Samhayne's Crooked Key Drop Spot

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Samhayne's Crooked Key Drop Spot

Rare Item
Type EM Item
Date February 24, 2015
Season 13
Shard Great Lakes
Quantity 85
Currently Spawning No
Japanese localized name unknown
Extended Information
Graphic 2713
Hue 2500
Height 12
Dyable unknown
Edible unknown
Stackable No
Turnable unknown
Wearable No
Wieldable No
Works as a container Yes
Works as a runebook No
Works as a spellbook No
Animated No
Double-click Effect unknown
Ethereal No
Sound unknown
Translucent No
Walk-over Effect unknown
Special Item Flags
Newbiefied No
Legal to Own Yes
Image of Samhayne's Crooked Key Drop Spot
1 stone

Acts as a bulletin board when locked down. It can also be used as a container, but if it is secured and not locked down, it will not function as a bulletin board.

Spawns NPC books at server up, up to a total of 7 as long as there is less than 7 items in the root area of the bookshelf (I.E. Items in containers nested within the bookshelf only count as 1 item - the container itself.)