House of Commons from 1998-10-09

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House of Commons from 1998-10-09

Designer Dragon: OK, since lots of folks are showing up, let's get this sorted out. We want to do this in an orderly fashion! So please don't spam the channel. If you do, a moderator will kick you out.
Matkell2 If you get new races in here like gargoyles and elfs and half orcs etc, maybe you should make a translator skill or something like that. To make it interesting. People who don't know the skill won't be able to hear each other.
Designer Dragon: Thought of doing that Matkell
Izual (Rich Vogel): T2A will ship this month
Izual (Rich Vogel): We will be testing the European servers in a couple of weeks.
Vash Is there not concern that adventurers will continiously die in inaccesible areas across waters and page GMs continiously ?
Designer Dragon: No, the idea is that you take a group and hopefully have a healer with them. The same issue arises on deserted islands in UO after all.
Boy Wonder II: How soon until some 3rd party utils are allowed again ?
Designer Dragon: The lawyers have returned the agreement to us, and it should be getting sent out to the 3rd party developers tonight.
Jithero Are Karma discounts ever coming back ? Been a long while since I heard anything about them.
Designer Dragon: Karma discounts WILL be back.
Mr Bill: Do you expect another patch before T2A is released, or will it wait until after ?
Izual (Rich Vogel): Yes, expect another patch before T2A ships. We are working hard to fix exploits in the game.
BvD Are you applying more GM's to existing servers and new ones ? 24-hour support ?
Izual (Rich Vogel): We are applying more GMs to the service and we are supporting the European and Japanese shards.
Gorgrim How about when will the stat bug be fixed ?
Designer Dragon: Stat bug should be fixed next week.
tifric How is channeling coming along ?
Designer Dragon: Channeling has not yet been started.
matkell2 Just how "open" will the everything craftable patch be ?
Designer Dragon: The "everything craftable" patch will actually start with a few things and expand over time based on player requests.
Samadhi Are we going to see the addition of player made looms, training dummies and what not ? Or is that on hold until house issues are resolved ?
Designer Dragon: We had been planning to hold off until housing. But we can do it sooner. I will have to think about it. The code for it is actually done already.
Matthias What is up with the 4 horsemen. I was speaking with them the other night, now they're gone.
matkell2 it is a nightmare
Designer Dragon: Nightmares are a new creature variant in T2A. They are in fact ridable and tameable, but VERY hard to control.
Mr Bill: Can you make a filter to ban anyone with the string "kewl" in their name ? Please ?
Designer Dragon: A better name filter is high on my priority list.
Helios Grattus: What about stat loss upon death for murderers. I know it's been discussed but as of now, they laugh at stat loss.
Designer Dragon: There is a lot of discussion on that front as well. We don't know what we will do there. There's a few choices, and there's also stuff we wanna do to curb thieves that is also part of the measures against antisocial players.
Sappho Will there be healers in the new land, or a shrine ?
Designer Dragon: There is a healer in Delucia, and that's all you get. You will need to rely on the new abilities of player healers. :) It is to encourage grouping. The healer hut in Papua will have a healer too.
Gorgrim In the future of UO is it possible that you make some diversity to this archer/mage/warrior thing, it is getting REALLY old!
Designer Dragon: We are working on ways to promote diversity :) Channeling is one such thing.
BvD More quests going to be incorporated into UO?
Designer Dragon: We like to add to things: 1) support for players to run quests and 2) a quest engine. Both are ways away. First thing we wanna do make a "crowdpleaser" update that covers a lot of things you have all been asking for for a long time.
smt What are you going to do about Secret Agents page "OSI SUCKS" ?
Designer Dragon: Try to get them shut down.
Delusion Any thoughts on that Ideology System proposal ? Or *any* method to opening up larger-than-guild warfare to guildmembers and NON-guildmembers alike ?
Designer Dragon: We're gonna run with polishing the order/chaos system for a while before we consider anyhting that large...
Gorgrim What is channeling ?
Designer Dragon: Channeling is a system whereby you get faster mana regen if you don't wear armor. It's a new skill.
Sappho Will item quests ever return ? Will spawnable chests in cities for thieves to get at going to return ?
Designer Dragon: As far as the quests question -- a quest engine would take stuff kinda like the old fetch and carry quests, only make them cool, is the idea. Respawning chests will return.
Malachite Is there going to be a filter for guild titles, there are some nasty ones on Atlantic..
Designer Dragon: Yes, there is in fact one already, but it doesn't cover enough.
Andromadus Will magic ever cause damage in town ?
Designer Dragon: We are divided on the issue. We are torn between allowing it, or disabling ALL combat in towns.
duskwalker Here's an odd possibility... why not make Britannia PK-free (Except Order/Chaos) and only allow PKing in the New Lands. Storywise, British could have placed new laws on the land in the aftermath of the FoA event (Armageddon?) True, PK's would have to buy T2A to PK, but... doesn't that at least follow your vision of rampant PKing?
Designer Dragon: That's a tough one. Hmm. If we did anything like that, I'd almost be inclined to do it the other way around. But I dunno. A lot of the philosophy of UO is that the PK controls are player-driven, not code-driven. The current tools aren't enough ? Then we add more tools -- not take the burden off by trying to impose code we know won't actually block PK activity.
Helios Grattus: Will the problem with camping going up everytime you're near a fire, etc. ever be fixed ?
Designer Dragon: I will have to look into that one
Gorgrim Why has there been such a lack of communication until now ?
Designer Dragon: I don't think there has been a lack of commnication. We run biweekly chats on IRC, we post on boards regularly, we update the Update Center several times a week, we announce changes coming in the future, we take emails from the public... basically, I don't know what more we can do to stay in better touch, at least from the development side.
matkell2 Do you currently have any more plans on improving monster AI beyond dispelling summoned creatures ?
Designer Dragon: We do want to continue doing this. Pretty soon you will see the Ophidians and Terathans start warring here in the beta. We also want to eventually get the full artificial life system back into the game.
Missed a question here
Designer Dragon: Spoonman asked about stiffer penalties for killing blues. We went to eliminate all loopholes before changing the penalties, so we can see how the penalties we have work when they are actually applied.
Shakkar Will you work with the Mage Tower on balancing the spells we have now ?
Designer Dragon: I do stay in touch with Mage Tower folks, including Tifric who is here at this chat :)
Shakkar Well I just asked because we are currently beginning work on it
Designer Dragon: I welcome any spell stuff sent to me. Tifric often hands me pages of Mage Tower requests when we meet at player lunches :)
Doppler Will skill caps change due to the new "required" skills ?
Designer Dragon: Skill caps will NOT change. We want to encourage greater diversity.
Bvd Is chat text going to be able to be saved in the journal ? This would make meetings for guilds a lot easier.
Designer Dragon: Not in the final release but maybe eventually

