Evil Mage

Revision as of 15:11, 12 May 2017 by (talk)


  • name* The Mage=
UO-Evil Mage-cc-animated.gif UO-Evil Mage-kr.png UO-EC-bodytype-124.png
Classic client Kingdom Reborn client
Enhanced client
Basic Stats
Alignment Evil (red)
Magic Level expert
Poison Level unknown
Loyalty Points unknown
Fame 2500 ᵇ
Fame (Felucca) ≈ 3250 ᵇ
Karma -2500 ᵇ
Karma (Felucca) ≈ -3250 ᵇ
+40% if paragon.
When was this mobile added to the game?First Seen? 1997: Day One
Is this mobile still spawning somewhere in the game?Spawning? No
Found Where? (old) Ankh Dungeon
Rock Dungeon
Sorcerer Dungeon
Wisp Dungeon
Found Where? (new)
Can this mobile be tamed?Tameable? No
Bodytype #(s) 124
Hue #(s) 0
Can this mobile be mounted?Mountable? No
Can you 'summon' this mobile in some way (other than from your stable)?Summonable? No
Can you polymorph into this body form in some wayPolymorphable? No
Is this mobile only seen while on a quest? If so, which quest?Quest only? No
Does a statue version of this mobile exist?Statue form? No
Gold 125-175 gp
Base Loot 1 Medium Level Scroll
6 Reagents
Special Loot [[Category:UO Mobs that drop Level 1 Treasure Map]][[UO:Level 1 Treasure Map|Level 1 Treasure Map]]
Stealing unknown
Evil mages can be found in many dungeons across the land, usually in some kind of mage tower, where they are probably working on some grand scheme to take over the world. Luckily a good weapon or a few spells can easily put a stop to those plans...


Base Damage 5-10
Ranged Attack none
Slayer Repond
Anti-Slayer Undead
Speed medium
Does this mobile auto-dispel summons?Auto-Dispel? No
Special Moves & Abilities unknown
5 points higher if paragon.
Damage and Resistances

Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Damage 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Resist (min) 15% 5% unknown 5% 5%
Resist (avg) 17.5% 7.5% unknown 7.5% 7.5%
Resist (max) 20% 10% unknown 10% 10%

HP Stamina Mana Strength Dexterity Intelligence
min 49 91 96 81 91 96
avg 56 103 108 93 103 108
max 63 115 120 105 115 120
paragon 245 - 315   109.2 - 138   115.2 - 144   85.05 - 110.25   109.2 - 138   115.2 - 144  
Hit Point Regeneration Stamina Regeneration Mana Regeneration
min unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown


This type of mobile cannot be barded.


Tameable?: No

Pack Instincts:  unknown



Anatomy Detecting Hidden Healing Hiding Magic Resist Parrying Poisoning Tactics Wrestling
min 0.0 unknown 0 unknown 75.0 unknown 0 65.0 20.2
avg 0 unknown 0 unknown 86.25 unknown 0 76.25 40.1
max 0.0 unknown 0 unknown 97.5 unknown 0 87.5 60.0

Lore & Knowledge:

Bushido Chivalry Discordance Eval Int Focus Magery Meditation Mysticism Necromancy Ninjitsu Spellweaving Spirit Speak
min unknown unknown unknown 75.1 unknown 75.1 0.0 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown 87.55 unknown 87.55 0 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown 100.0 unknown 100.0 0.0 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown


Possible names
Aegnor, Aelfric, Ainvar, Alcor, Arazion, Ardarion, Arkanis, Athrax, Bainothil, Banothil, Barghest, Baros, Bazerion, Begarin, Beynlore, Burat, Cairne, Carthon, Chamdar, Ciric, Cruzado, Cyphrak, Daelon, Daktar, Danaghir, Darvain, D'Harun, Doraghir, Dracus, Dradar, Draelin, Draenor, Durodund, Eklor, Elrak, Fangorn, Farynthane, Feenark, Galtor, Garigor, Gemma, Gragus, Ilzinias, Irian, Israfel, Izlay the Ebonheart, Jaden, Jefahn, Jiltharis, Kalimus, Kallomane, Kanax, Keldor the Modoc, Kelnos, Kharn, Khir, Kraenor, Kragon, Kranor, Kranostil, Kranostir, Kraylin, K'shar, Kwan Li, Kylnath, Larac, Lathis, Leje the Invincible, Lenroc, Lilithack, Limnoch, Lonthorynthoryl, Lord Adnoc, Lord of Rats, Lord of the Mists, Lorreck, Lyticant, Magelord Varsan, Mardis the Avenger, Master Akris, Mattrick, Mazrim, Merkul, Modrei, Morturus, Muktar, Murdon, Murron, Myndon, Mythran, Mytor, Nabius, Nalynkal, Nazgul, Odilion, Paorin, Phalil the Unexpected, Pitt the Elder, Puzilan the Puzzler, Quain, Quillan, Raith, Rendar, Ronlyn, Sang Qui, Sartan, Scythyn, Shilor, Singhe-Dul, Slirith Iceblood, Sobran, Soltak, Sorz, Staylin, Taban, Telzar, Teron, Terus, Thaelin, the Wizard-Lord, Thulack, Trethovian, Tybevriat Varn, Tyrin Kuhl, Tyrnar, Ulath, Vandor, Vantrom, Vermithrax, Viktor Blackoak, Vitar, Vlade, Volan, Wydstrin, Xaelin, Xandor, Xarot the Black, Xarthos, Xaxtox, X'calak, Xenix, Xiltanth, Xylor, Xystil, Yazad, Yllthane, Ylthallynon, Ythoryn, Zain, Zalifar, Zasfus, Zathrix, Zejron the Wild, & Zunrek
