Unbaked Pumpkin Pie

Revision as of 08:19, 21 July 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoBox UOItem | graphic = 4162 | hue = 0 | weight = 1 }} {{InfoBox_UO_Recipe | weight = 1 | name = Unbaked Pumpkin Pie | Cooking = 0 | category = Preparations | tool = Roll...")
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Image of {{{name}}}
1 stone
Craftable Item
Name Unbaked Pumpkin Pie
Category Preparations
Skill(s) Required 0 Cooking
Can be exceptional No
Wearable Slot None
Wieldable No
Required Recipe None
Tool Required Any of:
Stackable No
1 DoughDough
1 PumpkinPumpkin

Unbaked Pumpkin Pie

An Unbaked Pumpkin Pie is not edible. This can be cooked to turn it into a Baked Pumpkin Pie, which can be eaten.