Xena Dragon:||I am typing this chat log all by hand, so you better get that save feature in quick or I will sue you for RSI damages ;)

Metaphistone Do you plan to adjust the dispelling ? A GM mage's 8th circle are for the most part useless.
Designer Dragon: We do in fact have an adjustment to creature dispelling coming.
duskwalker Maybe this was asked... but what is the current timeframe for ending Beta and releasing T2A ? Also, can you do for farms in Britannia what you have done in the New Lands... or is that just a resource problem ?
Designer Dragon: T2A should be out THIS MONTH. And yes, we can do what we did for farms here in the old lands as well.
Designer Dragon: A comment about the beta -- You guys have not seen many of the changes we have made recently. There is a client patch that fixes options, and big window stuff, and stuff like that coming. There is also server stuff coming, including the Ophidian-Terathan war and healers in the towns and a few other things. But basically, we are VERY pleased with how the beta went. Your reports have been GREAT and very helpful. I wish we had the staff to answer each email personally... they were all very very helpful. Overall, the beta process has gone really smoothy -- there have been fairly few bugs reported overall, and they've been pretty easy to fix. And right now, we are very close to having no bugs outstanding at all.
Mr Bill: Would you like to add some form of spell creation system ? Let's call it spellcraft :)
Designer Dragon: Yes, a spell language is on my wishlist.
Shakkar Is it wise to spring the "clean" version without us testing it ?
Designer Dragon: We're not going to spring the clean version without you testing it. You should be getting patches and updates over the next few days.
Adara Will you ever make despise a dungeon worth adventuring into again ?
Designer Dragon: We'd like to reregion the entire UO landmass :) Including Despise of course.
Nutty What does "reregion entire UO landmass" mean ?
Designer Dragon: Reregion entire UO landmass means that all known spawn points go away and we redo every spawn area. That means that all creature habitats change around -- means that Despise gets a new theme, etc.
Greensleeves The patchserver appears dead -- is this fixed ?
Designer Dragon: We are working on the patch thing. [Note: and in fact, they found the problem and a fix is coming for beta testers soon.]
El Cid: I would suggest a shard for our Australian counterparts. The European servers may not do the job. Any thoughts ?
Designer Dragon: At the moment, there are not enough players in Australia and New Zealand to justify a shard there. However, Australia and New Zealand plus Japan DO justify the two shards in Japan... we recommend you play there for the best connection.
Delusion Is poisoning going to be reduced in effectiveness ? Despise was supposed to be a newbie dungeon but it's filled with snakes :) beta has been great without having to worry about snakes :)
Designer Dragon: No plans to change poisoning
matkell2 The roads in the new world is unlevel at best and it makes casting target required spells hard to cast. Are you going to fix this ? Also how much longer do you think the beta test will go on ?
Designer Dragon: The roads in T2A are staying the way the are... however, we do plan to add some of the stuff found in UOA to the UO client -- like last target. Not sure how much longer the beta will last exactly -- that depends on how we do with knocking out the last bugs, of course.
Lord Greenwood: I hear there will be new US shards.
Designer Dragon: There WILL be new US shards. Expect them around when you get T2A.
Carmella RE Item reduction, any chance potions will be stackable soon, and runes in a more collective fashion, say in bookform ?
Designer Dragon: Potions stackable is on the list. Rune books has been discussed but no change is currently planned
Designer Dragon: BTW, we *drum rolls* JUST REMOVED FURS FROM THE GAME

