great there...
Mesanna and I have a bedroom full of shoes
Myhrea Hla'ate Those are beautiful boots.
Mesanna thanks =)
Myhrea Hla'ate I have a boot fetish...
Myhrea Hla'ate As anyone on GLs...
Myhrea Hla'ate *smiles*
Mesanna *grins*
Mesanna how can we help you today
Myhrea Hla'ate Anyway.....
Myhrea Hla'ate Dot and I have a question about the EC
Myhrea Hla'ate Could we get [summoned] appended to magery, mysticism and necromancy summons please? The EC can't properly filter them out of the mobiles bars.
Myhrea Hla'ate So they interfere with real targets.
Kyronix Yes, that is something we can look into for a future update
Myhrea Hla'ate Also on that same note... so do things people bring back to life with necromancy
Myhrea Hla'ate And that changes the corpse so ctrl+shift no longer brings up the corpse
Myhrea Hla'ate Making it difficult to loot things at events
Myhrea Hla'ate When people do that to the Boss corpse and it's buried under 60 people
Myhrea Hla'ate Can't open it
Myhrea Hla'ate Extremely annoying
Kyronix It's something we would have to look into to find a solution
Myhrea Hla'ate We would appreciate it
Myhrea Hla'ate Thank you so much...
Myhrea Hla'ate And seriously love the boots...
Aur Ah hello!
Mesanna lol
Mesanna greetings
Aur It's not really a big issue, but I was wondering, I do those quests from Axem the Curator quite
Aur regularly and one thing irks me.
Aur Why do the small gems which come as a reward all come loose in the bag?
Aur Is it possible have those stacked when they are handed out? If not too much trouble?
Kyronix Not sure off the top of my head, will have to take a look at how that reward is dispensed
Mesanna we will be looking at redoing the zoos and contribution system in the future
Mesanna we will look at it at that time
Aur Ok, thank you
Sunshine Good afternoon (although evening here hehe).
Mesanna greetings
Mesanna this is true
Sunshine Apologies if this has been asked before,
Sunshine I have a question about the paragon drops, of a sweet nature.
Sunshine Could cocoa liquor + cocoa butter become stackable like vanilla or sacks of sugar?
Kyronix Unfortunately not, I've tried in the past and it is not possible
Sunshine Ah, pity... But thank you
Sunshine Nice to see you all here!
Mesanna you also
Dewi Putri Hello
Mesanna Good evening
Dewi Putri I was wondering when filling BODs,
Dewi Putri how come some items like black staffs and pickaxe do work both ways.
Dewi Putri But shovels and cleavers don´t? for example
Dewi Putri Then the BOD refuses to accept if they are turned the wrong way?
Mesanna If you can forward us a list of items that do not work we can take care of this issue
Dewi Putri Okay, tjhank you
Dewi Putri homework hihi
Dewi Putri Where to best send this=
Dewi Putri ?
Mesanna welcome, this is an easy fix
Mesanna [email protected]
Dewi Putri Okay, thank you
Mesanna and I will make sure we get it in to the right people
Dewi Putri Good day to you!
Mesanna you also
Totally Esbe Hello!
Mesanna Good evening
Totally Esbe Ehm, my question might be a bit far fetched, but I have to try
Totally Esbe As a Thunter I wonder,
Totally Esbe Would it be possible to make some sort of a Key Ring for Skeleton keys?
Totally Esbe Perhaps as a Tinker BOD reward?
Totally Esbe Maybe similar in style to PoF Kegs? Since PoF also come with 10 use.
Mesanna good idea
Mesanna we like it
Totally Esbe Yay!
Totally Esbe That would help a lot, they pile up fast
Mesanna aye
Mesanna we all like that idea
Totally Esbe That's nice to hear, I will allow the next to take the stage heh.
Totally Esbe have a nice day!
Mesanna ok
Cronus hi all =)
Mesanna Good evening
Cronus do u know about issue with gumps on some resolutions with last publish
Cronus ?
