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Imbuing gives player characters a robust and fulfilling crafting and resource gathering system. Player characters can create base items with their existing crafting skills. Players who practice Imbuing are titled "Artificers". They have the ability to imbue and magically unravel items. With rare exceptions, imbued items will not be as powerful as loot dropped artifacts.


  • The Imbuing skill allows player characters to imbue items with magical properties. The amount of skill determines how much magical power an artificer can imbue in an item.
  • The Imbuing skill allows player characters to magically unravel items into special ingredients. All normal loot magical items can be unravelled. Artificers use these ingredients when imbuing items with magical power. Magically unraveling items always destroys the item in the process.
  • Other ingredients such as gemstones, special loot drops, and other rare resources are also required during the imbuing process.
  • When magically unraveling an item, the artificer uses a soul forge and then selects which item he wishes to unravel. One of two results will occur:
  • The unraveling process fails. No ingredient is acquired.
  • The unraveling process succeeds. The artificer receives one or more ingredients, and the magically unraveled item is destroyed.
  • Unraveling a magic item requires minimal skill. However, higher skill improves the quality of the ingredients obtained.
  • Artificers imbue and magically unravel items at a special forge called a soul forge. The soul forge in the Royal City gives a slight success bonus, and the Queen’s soul forge gives the highest success bonus.
  • Gargoyles receive an inherent success bonus when imbuing and unraveling magic items.
  • Gargoyles receive an enhance bonus for 100+ Imbuing skill (i.e., similar to the 100+ Blacksmithing skill enhance bonus).
  • Failing to imbue an item with an item property does not destroy the item.
  • Once an item has been successfully imbued, it can no longer be affected by Powder of Fortification. However, imbued items can be repaired.
  • Imbuing (interchangeable with Focus) augments the power of certain Mysticism spells.
  • A soul forge is used to unravel items as well as apply properties.


  • The total intensity of the properties of the item determines the what Imbuing ingredient is received when unraveling a magic item. The intensity of properties is weighted, for example ‘mage armor’ property has a weight of 1.4. These weights can be found by consulting the ‘magic effects table’, link above.
  • <= 199 Total Intensity = Magical Residue
  • 200 to 449 Total Intensity = Enchanted Essence
  • 450+ = Relic Fragment
  • Items that have been enhanced or crafted out of a special material can be unraveled. (Excluding items enhanced or crafted before the introduction of imbuing)
  • All item drops from treasure hunting, monsters, etc. can be unraveled and imbued.
  • The most powerful unraveled items will make the best ingredients for imbuing.
  • Magic wands can be imbued and unraveled but you cannot imbue wands with spell charges.
  • Only weapons, armor, ranged weapons, shields and jewelry can be imbued or unraveled. No talismans, Artifacts, minor and major, and other special drop items can typically be imbued and unravelled.


  • Imbuing increases in difficulty as you add mods to an item.
  • In the case of a GM crafted weapon, Damage Increase is considered a property already on the item. So an artificer can imbue 4 other item properties to the item.
  • Imbuing will remove Self Repair if it is present already.
  • Note: SR will also not be added as a random mod when enhancing with heartwood.
  • Players can not imbue spellbooks.
  • Whatever properties an item can normally have as random loot is what it can have imbued.
  • Exceptions:
  1. You can imbue runic only properties such as velocity and balanced on bows and crossbows.
  2. You can not imbue the Self Repair property onto items and imbuing onto an item that has self repair will remove self repair from the item.
  3. You can increase resists, but you cannot change the damage type with Imbuing.
  • If an item already has a mod on it (say 35% DI), you can overwrite that mod with a stronger mod (say 45% DI). (You can also reduce it as well, if desired.)
  • You can enhance an imbued item (or imbue an enhanced item).
  • Dragon Scale Armor can be imbued
  • Gems found by miners such as Blue Diamonds will be considered rare resources for Imbuing. Lumberjacking can also produce rare resources for Imbuing. Rare resources are only currently required for Imbuing item properties with intensities greater than 90.
  • Regular gems, such as the gems found in treasure chests, loot off monsters, vendors, etc. are always used in Imbuing.
  • Cloth hats can be imbued
  • Tinker-crafted magic rings (eg. ecru citrine ring) can be imbued.
  • Recipe items( eg. silver etched diamond mace) can be imbued.
  • Artifact recipe items can not be imbued
  • Slayer Mods can be imbued.
  • There can be only one slayer mod on an item
  • All imbuing attempts will require the following:
  1. ‘X’ number of ingredients listed above
  2. ‘X’ of gems.
  3. If the intensity to be imbued is greater than 90% then ‘X’ number of rare ingredients (boss drops, rare gemstones, etc.) will also be required:

Skill Gain

  • Unraveling can allow an Artificer to gain skill, however increasingly high value items will need to be unravelled. For more consistent and frequent gains imbue item properties.
  • Artificers can not gain the imbuing skill by casting mysticism spells that use imbuing to determine their power


  • Imbued Items have an ‘Imbued’ Item property tag.