Xena Dragon:||The crowd goes wild here. Cheers of joy, clapping of hands, shoutings of 'hurray'...

Capone When will the housing patch come out ? If not a real time answer than in relation to other things.
Designer Dragon: Before Xmas is definately what we are shooting for.
SpiritOf77 Any chance for a server wipe ever ? And what about masks, why are they not in as loot any longer ? Any new masks (zombie) that may be added if they do return ? These may solve some race creation issues. Plus it stills snows in big window.
Designer Dragon: Masks will be back. I can't comment on the wipe because the GM staff doesn't want me to ruin the suspense with the FoA plotline. :) No new masks, btw. Also, the snowing in big window is fixed here, just not patched to you.
Metaphistone What happened to necromancy ? Are you still planning on adding it ?
Designer Dragon: Necromancy is still on the table but we don't know when -- there are other things at a higher priority
Tolmax/Talgar Will monsters ever be able to pick up player made barricades ? Flour bags and such.
Designer Dragon: Yes, someday monsters will pick up flour bags. :P
Shakkar Will it be possible to have some public buildings in player cities not to be the only owner slot for the account ? Seems unfair to only have an unlocked building for someone.
Designer Dragon: We don't know exactly how we are handling public buildings versus private ones, but our thinking right now is that public buildings with internal lockable doors would allow both private space AND public space, for just one person.
smt Will there be a shard wipe on the beta shard before T2A comes out ?
Designer Dragon: Yes, the beta shard WILL DIE, be VAPORIZED, DISINTEGRATED, and otherwise VANISH before we ship.
Vash Will llamas be rideable in old lands after T2A comes out ?
Designer Dragon: I don't think they will be
hanseofshadows Given the emphasis on "combat" patches the last 6 months, I'm glad (but anxious) to see broadend ability to customize dwellings. I hope crafting is incorporated into soon patches (Actually asking for confirmation) I've been sticking it out as a carpenter/tinker in hopes of this for almost 9 months now... I still can't beautify much, and I'm not really a "mad bomber" which is what tinkers seem to mainly be used for... Candelabras, rugs, stonework... statues...
Designer Dragon: That sort of thing is exactly what we want to include in the craftables stuff
Sappho How many races will be available, and will we have to recreate our characters to get to use this new race ?
Designer Dragon: My current thinking is three races: gargoyle, orcs or half-orcs, and something elvish but not as generic as D&D elves.
Sappho How will they be implemented though ?
Designer Dragon: You probably will need to make new characters, because the stat limits and stuff would probably be different. In other words, "elves" might be able to get to 150 dex, but only 50 strength etc. They would have new paperdoll art, but not new animations in the small figure, but they would have different ranges available for hair color and skin color. My preference is to make elves more like the sidhe of Celtic myth, instead of Acme Generic fantasy Elves. Keep in mind though, that this is targeted for MAYBE January. So we are a ways away. Don't get too excited yet. :)
duskwalker Will tents be foldable any time soon ?
Designer Dragon: That will likely be part of the first pass of the housing update.
Spoonman It is really hard to walk through a moongate in the new lands due to uneven ground.. Will this change ?
Designer Dragon: We can test that out, I'll make a note.
Kengi Kinjo: Is the weapons patch coming before X-mas ?
Designer Dragon: With any luck, the NEXT update (not the one next week, that's the LAST update take 2) will have the weapons unnerfed. So it's VERY close.
smt are they going to at flying Carpets/Flying boat ?
Designer Dragon: I don't follow your question... If it's "are they going to add flying carpets" it is on the list for someday. :)
matkell2 DD when the beta test is over how will you make the t2a portals outside of towns more secure from PKs ?
Designer Dragon: We thought long and hard about the issue of PKs blocking access to the portals. It's a tricky problem, and there is no real answer. So we made a LOT of entrances, and some of them start or end in justice regions, that is about all we can do there.
matkell2 Will you make jester suits and caps sewable please ?
Designer Dragon: We can seel about making jester suits and caps sewable, sure.
Uziel Is lockable book text coming anytime soon(tm) ?
Designer Dragon: Lockable book text is not yet on the short term agenda :(
smt Are they going to add surcoats back into the game ?
duskwalker Making tunics sewable would also be appreciated
Designer Dragon: Surcoats will be back. We can make tunics sewable too. (And surcoats for that matter :)
Lotos You did think about PKs blocking access, but did you think about PKs not being able to enter Britannia ? Most portals are within the guard zone.
Designer Dragon: PKs seem not to have had any trouble getting into the T2A lands so I am not worried on that front. :)
Sir Einer d'Pac: PKs are welcome to enter through the cave north of wrong

