Letter II - Heigel’s Introduction

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Letter II - Heigel’s Introduction

This is a book found in the small table # in the home of Mythran The Thaumaturgist during week 3 of the 20th anniversary events.


I have received the message you sent by wisp. I hope you will receive my response. I am Heigel of Moonglow, a mage from the world of Sosaria and a citizen of the kingdom of Britannia. I study wisps and try to share knowledge and lore with them. I believe we have much to learn from Xorinia.

A few months ago, my people cast a moongate spell as part of a conflict with another party who was misusing powerful magic. I believe this is the spell you were referring to. It created a connection between our world and a constructed locus. We often make use of moongates across Sosaria, but this was a rare instance where a powerful version of that spell was cast through the Ethereal Void. I will admit that this is not my area of expertise. However, I can get more information from my associates if you would find that to be helpful.

I admit that I found your words troubling. We have dealt with threats from the Ethereal Void before, but most of our magical study and practice focuses on manipulation of the physical world around us. Britannia has forces that can and will face such a threat, but it would be helpful to know what we should expect. Can you tell me more about these Titans?
