2004-06-05: キーワナン裁判、被告死亡のため閉廷

キーワナン裁判、被告死亡のため閉廷 / Kiwanan trial, due to death of defendant closed
Author: Abigail Lia | Published: June 5, 2004 |
キーワナン将軍は先日、ロイヤルガードによるミナックス追討作戦がトリンシック近郊にある隠れ谷で行われた際に捕らえられた。ロイヤルガードの指揮官であるエレイン・ベイフェリー(Elaine Bayfery)と彼女の作戦に参加した冒険者たちの部隊が、強力な魔法使いの助力を得ることで彼を裁きの場に引きずり出すことに成功したのである。彼はユー刑務所で裁きの日を待つこととなった。
キーワナンは、ブリタニアとその王家に対する大小いくつもの反逆罪、反乱軍を煽って法権力に立ち向かわせるという違法な行為、そして我等が君主ロード・ブリティッシュ(Lord British)の誘拐を企てたかどで有罪となるはずであった。
Keeonean, who once served as General of the army of Minax, was murdered in trial under treason against Britannia.
General Kiwanan was caught the other day when the Royal Guard Minarch pursuing strategy was held in a hidden valley near Trinsic. Because the Royal Guard commander Elaine Bayfery and the adventurers who participated in her strategy succeeded in pulling him to a place of judgment by getting help from a powerful wizard is there. He decided to wait for the day of judgment at You prison.
In lieu of the king who is on urgent affair, Elain has decided to prosecute the case and open a case. Seven honorable Britannian citizens were elected as juries among many viewers during the opening of the court and finally a trial was held at the court of Yu, the city of justice.
Key wannan is an illegal act of enlarging the rebel army against large and small against Britannia and its royal family, confronting the law power, and guilty as we attempted to kidnap the monarch Lord British It was supposed to be.
During the discussion, I thought that the prison who was watching Keihuanan fell down with a scream, and Minax, known as the Queen of Darkness, appeared there. Although Minax was a figure like a ghost appearance, the powerful magic was able to be used even in such a state. Kiwanan asked for help thought that Minax came to save him, but she had no time to stop anyone who was present on the spot, and she shot a tremendous thunder a number of times over him, and with that intense power he I murdered.
Minarcus in the form of an eculear disappears in the fuss that springs up and still seems to be missing. And the key wanan literally disappeared without a trace. In this way it was decided to have a court without a defendant.
Elaine commander strongly tells the people of Sosaria that if they see her, he will not come into contact with her unless he is with the royal guards.