Cronus all menus have another size, this kills my eyes and my game
Cronus i have 1600*900
Mesanna we are aware of it
Mesanna Bleak will have to fix it
Cronus i wrote about it on stratics
Cronus and people too have this troubles
Cronus and no one answer from devs
Cronus about this =(
Mesanna we do not answer on stratics often
Cronus may be u can this as in pinco
Mesanna our forums will be up and running soon
Cronus toggle scale mode
Cronus can work in pinco on this gumps
Cronus and still little question
Mesanna Bleak is on vacation at this time
Mesanna but he is aware of the issue
Cronus may be time for change bribe system?
Cronus now we have so much new bods
Mesanna not touching it at this time
Cronus and recall to each vendor
Mesanna way to many other irons in the fire
Cronus very bad variant
Cronus my variant 0/1000 points for each account
Cronus and every day u can get 100 points
Cronus for each skill on bribe
Cronus so u can collect 1000/1000 and bribe bods on any vendor
Cronus without many recalls
Cronus =)
Cronus ty
Mesanna If you have a suggestion on redoing the system
Mesanna write it up and send it in
Mesanna the team will review it
Cronus and i lll be wait fix for resoulution
Cronus ok
Cronus ty =)
Mesanna gump resolution
Cronus yes
Cronus insure menu
Cronus bod
Mesanna that will be looked at when Bleak returns
Cronus bank menu (
Cronus ok
Cronus ty )
Mesanna have a good evening
Cronus and good luck +)
Mesanna thanks
Aze Good afternoon all!
Mesanna Good evening
Kyronix Good evening!
Aze Although I myself am a tamer, I have wondered often
Aze Why does the Flame Slayer Talisman have no effect on Fire Ants and Fire Daemons?
Aze they seem like, made for that
Mesanna I like this question
Kyronix Depends whether Fire Daemons are more fiery or daemony
Mesanna Kyronix =)
Kyronix We would have to bring them in for close inspection
Kyronix *chuckles*
Mesanna *coughs* BS *coughs*
Aze But especially those pesky ants!
Kyronix Ants are icky
Kyronix Especially when Mesanna puts bread on the balcony. We get ants
Mesanna I did it for the birds!!
Kyronix Uh huh
Aze hahaha
Kyronix but we cna add these creatures to the list
Mesanna just because someone put sugar on your desk when you were away
Mesanna and you blame me
Kyronix for fire slayers
Mesanna jeeze
Aze that would be very helpful, thank you!
Mesanna welcome
Aze have a nice day!
Mesanna you also
Torch Greetings and i'd like to thank you all for taking time to answer our questions.
Mesanna Good evening
Kyronix Thanks for asking them!
Torch i have a couple quick ones to ask
Torch 1st is there any ways to maybe implement the journal in 2d to be transparent
Torch it is sooo hard to read light colors or yelows
Mesanna I think we have that on our back log
Torch the backdrop i mean
Mesanna right
Mesanna it has been requested before I believe
Mesanna at a different meeting
Torch the other question i have is not of greed but curiousity
Torch on EM events, the drops are based on damage only?
Torch or how is that factored?
Mesanna no top attacker related, damage, healing and tanking
Mesanna plus
Mesanna no only do the EM's state the amount to be given but
Mesanna each shard has a specific guaranteed number given out in addition to the set number
Mesanna the players that go x amount of times and do not transfer are likely to get one also
Torch right but lets say a healer that resses and heals has a good chance as well
Mesanna one sec
Mesanna ok sooo
Mesanna I am being told that once a person dies
Mesanna the healer that rez's the player and heals it up will not get credit
Mesanna but
Mesanna if the healer heals someone that is taking damage
Mesanna they get those 20 points of healing
Mesanna if the player days after that
Mesanna does this make sense
Mesanna I will verify all this and put it in the next newsletter
Mesanna how about that
Torch yes, i just wasnt sure if you get credit by ressing people as well
Mesanna just to make sure I have not given you any bad into
Mesanna you don't
Torch yes that would be great news.
Mesanna I will do that
Mesanna it has been changed a few times
Mesanna so even we get confused at times
Mesanna sorry
Torch and on Brian despells comments, i too have spent 3 hours of trade quests turning in 13 and not o
Torch it is pretty low drop rate on those.
