2006-07-07: Ophidians Attack!
Ophidians Attack! / オフィディアンとの小競合い、いよいよ本格化か
Author: Saax Pannae | Published: July 7, 2006 |
Sneaking around and slinking up behind unsuspecting victims, Ophidians have invaded several areas of Britannia and seem to be attacking citizens at random. No pattern has yet been established for who they are attacking or why. According to eye witness reports, the Ophidians seem to be searching for someone in particular, but refuse to say who. Knowledge on why these overgrown snakes are roaming around on the outskirts of our fair towns and villages is scarce, though there may be a connection to the recent rash of missing persons reports originating from the cutpurse community.
Even the well fortified source of most of Britannia’s fighting population isn’t immune from these forays. Serpent’s Hold has reported Ophidians roughing up sketchy looking characters outside of the castle gates, though the snakes have yet to make any attempt to attack the Hold itself. Ophidian behavior is exceedingly difficult to predict, but there is hope that these minor incursions are not an omen of something much worse to come.
Notoriously reclusive, Ophidians are not known for traveling much farther than the mountain pass that leads to their home. Almost all contact with the Ophidians in recent years has been met with violence, as if they are protecting something of great value.
Papua, being the closest human settlement to Ophidian territory, has for years been wary of having the ferocious looking snakes only a short horseback ride away. Lost Lands experts who are native to Papua believe that the Ophidians are not likely to be a major threat unless first provoked, however this recent activity calls that assumption into question. An Ophidian invasion does not yet seem imminent, though the pickpockets of Britannia may not necessarily agree with that assessment.
In any case, BNN will be sure to stay on top of this developing story. Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, or even a bunch of overgrown marauding snakes shall keep us from delivering the latest news directly to you.
ブリタニア統治評議会に所属する高官(匿名)は、「我々はこの攻撃を非常に深刻に受け止めている。オフィディアンたちが戦争を望むのであれば、我々は数をもってこれに抵抗するだろう。言うまでもないことだが、我が軍は対抗策の作成に取り掛かっている。我々が全面的に戦いを遂行するならば、オフィディアンたちの望まない結果となるのは明らかだ」とコメントしている。 しかし、未だに統治評議会から正式な発表はない。
その一方で、この戦いの背景を掴むことが出来るならば、話し合いによって戦争を回避することが可能であるとの見解もある。オフィディアン専門家のナカ・ゲロウ氏は、「オフィディアンはたしかに大きく強力な軍隊を保持しているが、私は彼らの動きを疑問に思っている。何者かが彼らを扇動している可能性が高いが、いままで彼らは扇動といったものに関心を示すことは無かったからだ」と話す。 ゲロウ氏はまた、冒険者たちがオフィディアンの領域に踏み込み、オフィディアンの女王に危害を加えた可能性もあるのではともコメントしている。「私が耳にしたことが本当なら、何者かが彼らをここまでの怒りに駆り立てる何かを行ったのは明らかだろう」