2001-05-14: Rumors and Such
Revision as of 17:17, 16 February 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoHeader UOFiction | title = Rumors and Such | type = BNN }}<div class="uofiction"> Rumors of orc sightings and talk of missing sheep has been percolating through some of...")
Rumors of orc sightings and talk of missing sheep has been percolating through some of the towns of Britannia. Could this be a natural migration? Some of the resident orc experts don't think so.
“Well, I used to see orcs all the time near my house in Cove, but I haven't seen one for days," reported Dwiggit, a resident of Cove and a long-time orc hunter. "They didn't even come around when I replanted my garden, and they've trampled that garden every season for two years.”
Well, whatever the reason, it can only be assumed that the orcs are moving. Why? No one knows... except perhaps the orcs themselves.