Torch thank you all for your time.
Torch safe travels
Mesanna thank you for coming out
Torch and Kimmie does a excellent job at EM events
Mesanna Good evening
The Best Good Evening!
Mesanna lol
EM Kimmie *smiles*
The Best Lol
The Best In regards to the Ambusher items.
The Best Even if these are just deco, many are trying to collect a full set.
The Best As it is, you have about 10x the odds of getting a daemonic amulet, and phylactery.
The Best Unless the Demonic amulet, Phylactery, and Gorget have more significance than the human ones.
The Best Can we make it so all the monsters have a chance to drop each item, up the humans %.
The Best Or an Npc to trade multiple for a random one during a later phase.
Kyronix We have no plans to change anything related to those items at this time
The Best Ok, one more quick one
Kyronix You have until Part V goes active
The Best With the new loot system more or less killing high end Reforging.
The Best 14 Mod Armor and whatnot
The Best Are there any plans to up imbuing and High end reforging.
Mesanna We have not made any specific plans
Mesanna but what you stated is true
The Best :)
Mesanna and we should put it on the list to look at it for a future project
The Best Please consider it :)
Mesanna we are a small team of 5
The Best Take care!
Mesanna we have to pick what we are going to do carefully
The Best That is all though, Thank you for your time
Mesanna thank you
O'Morale hello!
Mesanna Good evening
O'Morale as a tamer I write all my pets stats and skills
O'Morale and noticed
O'Morale even fully trained pets maxed skills
O'Morale still gaind barding difficulty
O'Morale my LH gained it from 125.8 to 126.1 in a hour
O'Morale is there any invisible skills
O'Morale we not see even after pet updates
O'Morale ?
Mesanna We have an idea but are not positive as to what it is based off of
Mesanna so that is a question that will have to be answered in the newsletter
Mesanna so we can give you correct information
O'Morale oki and one more question
O'Morale few years ago I asked about keyboard problems in EC for not latin text
O'Morale any eta?
Kyronix Which language?
O'Morale russian
O'Morale you say asian have same problems
Mesanna yes we do have it recorded but no we do not have an eta as of yet
O'Morale aww
O'Morale =(
O'Morale thats all, thanks anyway
Mesanna thank you
Myesha Hello.
Mesanna Good evening
Myesha I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you guys do.
Myesha Its appreciated.
Mesanna that is sweet of you
Mesanna thank you
Myesha The taming patch is amazing
Myesha and my friends and i have had more fun the past four months with that and the anni stuff
Myesha than some of the fun we had when we originally played years ago
Mesanna good =)
Myesha so thank you again.
Myesha thats all
Mesanna *smiles*
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna Good Evening
Morty Hello!
Morty I see Bleak escaped his chains.. I hope you reinforced Kyronix' before he too escapes
Mesanna Everyone is entitled to some vacation now and then
Mesanna lol
Mesanna its use it or loose it around here
Morty I have a request about test center
Mesanna ?
Mesanna Yes?
Mesanna wipe it and start over?
Morty Would it be possible to add a command similar to modifying player skills, for pets?
Morty such as set pet wrestling 120
Morty would make it so much easier to test pets
Morty or even a portal to walk through that would cap them out
Mesanna good suggestion
Mesanna will look into it
Morty ok thank you
Morty and i was just joking about Bleak, glad to see he is getting some vacation :)
Mesanna lol
Morty Take care, thank you all for what you do!
Mesanna you also
Mesanna Where is the underware thief?
Ramses good evening
Mesanna Greetings
Ramses mine is a question of houses
Ramses i think veterans should get the chance to place houses / castles in places where others can't
Mesanna lol
Mesanna and what would you suggest the cut off be>?
Ramses i've been playing 18 years and have never managed to place a castle
Mesanna 17.6 but close enough =)
Ramses someone with loads of money can come in and own a castle straight away
Mesanna well I have never been able to place a castle either and I have played since Aug 97
Mesanna on my play account that is
Nebula Good evening all
Mesanna Greetings
Nebula i have a question about the doom drop rate
Mesanna ok
Nebula when im there with my sampire and a friend
Nebula only 2players
Nebula the drop rate is extremely low
Nebula lower then before
Nebula the overhaul
Nebula is something changed >
Nebula or can that be fixed ?
