2001-02-20: Al’Cedra’s Challenge: The Gauntlet
Al’Cedra’s Challenge: The Gauntlet
Author: Bethsainda Ariaachas | Published: February 20, 2001 |
Well, dear readers, the challenge on March 1st is going to be very different this time! I have this right from the dragon’s mouth! This month Al’Tyr will be running things, and he has an event filled with danger, thrills, chills, and general mayhem. It seems that players will be registering as teams of five, and given a color to use during the competition. The dragons seem to be most fond of the City of Honor, and their events often have some connection with it - and this is no exception! The event itself will be fraught with danger and puzzles that must be gotten past. Unlike former events, this one will focus on combat along the way. The last step will be into the lair itself and the five teams of five that make it to the endpoint will have a chance to answer the riddles. The sashes this month will be engraved Master of Sword and Word for the winning team of five. NO team that is not complete may enter the lair. A variety of talents should be incorporated into each team, for who knows what challenges you will have to face. For new readers, the Trammel Dragon appears once a month upon the first, and poses riddles to all citizens of Britainnia who have proved themselves worthy through prior tests and trials. This month the trials will focus on combat and battle skills. Teams MUST register in advance for the event.