House of Commons from 2000-04-20
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House of Commons from 2000-04-20
Jerrith | Greetings and thank you for attending tonight's UOHoC. |
Jerrith | Tonight's chat topic is Ultima Online: Renaissance and as such we will accept questions related to this topic. |
Jerrith | Jerrith will be our moderator for this evening. In order to submit questions, please /msg or /query XenaDragon, Niobe, or Zorn. |
Jerrith | Please /msg different question-takers at different times, in order to balance the load, and speed this process up. Do not msg anyone from Origin or myself--these questions will be ignored. |
Jerrith | Remember they may not have the opportunity to answer all of your questions. In addition, some questions may not be answered if they feel that it is not appropriate or that it has been better answered through some other question. |
Jerrith | In addition, please do not submit any questions that have already been answered during past conferences. |
Jerrith | We encourage you to read the logs of the previous UOHoCs, which are available at |
Jerrith | Thanks for coming, everyone. We will now begin accepting questions. |
Jerrith | *extremis* Do you know if they will be allowing building in the new facet once the patch goes in, I noticed it was "decreed a 'no build' period" on the Lake Superior Test Shard. |
tOAD | There will be new building allowed on the new facet, but in a slightly different way. |
tOAD | Stage 1 will last a few days where only Castles can be placed |
tOAD | Stage 2 will last approximately a week |
tOAD | Keeps, larger houses with patios, etc. will be able to be placed |
tOAD | Stage 3 will begin after stage 2 and any size house will be able to be placed |
tOAD | For more information you can check in the in-testing section. |
Jerrith | *DOG-Shade* I was just wondering when the respawn rate is going to change, its insane I think the LL room is the only place to fight stuff with decent spawn rate (on sonoma of course) |
Runesabre | The respawn rates will be fixed in the next update Calandryl just posted to our website. |
Calandryll | |
Jerrith | *Arch[EKC]* Will all shards get the next update at the same time or will you turn them on in some order? |
Runesabre | Currently, only Sonoma will be getting an update to resolve some post UOR issues |
Runesabre | Since that update is UOR specific the other shards will not get such a change. :) |
Runesabre | As far as when the rest of the shards will be updated to UOR, I don't have an exact date to give right now. |
Jerrith | *web question* Is there a T2A of Trammel? If so, can you place housing there? |
tOAD | There is a T2A on Trammel, but for right now it follows the same rules as the Felucca T2A so no housing can be placed there. |
Jerrith | *Traxer[EKC]* THis new bonus to damage with lumberjacking .. will it effect monsters as well as players ? (since 2 handed special attacks dont) |
Runesabre | The lumberjacking bonus WILL apply to monsters though the other 2-handed special attacks will not. |
Jerrith | *LGreywolf* Will there be a chance of new clothing types to come out for the new era? |
tOAD | At the moment we don't have any new clothes art to add. |
Jerrith | *Arislan88* Could we get details on how Archery changes work or should work in regards to "moving while firing" ? |
Runesabre | The changes to Archery involved raising the min damage done with bows up a little, lowering slightly the max damage ( so average damage is overall higher ) and then upping the fire rate. |
Runesabre | And finally, the last change was to allow archery a higher chance of hitting a target vs other weapons. |
Runesabre | These are the only changes that have currently been done to archery. |
Jerrith | *C_Thomas* I have a question are there going to be shields issued with the factions Like order and chaos? |
tOAD | That's not part of the initial design for factions, so no. |
Jerrith | *Ibn_Shaun* There hasn't been much discussion of what the Dev Team will be working on after the release of UO:R. What will be your new priorities be? Can we expect to see popular and long-requested features like professional title selection and new housing addons? |
Runesabre | For now, the Dev Team is completely focused on launching UO:R worldwide. :) |
Jerrith | *web question* With the new style houses, will houses still need to be public in order to place a vendor? |
Runesabre | Yes houses will still have to be declared public in order to place vendors. Vendors are not meant to be private storage containers which is why the restriction is there. |
Jerrith | *Teldriana* In the party system you will share fame and karma. If in the felucca side one of your party members takes a murder count will everyone in the party share the karma loss and the count? |
Jalek | Currently, fame and karma sharing work as they do as if you did the task yourself. So yes, you are responsible for your party |
Jerrith | *paradox_* It's almost nearly impossible to find a plot for a castle.. If this UO:R patch is all about land addition then why aren't the tools easier to use. Why not use the Land Survey tool and click castle... then as you walk it shows all possible plots for a castle with a small marker. |