Xena Dragon:||*chuckles*

Boy Wonder II: After T2A comes out (or big window common) will this be the new medium for the House of Commons chats ?
Designer Dragon: No, HoC chats will stay where they are. We regularly get 700+ there, and the channels here are limited to 300.
Gorgrim So I've been seeing what you've been saying DD,and it seems you want to make UO more like a classic RPG that depends on team work not some tank mage going solo. Examples are the channeling and the races making things more diverse -- is this true ?
Designer Dragon: That is correct. We like the classless system and find it offers more freedom, but the slogan has to be "jack of all trades, master of none." But classless is difinately harder to balance. As we've seen. *shakes his head in chagrin*
missed a question here about rune books as a way to reduce the number of runes in the game
Designer Dragon: Will, rune books have come up before. But we've determined that # of runes isn't that big a deal compared to number of TENTS. :P
Mr Bill: Do you plan on adding putting small pets in packs, or somehow allowing tamers to securely trade ? Right now it's all trust.
Designer Dragon: Nice idea. We have a few other enhancements planned for pets first: 1) making them actually keep up with you, 2) making them actually attack when they are supposed to, 3) the cool bit: making them learn skills, so they actually improve the longer you keep them and train them, so there is value at keeping a loyal pet.
BvD Is chat text going to be able to be saved in the journal ? This would make meetings for guilds a lot easier.
Designer Dragon: Someday we can add chat text logging

Xena Dragon:||(who is still typing all this by hand) hopes it will be someday soon!

