Patch Notes from 2014-10-16
Revision as of 01:17, 17 March 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)
Patch Notes from 2014-10-16
Enhanced Client Bug Fixes
- User Setting “Block War on Guild” has been updated to “Block War on Friendly”
- Save Journal Option is functional once again
- Removed hotbar item disabling on player death, low mana, minimum skill requirements, and paralyzed
- Hotbar context menu options for Polymorph, Spell Trigger, and Enchant Spell are now functional
- Corrected issue where bank boxes do not show full contents in grid view. Known Issue bank boxes do not show grid view option when first opened
- Corrected contents information when displaying weight
- Improved performance of hotbars while they are hidden
- Temporarily disabled heartbeat on low health