Runesabre | While I would like something like there are technical reasons why this solution is not implemented. |
Jalek | sorry, missed something on my previous post, you won't take a count, but, you will lose fame/karma, sorry for the confusion :( |
Jerrith | *Magellan_THB* Boats are protected from players teleporting onto them...I'm assuming some sort of field prevents this. Therefore, wouldn't this field prevent monsters from teleporting onto them as well? |
tOAD | Understand that fictionally monsters don't necessarily use the same type of magic that players use. Monsters may or may not need reagents or the same amount of mana that a player uses. Given that, if monsters are capable of teleporting onto boats, it's because the field the keeps players from doing so doesn't pertain to monsters in necessarily the same way. |
Jerrith | *Orrey* Will runes marked in Felucca work to their corresponding spots in Trammel if used in trammel or will we have to re mark? |
Jalek | You will have to remark |
Jerrith | *WitchKing* With the party system, will you be able to maintain a party even across both facets? |
Jalek | Yes, you will be able to maintain a party no matter where you are. If you are across facets, health bars won't update, but you will still be able to communicate. |
Jerrith | *Ardaxus* Hi, I was wondering, it seems to me that the way the new lands work is simply a boolean which swaps flowers and stuff with gravestones and blood. If this is the case, will ore spawn locations remain the same? I.e. the valorite locations I know for Felucca, will they be in the same spot on Trammel? |
Jalek | The flowers, seasons and "dead world" look are all client side. Nothing affects the ore spawns, so, they are all the same :) |
Jerrith | *NightDrag* Will a faction leader be able to kick members out of the faction? |
tOAD | The faction system is currently being worked on, so that feature may or may not be added to it, but it hasn't been decided yet. |
Jerrith | *DOG-Shade* The party system is a great device ingame, but your Party members health bars seem to not update sometimes, and or update within a X amount of time. Is there any chance on fixing this problem? |
Jalek | I have not been able to track this down, I had it happen to me one time, but I couldn't tell what caused it. |
Jalek | I hope to have a fix for it soon, as I realize it is a problem |
Jerrith | *web question* Can the new style houses be placed in either world? |
tOAD | Yes. |
Jerrith | *Annaluna* I am blue, my friend is RED .. can we co-own a house and place it in Trammel? Would he be able to enter? |
tOAD | It would be very difficult since Red players shouldn't be allowed in Trammel, and he would need to be present to become a Co-Owner. |
Jerrith | *Pegasus{OiN}* Why is it Felucca that looks like a "dead world" and not Trammel? |
tOAD | Felucca is the world ruled by Minax, destroyed, beaten, a wasteland. Trammel is the safe world where the citizens of Britannia were taken to protect them from Minax. Thus it has flowers. |
Jerrith | *Petrus* What was the reasoning behind moving Keeps from Stage 1 housing to Stage 2 housing? |
tOAD | Mostly it was because there is a very limited amount of space for Castles, and we didn't want those areas to be taken up by keeps. There are many, many more places where keeps can be placed so it was moved to phase two. And thus it has flowers. |
Jalek | haha |
Jerrith | *Bruce[EKC]* Will OSI storyline events happen on only one land or will they be spread between? (Eg. Minax etc.) |
tOAD | The plot events that we run will span both facets. |
Jerrith | *Tentacle* Are you going to give monster interruptable spellcasting and spell delays since the only reason they had these abilities because they were stupid before but now they have an enhanced ai? |
tOAD | It's possible that some of the magics cast by monsters will be interruptable, or have delays, but I must reiterate that innate spell using monsters don't cast spells the same way normal players do, so in some situations this won't change. |
Jerrith | *FADal_GL* All the servers have got the client side patch, does this clientside stuff affect the broken skills (magery,Poisoning, etc) or will we have to wait for the full UO:R publish to our shards? |
Runesabre | The client patch doe snot affect skill advancement. Those fixes will become active with the release of UOR. |
Jerrith | *Dariuas* Will the monsters in the new land be more powerfull, or a bit more grimice becuase of the land? Meaning do they change with the enviornment, to better suit the new era of the lands? |
tOAD | The monsters in both lands will be more powerful since monsters on both sides are technically controlled by Minax. |
Jalek | |
tOAD | And monsters don't get flowers. |
Jerrith | *Horus-CTA* Why can't Siege Perilous have a Trammel? |
Runesabre | Trammel goes against what Siege Perilous is meant which is a UO where players have more freedom to participate and mold the world as they see fit without the system constricting them. |
Jerrith | That concludes our chat for this evening. Thank you everyone for coming tonight, in particular, those from OSI: Jalek, Calandryll, SunSword, tOAD, and Runesabre. |
Jerrith | The next chat will be in two weeks. The log of this weeks chat will be posted shortly at |