Nutty What if you made any new "cool" items ONLY craftable by players ? Anything like "flying carpets", housing security (safes, locks), rest of stuff mentioned here... but obviously only by master or GM skilled players.
Designer Dragon: That is indeed the policy we plan to follow. For example, when we add colored plate, it will ONLY be sold by players. We have also talked about removing all the nicer items from NPC shops altogether.
Beguile Will you be able to put craftable items on boats ? ex. A forge for us miners out at sea.
Designer Dragon: I doubt you will be able to put craftable stuff on boats :( Sorry.
Brona Are we ever going to be able to place houses in the New Lands ?
Designer Dragon: You will be able to -- after the housing patch is complete and working as we want it to.
Samadhi Think you could make iron fences craftable to make house courtyards ? Would have to be way less lag to have a fence as opposed to 4 tents or houses making the courtyard. Sections could be made by a smith. You would have to attach to YOUR house and be able to build only so large.
Designer Dragon: Fences have come up before. We are frankly scared that someone would build one like, say, around Britain. :P
Andromadus Any chance that all of those nice little details in the old world, like vials and unusable reagents, returning to their original place among the NPCs and stay there ? They add a nice touch to the world but they have all been stolen.
Designer Dragon: They do in fact pop back when they decay. People keep them in places where they don't decay though. :P
Metaphistone On pet thing including dragons ? But I think you should not be able to transfer them.
Designer Dragon: I don't even know what that relates to :)
Metaphistone them being controlled somewhat
Gorgrim Now DD you guys have a LOT on your agenda (tell me if I'm asking too many questions) but I'm worried about how you will be able to handle so much change in the near future - it seems you are changing the whole game around (which I like) but how will you handle having to implement so many changes ?
Designer Dragon: This question deserves paid some attention to... How will we handle all the load of these changes ? Basically: as the Vault kindly reprinted (damn you, gasper! ;)
gasper :)
Designer Dragon: We have a new team. This team is really enthusiastic, is longtime UO players, and is really talented. The last few updates have been mostly code left over from the folks who left. But a few features are from the new guys -- you can spot 'em because they are the features that fix stuff players have been annoyed about forever -- like paperdoll lag when sailing, for example :) Basically, we're all REALLY excited here now, and enthusiastic, and ready to really kick some butt. And we want to start out by really making players happy with a couple of updates that give them things they really want and deserve. That's why you are getting Big Window (should be back for everyone next week btw) and that's why we are going to work immediately on stuff like exceptional plate, provocation flagging, house breakins, and other things everyone wants fixed.
Designer Dragon: OK, any follow-ups on that issue about how we're going forward ? Questions on that only, please -- I really want players to understand that we're entering a new era :)
Designer Dragon: Oh -- Good news!!
Designer Dragon: We just found the [beta] PATCHING problem, and it will be fixed!

Xena Dragon:||The crowd just goes wild here. Cheers and hurrah all over...

Rainman It sounds like some priorities have been shuffed around ... ie. lockdowns coming before housing and weapons rescaling coming before a full combat revision.
Designer Dragon: Yes, we did shuffle some stuff around based on player feedback. Lots of folks would like lockdowns as soon as possible, rather than waiting for all of housing which is still at least a month away if not two. And holding combat till after housing seems just well, cruel, since the un-nerfing stuff is DONE already.
Rainman That wasn't exactly my question though :) I know you've shuffled things around... I'm asking if there's anything besides the two I mentioned! :P
Designer Dragon: Right -- let me explain how it's going, :) First: you get Big Window, like, next week. Stat advancement fixed too, also a few other small things (not much else though). Then the next update we want to make a "crowd pleaser". That means stuff like maybe lockdowns, a bunch of long-awaited stuff like exceptional plate, that sort of thing. Channeling is POSSIBLE for that update but I don't know.
Carmella Can you possibly add removing bowery and alchemy spam to the irritation list DD ? Getting rid of kindling with every carpentry item would be wonderful too. Little things add up to major irritations after a while.
Designer Dragon: Alchemy and bowyer spam IS on that task list. Basically, we want to make it the "anti-annoyances" patch :)
Designer Dragon: OK, so then we get un-nerfed weapons -- what about the rest of combat revisions ? Well, they go ON HOLD, while we evaluate the un-nerfed weapons. We wanna be REALLY careful about changes in combat. And while they are on hold, you have un-nerfed stuff, and we work on housing. First phase of that is LIKELY (this is NOT finalized yet) to be zapping of tents, creation of the concept of "shop buildings" where vendors are inside with unlockable doors, and the creation of town markets for vendors. And then tents go collapsible, and with any luck we lose 1/2 the buildings in the game all at once. Oh -- I forgot one thing that happens before that. We are working VERY hard on getting the backups down to a target of an hour. And we have high hopes on that front. Cross your fingers, major timewarps will be gone before you install T2A. You may cheer at that one too :)

Xena Dragon:||And again the crowd goes wild clapping and shouting ...

