Mythic Entertainment

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Mythic Entertainment

This company was at times also known as BioWare Mythic, EA Mythic, Inc. and Interworld Productions.

Interworld Productions was formed in 1995 from the merger of Adventures Unlimited Software Inc. and Interesting Systems, Inc. Adventures Unlimited Software Inc. was founded in 1984 by Mark Jacobs. Interesting Systems, Inc. was founded by Rob Denton, Matt Firor, Don Cambpell, and Roger Shropshire in 1990. In November of 1997, the company's name was changed to Mythic Entertainment, headquartered in Fairfax, VA.

On June 20, 2006, Electronic Arts purchased Mythic Entertainment and renamed the company EA Mythic. EA Mythic was transferred responsibility for Ultima Online from the Electronic Arts Redwood City, CA group.

On July 10, 2008, company renamed itself back to Mythic Entertainment. On June 24, 2009, Electronic Arts merged Mythic Entertainment and BioWare into BioWare Mythic. In 2012, the company was again renamed back to Mythic Entertainment.

On May 29, 2014, Electronic Arts announced it would be "closing the EA Mythic location in Fairfax",[1], effectively ending the studio's operations.

See Mythic Entertainment for more corporate history.


1984 Adventures Unlimited Software Inc. is founded.
1990 Interesting Systems, Inc. is founded.
1985 Adventures Unlimited Software Inc. and Interesting Systems, Inc. merge, forming Interworld Productions.
1997-11 Name changed to Mythic Entertainment.
2006-06-20 Mythic Entertainment purchased by Electronic Arts.
2006-06-20 Electronic Arts transfers responsibility for UO to Mythic Entertainment.
2006-06-20 Name changed to EA Mythic.
2008-07-10 Name changed back to Mythic Entertainment.
2009-06-24 Electronic Arts merges Mythic Entertainment and BioWare into BioWare Mythic.
2012 Name changed back to Mythic Entertainment.
2014-02-01 Broadsword™ Online Games, Inc. takes over control of Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot.
2014-05-29 Electronic Arts announces the closure of EA Mythic.