Kyronix We didn't adjust the drop rate with the doom revamp
Kyronix Only the creatures inside the gauntlet
Kyronix We can take a look at it though
Nebula its like on europa doom is practily empty
Nebula never see anyone
Nebula so rate is normal ?
Nebula at this mom
Kyronix Yes
Nebula ok well ty had to ask that
Nebula am done
Mesanna have a good evening
Nebula good evening
Nina hello everyone
Nina :)
Kyronix Hello!
Nina a friend wanted me to inquire about www.uo.com
Mesanna what about it
Nina something about it not being updated?
Nina no clue asking as he had to go to bed
Mesanna does it mean myuo?
Nina yes
Nina i think so
Mesanna because uo.com is updated all the time
Mesanna me too
Nina oh
Mesanna we can look into it
Nina thank you
Nina and also
Nina i wanted to know
Mesanna I don't have an answer but we will check it out tomorrow
Mesanna and get it running again
Nina indeed
Nina thank you
Nina also
Mesanna dang hamster went on strike
Nina lol
Nina i wanted to ask if mayhaps
Nina i was doing something wrong
Nina during trades
Nina 4 days no items
Nina so not sure if i was doing it right
Kyronix Are you looting the corpses?
Nina yes
Mesanna mine!
Nina 11 items i am looking for .. no?
Mesanna smoked goat...yummy
Kyronix That's about the extent of it
Kyronix If you so desire them
Nina lol
Nina so am i doing it wrong?
Nina or is it just not a
Kyronix Doesn't sound like it
Nina ok
Nina so slow rate thing?
Nina do we NEED
Nina all the items?
Kyronix Like for future parts of the event?
Nina yes
Nina i just want to know
Nina lol
Kyronix They serve to provide clues for who the ambushers may be
Nina oh
Kyronix You do not need to use them for anything, those items are marked as "quest items" in Part II
Kyronix With the exception of certain reagents
Nina ok .
Nina reagents we need then
Nina ok
Nina thank you so very much
Nina thank you all
Kyronix Those will not be marked, but they should stand out to you
Kyronix You are welcome
Mesanna thank you
Nina thank you
Nina good night
Mesanna good night
Nina much thanks for the answers
Nina *smiles*
Mesanna Greetings
Dewi Putri Hello again, not sure if it is allowed to go for a second round, but here I am hihi.
Kyronix Hello!
Mesanna of course
Dewi Putri I forgot my other question just now, felt the pressure of the long line i guess heh.
Dewi Putri I was just wondering,
Dewi Putri Could the Vampire Bat be an option to become tamable one day? They're kinda cute!
Mesanna its a familiar isn't it?
Dewi Putri I mean those who float around in Malas
Mesanna we will talk about it
Dewi Putri Thank you,
Mesanna welcome
Dewi Putri Another question, after what Kyronix told Lady Nina, it reminded me of some talk on Stratics
Dewi Putri Is it possible to stack the reagents without repercussions? Some people mentioned
Dewi Putri it might be better not to stack things from the event arc
Kyronix There's a current issue with stacking some of the clue objects, would advise not to stack them
Kyronix at this time
Kyronix It's two items i think off the top of my head
Dewi Putri But those reagents can all be stacked? like blackmoor and Pumice?
Kyronix Will not impact their functionality
Dewi Putri thank yoouuu!
Kyronix Most welcome
Dewi Putri Oh! Btw, I drop breadcrumps for birds too! ;)
Mesanna lol
Mesanna see
Mesanna Have a good evening
Dewi Putri Maybe the hamster went on stike since you fed his food to the birds? lol
Mesanna *grins*
Dewi Putri see ya!
