Difference between revisions of "UO:Day Of The Dead"

(Created page with "{{RareItem | name = Skull With Candle | disambiguation_page = Skull With Candle | Arirang = 1 | Asuka = 1 | Atlantic = 1 | Baja = 1 | Balhae = 1 | Catskills = 1 | Chesapeake =...")
Line 1: Line 1:
| name = Skull With Candle
| name = Day Of The Dead
| quantity = 1
| type = Magic Moments
| japanesename = 骸骨のロウソク
| disambiguation_page = Skull With Candle
| disambiguation_page = Skull With Candle
| Arirang = 1
| Asuka = 1
| Atlantic = 1
| Atlantic = 1
| Baja = 1
| Balhae = 1
| Catskills = 1
| Chesapeake = 1
| Drachenfels = 1
| Europa = 1
| Europa = 1
| Formosa = 1
| GL = 1
| Hokuto = 1
| Hokuto = 1
| Izumo = 1
| spawning = 0
| japanesename = 骸骨のロウソク
| LA = 1
| legal = 1
| legal = 1
| Legends = 1
| LS = 1
| SP = 1
| spawning = no
| type = Monthly
| Wakoku = 1
| Yamato = 1
| graphic = 6227
| graphic = 6227
| hue = 0
| hue = 0
| weight = 2

Revision as of 09:56, 17 January 2020

Day Of The Dead

Rare Item
Type Magic Moments Item
Date  unknown
Shards Atlantic
Quantity 1
Currently Spawning No
Japanese localized name 骸骨のロウソク
Extended Information
Graphic 6227
Hue 0
Height 1
Dyable unknown
Edible unknown
Stackable No
Turnable unknown
Wearable No
Wieldable No
Works as a container No
Works as a runebook No
Works as a spellbook No
Animated No
Double-click Effect unknown
Ethereal No
Sound unknown
Translucent No
Walk-over Effect unknown
Special Item Flags
Newbiefied unknown
Legal to Own Yes
Image of Day Of The Dead

Note: The properties for this item are incomplete.

UO-Item-7715-0.png Other items with this same name are listed at Skull With Candle.