2012-06-13: Bonnie Armstrong Promoted to Producer

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Bonnie Armstrong Promoted to Producer

Posted Jun 13, 2012 12:20:46 EST by Kai Schober on the UO Herald.

Bonnie ‘Mesanna’ Armstrong has become the Producer for Ultima Online. Together with Jeff Skalski, who continues his role as Ultima Franchise Producer, she will now take an even more active lead of all topics around our longest running MMO. Bonnie’s drive, dedication and knowledge of UO, together with her motivation to kill players (in-game) are well known in the office and among players.

Of course this raises some questions about the directions Bonnie is going to take, questions you might ask on the boards. Apart from a “Yeah yeah yeah” song we weren’t able to get an initial statement yet – but we shall have one in the near future.

Congratulations, Bonnie. Let’s lead UO through an exciting 15th anniversary and into the future.