Patch Notes from 2003-05-14 number 1
Revision as of 17:02, 7 October 2016 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs) (Created page with "={{PAGENAME}}= __TOC__ We are releasing a client patch today, Wednesday, May 14, at 10:30am CST (3:30pm UTC/GMT), which contains the following changes: '''Item Propertie...")
Patch Notes from 2003-05-14 number 1
We are releasing a client patch today, Wednesday, May 14, at 10:30am CST (3:30pm UTC/GMT), which contains the following changes:
Item Properties
- (2D and 3D) Clients will not automatically download nearby item property data while walking or running, allowing the player to not be slowed by extra network traffic when travelling.
- (2D and 3D) Clients will not collect item properties for items that are not visible or cease to exist.
- (2D and 3D) The clients will make fewer simultaneous item property requests to reduce average bandwidth use at a given time.
- Non-cached item properties may take a moment before being received by the game client. This phenomenon should not generally be noticeable, but may be apparent at places with a lot of items lying around (vendor malls, banks, etc.).
- (2D and 3D) When in single click mode, the client will not fetch item properties for objects on the ground until you click on them.
- People with poor connectivity should try using single click mode to reduce bandwidth use.
- This may also may reduce latency when in combat.
- (2D and 3D) More efficient storage of item properties data on client.
- (2D) A shut-down crash related to the item properties interface has been fixed.
House Customization
- (2D and 3D) Gold and other items that would sometimes draw below floors of customized houses should no longer do so.
- (2D and 3D) Short walls on the first floor of customizable houses should no longer vanish when you walk under floor tiles of the second floor.
- (2D and 3D) Interior stairs should now draw completely when placing them (where they have been drawing only the bottom two rows).
- (2D and 3D) Some doors that were so tall they blocked movement on the floor above them have been shortened.
- (2D) The "sitting on a beetle" client crasher has been fixed.
- (3D) A problem with some 3D clients drawing grass over cave entrances has been fixed.
- (2D) Items that weren’t properly drawing as female versions when being dragged over the paperdoll will now correctly do so.
- (2D and 3D) A fix for objects getting stuck in the "drag slot" when running arm/disarm macros added. Arm/Disarm macro commands will be ignored when an object is being dragged. Note that other commands in a macro with an "Arm/Disarm" command will still execute normally.
- (2D and 3D) Fixed a crash when receiving too little data for a house design from the game server.
- (2D and 3D) Spellbooks have been adjusted to reflect new casting costs of some spells.
- Some spellbook entries will be incorrect until the server publish, "Publish 18," goes live.
- The current description of the “Curse” spell will be inaccurate after "Publish 18" goes live, as it does not reflect upcoming functionality changes.
- (2D and 3D) Support added for some new wearables.
- Note that only AoS 3D clients will see the new art for these wearables when worn. Other clients will see "placeholders."
- (2D and 3D) Some ambient light level code has been tweaked to make lighting more reliable. More fixes and adjustments are likely to come later.
The current version should now be 4.0.0l for both the 2D and 3D clients.
If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:
- Check the "Patch" directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted.
- If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at
- Run a virus scan on your computer. Undetected viruses may cause conflicts with patching Ultima Online. For information on up-to-date virus detection software, please visit
If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please visit this web page.