Publish Notes from 2002-07-12 Tailoring Bulk Order Deeds

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Publish Notes from 2002-07-12 Tailoring Bulk Order Deeds

Characters that have a sufficient Tailoring skill and frequently selling goods with NPC Tailor & Weaver shopkeepers will have a chance to receive BOD requests from them.

  • Characters with Tailoring skill of less than 70 will only be given BODs for items that would give the character the opportunity to gain in skill.
  • Characters with 70 or higher Tailoring skill may receive BOD requests for any of the items that are craftable by players' Tailor characters.


There will be a random chance that a Tailoring BOD will be offered to the player upon each trade a player's character makes with an NPC Tailor or Weaver.


The level of the character's Tailoring skill will affect the level and complexity of any BOD offered to that character; as the character's Tailoring ability increases, so may the difficulty of the Tailoring BODs increase.

There are also two levels of BODs: Small BODS (or "SBODs") and Large BODs (or "LBODs").

  • SBODs are the basic level of BODs, and may be offered to the player at any point in his or her tailoring career.
    • The difficulty of SBODs will be lightly challenging, scaling up or down based on the level of the player's character's Tailoring skill.
  • LBODs will be more difficult than SBODs, and will only be offered to characters with higher than 70 Tailoring skill.
    • The difficulty of LBODs will be highly challenging, scaling up or down based on the level of the player's character's Tailoring skill.
    • Several SBODs may be required to be combined with an LBOD in order to fill an LBOD request.


The Tailoring BOD will appear as a dark green deed within the character's backpack, labeled "a bulk order deed."

  • Double-clicking the deed will display a gump-window which will list the desired item(s), amount, if the item needs to be acceptable, and of what sort of material must be used.
  • To complete an order, the player can use the "combine" button on the deed's gump to combine the crafted items with the deed until the amount of items the deed requests has been reached.
  • The items and deeds must be within the character's backpack for the combination to work.
  • Once the correct amount of items have been created and combined with the deed, the deed can then be dropped on the appropriate NPC for a reward.

Collecting the reward

Players may redeem the BOD by dropping it onto the correct NPC shopkeeper.

  • The reward will appear automatically in the character's backpack.
  • The reward will be a certain amount of Gold, a special item, and an increase in the character's Fame - the level of each will be based on the difficulty of the BOD.
    • If the amount of the gold reward is equal to or higher than 5000 gold pieces, then the player shall receive the gold in the form of a Bank Check.
    • The special item will be one that is not currently available in the game outside of the BOD system.
    • Several new items have been introduced to Britannia as rewards for completing tailoring bulk order deeds.
      • Special cloth (20 new hues).
      • Brown Bear Rug.
      • Polar Bear Rug.
      • Flower Tapestry.
      • Small Stretched Hide.
      • Medium Stretched Hide.
      • Specially Hued Sandals.
      • Tailoring Scrolls of Power.

Example #1

The easiest Tailoring BOD to complete would be an order for 10 skullcaps, of normal quality, each made of cloth.

The player will combine each skullcap as it is completed with the SBOD, and when all the required skullcaps are combined into the SBOD the player will drop the SBOD onto an NPC Tailor or Weaver in order to receive their reward.

The reward would be a moderate amount of gold (in the character's backpack), one special item (also appearing in the character's backpack) and a minor increase in Fame for that character.

Example #2

One of the hardest Tailoring BODs to complete would be a large bulk order for 6 SBODs—1 SBOD for each of the 6 pieces that make up a set of leather armor, with each piece being of exceptional quality, and each piece made with the new barbed leather material.

The player will need to collect the appropriate SBODs, and fill their requirements as normal. The player may combine each SBOD as it is completed with the LBOD, and when all the required SBODs are combined into the LBOD the player will drop the LBOD onto an NPC Tailor or Weaver in order to receive their reward.

The reward would be a bank check for a large sum of gold (in the character's backpack), one special item (also appearing in the character's backpack) and an enormous increase in Fame for that character.