Designer Dragon: OK, so that takes us out to near Xmas. We want to give you all a nice Xmas present, and my favorite candidate is player races. Also because EQ has them, and well, we want to stomp all over EQ (all due respect to Brad :)
Jithero Could yuo maybe post all of what you just said in order to 'Coming Soon'
Designer Dragon: I'll see about getting this posted when we have it a little more finalized, It's still a bit nebulous at the moment. We're caught between the dilemma of telling things to you early, and getting flamed for not having it ready early, and you're thinking that we're not doing anything or listening :(
missed a line of text here--basically, some folks started flaming EQ, and DD told them to cut it out, said that he and Brad were friends and the games have just a friendly rivalry
Designer Dragon: Lesson to take from that: neiter Brad NOR I appreciate the flame wars over EQ vs UO and (worse) vs each other's teams. :P That's just immature.
Brodie Colored weapons, you say they are no longer given out, and the remaining ones will be taken away. Well, on Atlantic, there is a player who has MANY colored items, such as weapons, armor, rings, etc. This isn't fair to other players, will something be done about this ? BTW, this person isn't a seer or OSI employee, I know that.
Designer Dragon: I know nothing about that. but colored plate is on the list for the next few months.
Shakkar Any chance of new housing styles like the jungle motif in the new lands ? And can player buildings get these marketplaces like regular towns ?
Designer Dragon: New house styles are a possibility but they are not on the list right now. Player cities MAY be able to get marketplaces someday.
Capone Is there going to be a possible password required for some confs ? For guild confs and such, so admins won't have to keep kicking people.
Designer Dragon: You can password any conference you make
Missed a question about loot on monsters
Designer Dragon: More loot for monsters IS COMING, Toad was working on that TODAY.
missed a question here--someone asked about the ability to mark certain items on their character as newbie items so they stay when you die
Designer Dragon: Newbiefying items is not likely, sorry.
El Cid: A simple question, but I have to ask it :) Why, after so many players ask for it, can OSI not re-introduce a 24 hour GM schedule ? Right now it is "exploit heaven" after they quite for the night.
Designer Dragon: I wish I could answer that but it's so far out of my control I can't.
Vash On the four suits theory, DD, that was theory - what in UO's year has not fit that and surprised you ? Anything ?
Designer Dragon: So far, all of that has panned out, pretty much. Bartle's essay is just for useful generic classification of course, and doesn't help for applying a category to any given player... it describes player group tendencies. I've traded some emails with him, btw, he was surprised to hear that there was someone out there applying his essay to a real game :) Anyway -- so far it's been matching :)
Lacroix Would it be possible to buy bank space from the banker ? Say another 400 stones for 5000 gp? The only reason I have a house is for storage.
Designer Dragon: Not likely you can buy more bankspace, sorry.
Flagg Any idea when the next wipe will happen on TC ? I love fresh shards :)
Designer Dragon: Dunno when the wipe on TC will be but fresh US shards should be coming soon. And European shards are VERY VERY close.
hanseofshadows What about clothing variants ? (ie: trim on sleeves, collars) I don't know how difficult it would be to make clothing with different colored areas... kinda like the neat black robes you (DD, etc) have been seen wearing. The current styles become bland before too long.
Designer Dragon: Clothing variants are new 3d animations, and therefore not likely :(
Nutty Patch day scares people now, any ideas on how to calm the nerves ? Despite new staff players expectations are critical (I got some semi worthless ones)
Designer Dragon: I know. We just have to regain player trust. That's all. :P
Andromadus Can we have your solom oath that there will be no thousand santa clauses and no few hundred raindeer this year ?
Designer Dragon: I promise, no thousand Santa Clauses. If they show up, you can... uh... pelt me with... uh... chocolate! Yeah, there you go. If there's a thousand Santas for Xmas this year, the January player lunch will feature me getting pelted with food. I swear it. :)
Andromadus And the possibility of Silver currency in the new world would be REALLY nice (is begging if you can't tell)
Designer Dragon: Silver curency is not on the table at this time, sorry :( It WOULD be cool, but...
Lord Greenwood: What are your plans so far with mages being wrestlers ? What have the Mage Tower and you decided so far on this issue ?
Designer Dragon: We've talked about if you hold a spellbook in hands, wrestling is not checked. That's our current take on mages and wrestling. In fact, I bet we can get that into the "crowdpleaser" update. I'll check and see.
Xena Dragon: Allright. Thanks everyone for being here.
The Crowd *applauds* Thanks for your time DD !
Designer Dragon: Spread the word about the coming days -- we DO really want to make players happy here.
Designer Dragon: FAREWELL ALL!