2007-01-02: 真実と大逆

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Global Edition

真実と大逆 / Truth and Large

Author: Leurocian Malnagrane, High Archmage and Traveling Bard Published: January 2, 2007


彼を嘲る声が地下から聞こえてくるたびに、ゴーラン・ザーロフ(Goran Zarlov)は口元を歪ませた。その声にも、だいぶ慣れた。ここ数カ月というもの、その声はゴーランを嘲り、導き、そして苦しめてきた。 ほどなくして、ゴーランは究極の真理と多元的宇宙についての知識を理解し、人知を超えたもっとも暗い力でさえも、彼の意志で操ることができるようになっていた。彼の前に立ちはだかるのは、たったひとつの扉だけだった……。

ゴーランはブラックロックの塊をバックパックから取り出すと、神秘の力を引き出すべく古の呪文を詠唱しはじめた。荒れ狂う風の中で、呪文が滝のように舞う。突然、足元から膨大なエネルギーが湧き起こり、ブリタニア金庫室のドアを吹き飛ばした。 古代魔法によるエネルギーがパチパチと音をたてていたが、やがてふっと消えた。開いた扉の先にある部屋に入るとき、ゴーランは自らが成し遂げたことに狂喜せずにはいられなかった。


「武器を持て! 武器を持つんだ! 何者かが神聖なる金庫に侵入したぞ!」

ロイヤルガードのキャプテンであるサー・ジョフリー(Sir Geoffrey the Captain of the Royal Guard) は周囲のガードたちに号令し、急いで階段を降りた。高位の宮廷魔術師たちは、魔法防御が破られたこと、隠された階段が暴かれたこと、そして彼らのうちの誰かが裏切ったことを悟った。










その恐ろしい陰が命令を発した。ゴーランは本とブラックロックをきつく握り締めながら、のろのろと陰に近づいた。 ゴーランがダンジョンの入り口に差し掛かったとき、ロイヤルガードたちがゲートを通って現れた。ロイヤルガードの上級魔術師たちは、破壊の呪文を詠唱し始めた。恐るべき数々の魔力のボルトが空気を切り裂き、目標へと一気に放たれた。いくつものエナジーボルトが、ゴーランの持つブラックロックと、本から発せられた力によってかき消された。 突然地中からものすごい力が湧き起こってゴーランの体が粉々に砕け散ると、彼の苦悶の叫びがぷっつりと途切れた。真実の本は彼の手から滑り落ち、地面に触れる前に……消えてしまった。




"I can not live without my strength, is not it?"

Goran Zarlov distorted his mouth whenever a voice of mocking him was heard from underground. I got used to that voice a lot. The thing of the past few months, its voice has mocked, guided and tormented Golan. Soon after, Goran understood the ultimate truth and knowledge about the pluralistic universe, and even the darkest force exceeding human knowledge was able to manipulate with his will. There was only one door to stand in front of him ....

When Golan took out the block of black rock from the backpack, he began to cast an old spell to bring out the power of mystery. In the raging wind, the spell dances like a waterfall. Suddenly enormous energy came up from the feet and blew the door of the Britannia safe. Energy from ancient magic was making a crackle, but eventually it disappeared. When entering the room ahead of the opened door, Goran could not help being insane about what he accomplished.

On the second floor from the Britannia safe room, the guards and visitors felt a great tremor. Some people crashed and lost their balance. Furniture collapsed, those who lived in the castle got into great confusion.

"Hold the weapon! Hold the weapon! Somebody has invaded the sacred safe!"

Royal guard captain Sir Geoffrey the Captain of the Royal Guard declared surrounding guards and quickly got off the stairs. The high ranking court magicians realized that the magic defense was broken, that the hidden stairs were revealed, and that some of them betrayed.

When Goran raised what he was searching over, the voice of the case resounded loudly in his head.

"Bring that book, the book of truth, to the despises, and let 's give a reward"

Shortly afterwards, the guards entered the room in confrontation with the intruder, but only the sound of the spell recalled by Golan echoed in an empty room.

"It's a book of truth"

Geoffrey was hurt by despair and could not move, he said.

"I have been stolen"

When Golan instantiated himself at the entrance of the desperate, he looked around and listened to the voice in his head. Ambiguous voices and words that were lost in the ancient times were resonating as they sang many times over and over again. He screamed when those voices kneeled Golan.

It was like a daydream. A kind of intimidating and shadowy things that did not allow you to resist it was floating at the entrance of the desperate. They kept eating the spirit of Golan by dark words.

"Give me the book ... just now!

That horrible shadow commanded orders. Goran approached the shadow while shaking the book and black rock tightly. When Golan came to the entrance of the dungeon, the royal guards appeared through the gate. Royal guard senior magicians began to cast destruction spells. A terrible number of magical bolts ripped the air and was released to the target at a stretch. Several Energy Bolts were drowned out by Golan's Black Rock and the power emanating from the book. Suddenly a tremendous amount of power came from the ground and the body of Golan crushed and shattered, the cry of his agony broke down steadily. The book of truth slipped down from his hand and disappeared before touching the ground ......

"I have to tell Licuree immediately"

Senior court magician Zora (Zorla) said.

"You must know what happened if you're a lighter."