Cain Discordia Hello!Thanks for all your hard work, UO feels really good atm. It seems ppl love the new event.:)
Mesanna Greetings
Cain Discordia I love how accessible Thunting is atm in PT II. My question:
Kyronix Thank you - wait till we get to Part IV muwhahahah
Cain Discordia Do you think there is any change for seeing some major overhaul for Classic Client? I'd love to -
Mesanna probably not
Cain Discordia - see improived version of it, a very loyal one. Rather than an " enhanced" rediscovery of wheel:p
Mesanna not on our radar at this time
Cain Discordia Ahh, here's hoping it appears as a dot there sometime
Mesanna lol
Mesanna never know, most did not think we would get to 20 years
Cain Discordia Imho it unfortunate how things such as UOAM-like map, or some of the UO Assist functionality
Mesanna and look at us now
Cain Discordia isn't in game
Cain Discordia Indeed, UO looks great still. Both game and community
Cain Discordia But CC needs some love:p I dream of it getting a --rehaul, where a 1:1 version of current UO is-
Cain Discordia rewritten with bit more modern code
Mesanna lol have a good evening
Cain Discordia bit unrealistic I guess. Just, would be great
Mesanna we need more than one eng for that
Cain Discordia Hehe. Yeah. Indeed. :/
Cain Discordia Situation with 2 clients is tragic..you guys have SO much work as it is..to have
Cain Discordia 2 x clients to run on top of it all:/ my sympathies:p
Mesanna so true
Mesanna it used to be 5 clients 2 is much better
Cain Discordia shame nothing manages to kill the CC. tho it speaks more of quality of CC and nature of gamers-
Cain Discordia less of EC being bad as such. But ay,
Cain Discordia Enough idle daydrreaming. happy birthday to you, me and all:p remember the CC! And thanks for you
Cain Discordia hard work
Cain Discordia UO is GREAT atm.
Mesanna We agree and thank you
Cain Discordia issues? sure..buit what doesnt have em
Cain Discordia *bows*
Mesanna *bows*
Mesanna good night
Tarkarn greetings
Mesanna Greetings
Tarkarn i have brought with me some props
Tarkarn now who can tell me
Tarkarn what is missing from this armour description?
Tarkarn what is written on the armour i mean
Tarkarn any takers?
Mesanna Just spit it out please
Tarkarn the studded leather gives you +3lmc ontop of your lmC cap
Tarkarn why is this not in the description?
Tarkarn maybe you didn't even know yourself
Kyronix Until we find a more elegant way to display item properties on an item
Tarkarn how are new players supposed to learn of this?
Kyronix So that it is not a wall of text
Tarkarn oh come on
Tarkarn surely it is more important to know
Kyronix Which is often criticized, it displays in your character status window
Kyronix Does it not?
Tarkarn it does, but then why not say
Tarkarn okay lets remove ALL mods
Tarkarn and just have it display on char status?
Tarkarn your argument is futile
Kyronix And your example is a strawman
Mesanna ok guys
Tarkarn i am only thinking of new players
Mesanna we have discussed this and we did not come up with an agreement
Mesanna we are not disagreeing with you
Mesanna you do have a valid point
Tarkarn ty
Mesanna but we need to come up with a good way to display all the information
Mesanna or walk away
Mesanna nm
Mesanna Greetings
Pervyn hi
Pervyn i would like to disCuss again the auto pet stable log in/out
Pervyn i got annoyed at responses last time and left
Mesanna same answer as last time it was asked =)
Pervyn i was not quite orret
Pervyn CorreCt with the 4th exploit
Mesanna ahh
Pervyn i misdesCribed it
Pervyn so the Question is, if you're going to tame a Najasaurus
Pervyn how would you tame it and get it to the stables?
Pervyn or let me rephrase maybe, how are you supposed to get a fresh tamed
Pervyn najasaurus to the stables?
Mesanna I would tame it and either take it to the stables or log out
Pervyn oh okay, so part of the game is to log out?
Pervyn i thought that was used to
Pervyn stop peoples pets from
Pervyn being lost at Con loss
Pervyn but even You would abuse it?
Mesanna it is to keep pets from being lost and how is that abuse
Mesanna ok not going to argue that
Mesanna anything else?
