2006-04-14: Who is Inu the Crone

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Global Edition

Who is Inu the Crone? / 老婆イヌとは!?

Author: Unknown Published: April 14, 2006

NUJEL'M – Inu the Crone continues to plague the citizens of Britannia with her soapbox preaching. She travels from town to town, spouting incoherent tripe. Is she a visionary, or merely a deluded crackpot? No one is certain, for none have yet managed to decipher her ramblings. As yet, she has offered no coherent information, only word games. One thing is certain: she is either some kind of prophet, or the biggest waste of column inches in BNN history.

老婆イヌ(Inu the Crone)は、現在も街頭で何かをわめき散らし、ブリタニア市民の不安を駆り立て続けている。行く先々の街で支離滅裂な言葉を発し続けているのだ。

彼女は予言者なのか、単に気がふれてしまっているだけなのか? 老婆の言葉を解き明かし、その真実を得たという者は未だ現れてはいない。これまでのところ、老婆が我々に投げかけてくるのはなんら意味を持たない言葉遊びだけのようである。
