Patch Notes from 2015-04-02
Revision as of 15:43, 17 March 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)
Patch Notes from 2015-04-02
- Corrected an issue where the gold picked up at Champ Spawns followed house IDOC loot rules which prevents picking up items too quickly.
- Corrected an issue where IDOCs were not falling exactly at the 5,10, or 15 hours. Players are able to get their house back even in the IDOC state but accounts must be renewed atleast two hours before it drops or it will not be returned to you.
- Corrected an issue related to teleporting to Haven.
- Enhanced Client containers with over 125 items that are not bank boxes will default to list view.
Unofficial Patch Notes
- New graphics:
- Champagne bottle
- Champagne glass
- Potted plants for Easter (2 types)