Pervyn yes there was a 5th exploit with
Mesanna oh and btw
Pervyn auto log out
Pervyn stable
Pervyn sorry Continue
Mesanna this is the only thing we are going to say on this matter
Mesanna first off
Mesanna using kindling after you have tamed a pet
Mesanna when not trying to run away from something or exploit something toget a pet in the stables
Mesanna is not an exploit
Mesanna and last time I looked
Pervyn using kindling?
Mesanna I think we *points to the team* deem what is an exploit and what is not
Mesanna have a good evening sir
Pervyn i did have
Pervyn a 5th
Mesanna next
Ramses I didnt mean to run out earlier, my wife was typing and hit the wrong button,,
Mesanna Greetings
Mesanna lol
Mesanna no worries
Ramses What I was trying to say is. could there be a chance of vet's getting houses that newbees cant?
Ramses as a reward for there service .. a bit like the ethy rides
Mesanna but those can be sold
Mesanna no way would I let a vet place a castle then sell them
Mesanna just because they have special rights
Mesanna there are always two sides to look at for issues like that
Mesanna thus the reason I am giving away castles for our anniversary =)
Mesanna so make sure you sign up
Ramses smashing
Ramses did i say you were looking very nice this evening
Ramses lol
Mesanna lol not sure
Mesanna but thanks
Ramses wink wink
Mesanna lol not going to help
Ramses many thx
Mesanna *laughs*
Mesanna welcome
Mesanna have a good evening
Ramses bue
Anonymous :)
Anonymous Hello There! You guys are probably very excited for Next Month Party!
Mesanna we are
Kyronix Can't wait!
Anonymous 2 things that I want to ask:
Anonymous The new Dyes at the UO store haochi's pigments,
Anonymous Cool colors BUT If I try to use the Original haochi's Token,
Anonymous the new colors are Not there??
Anonymous isnt the token supposed to give you all colors available?
Mesanna thats correct
Mesanna they are not supposed tobe there
Mesanna those colors are sold seperately
Anonymous all kill
Mesanna than the orignal colors
Anonymous ok
Anonymous 2nd: it is a suggestion, How about give us a REPAIR BOOK, so we can add 50
Anonymous tailor, Smith, Bow and so on...at 1 book, instead of carry 100+ deeds
Mesanna repair deed book
Mesanna good idea
Anonymous :)
Mesanna great present for a new player
Mesanna lol
Anonymous yep
Anonymous btw
Anonymous I want Kyronix TUX
Mesanna you can buy one also
Anonymous haha
Mesanna from the store
Anonymous :)
Mesanna or do you just want to see him naked?
Anonymous you all have a good day
Anonymous :)
Mesanna you also
Kyronix *chuckles*
Mesanna Barth
Mesanna are you in line
Mesanna if not
Barth *Looks around*
Barth Uhm...
Mesanna Goat man
Barth This is unexpected
Barth Good evening!
Mesanna did you have a question?
Barth Yes
Mesanna good evening
Barth *Smiles*
Barth Two actually
Mesanna last question of the evening
Barth One
Barth Are there any plans to make stealing useful again?
Mesanna we want to yes
Mesanna anything solid no
Mesanna but we would love to
Kyronix Very tough to do in the current rulesets
Barth Shame
Barth Brings me onto the second question I guess to finish with
Barth Is everything in your packs insured?
Barth *Peeks*
Mesanna will never be like standing around the bank and having your house keys taken
Mesanna try it
Mesanna you would die faster than you can say jack rabbit
EM Kimmie *ut oh*
Barth Need about 240 snooping
Barth *Sighs*
Barth Worth a try :)
Mesanna can't eat you only say no =P
Mesanna anything else?
Barth That's all from me :)
Mesanna Thank you Barth
Barth *Bows*
Mesanna Thank you for having us Europa
EM Kimmie Thank you for coming!
Mesanna Have a great evening and we will see you soon!
Kyronix Thanks everyone for the questions!
Kyronix Enjoy the evening!
Mesanna Kimmie I want to talk to you tomorrow ol
Mesanna ok
Kyronix *waves*
EM Kimmie Okay :)
Mesanna thanks save me some time
