2011-10-03: Guard and Concerned Citizens

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Guard and Concerned Citizens

Author: EM Sangria Published: October 3, 2011

Last night during the meeting, the Dragon Herder dropped off a ‘present’ from his employer – a Genetically Tinkered Drake. Fortunately the beast was quickly dispatched.

Along with the Drake, a letter was left:

Royal Guard.
In Fel, the Mystic Dragon Herder was prevented from delivering a much needed herd of dragons. This action caused a severe loss of income, not to mention showed a complete lack of respect to those providing a valuable and much needed service.
Hopefully today you have learned a lesson in respect and will no longer interfere.
Good Day.

Needless to say this causes me some concern. Who is this ‘genetic tinker’? Is this person a threat? What should our course of action be? These are the questions I’d like you to investigate.

Talk to people and see if anyone knows anything. Bars are always a good place to start. Once your investigation is done, report on what you’ve learned as well as a recommendation to our next course of action. You can drop your report off at the Brit Wedding Chapel mailbox at, (9′ 29″ N, 11’48”)

Good Luck,

Bob Captain of the Guard