2003-01-02: Part I:復活 - ゲートウォーターを抜けて

Part I:復活 - ゲートウォーターを抜けて / Part I: Resurrection - Exit Gate Water
Author: Unknown author | Published: January 2, 2003 |
「慌てなさんな。まあ、落ち着いて」男は低い声で言った。「あそこを通ってきて、五体満足でいられるだけでも感謝しなくちゃな。このゲートウォーター湖(Gatewater Lake)の岸にゃ、生存者と同じぐらいの数の死体があがる」
男は気まずそうに若い女性のほうを見ると、モーディンに向き直って答えた。「ああ、気の毒だが、トリンシックはずっと向こうだ。オレはグレベル・ブランズマン(Grevel Brandsman)。そしてこれは、娘のファラだ」彼は女性を指し示した。
It seemed that the ocean of Britannia endlessly continued from the top of the mast where Gray (Greyn) looked on. In the surroundings of the ship, the swell is getting higher as the storm approaches. The sky was covered with black clouds, it seemed as if the whole world were worn in a worn-out blanket worn out. He got attached to the mast. The wind gradually gets colder, the shake of the ship gets bigger, the waves are getting more and more bad. When I looked down on the deck, my brother Moudin (Mordin) was standing near the bow. The appearance that he sees in the chart is like the danger of imminent appearance, as if it were not in my eyes.
"Mordin! I will turn back!" Gray cried. But while looking at the chart, Mordin will not move one, except to let the black curly hair fierce into a severe sea breeze. The whirling waves and the wind's moan and the hull of the Highwater have drowned out their voices, or the younger brother has gone out of sight, the grain judgment I could not add it.
"Mordin!" Grain shouted. Still Mourdin will not move. "That idiot is a guy standing abruptly even if the dragon rushes ... ..." Grain descended the mast while staring complicated and stood on the deck. "Mordin, change the direction of the ship, help. In this storm, our teeth are very tooth ......, Mordin?" As he walks to Mordin with a step on the deck, his eyes I looked down at the face of a small little brother. Mordin 's long black hair was rarely blown by the wind and was rampant on his back like a tail of an angry cat. It was well suited for his sharp eyes.
"Older brother ... let's go to the West, I have not seen the west yet, I have to make sure of the West." Mordin said without looking away from the chart.
"Look over the sky and turn back now." Grain pushed the chart by hand. Finally, Grain was able to see eyes on Mordin. "If you do not run away in a hurry, we will be brought to this storm lunch"
"But I have not seen the west yet, my older brother, maybe I am in the West." Morning's eyes were powerful but sad.
"I can not see you for two more years." Grain grabbed his brother's shoulder and said. "If you do not do it, you will not be able to meet for eternity forever"
Grain sighed and looked far away. "It may be time to think again slowly"
"What do you mean" Morudin was eating.
Grain said while walking slowly on the deck. "I've walked for more than a year and I'd like to see my dad as much as you .... Morning, I'm gonna look at the reality, my father will not return anymore, I'm coming home long ago. "
"My father is an adventurer, I am doing well regardless of where he is." Morning looked at the west and said,
Grain shrugged his shoulder altogether. How many times can I say the same thing? "If you live with your father and you are destined to meet again ..."
"I am alive"
"If you are destined to be reunited, you will always be able to meet someday, but if you get swallowed up by the sea here as well as High Water here at the moment, everything is a bubble," Mordin's expression remained empty. "Changing the course, this help, this storm seems to stay here for a while," Mordin regrettably again witnessed the west direction and began to help his brother reluctantly.
He sailed under the black cloud for hours to get out of the storm, but the high wave that bubbled fiercely shook the high water and screamed like a sea monster that badly flew the ship. As the strength of the wind ceased to be extraordinary, the brothers panicked and folded the sail. After that, I could not keep my eyes open at the waves splashing mercilessly, and the two were finally clinging to the railings of the deck.
"This guy is not normal!" Grain cried in a windy wind.
"Perfect older brother misjudged!" Mourdin yelled at me.
"It is not so, it is high water! The appearance of this ship is strange!" Glen responded to a mast that was fueled by a big wave, resisting unreasonable forces and making a shrill sound. "The speed of the ship has increased, I folded the sail, but it's moving faster than before, we're being swept away!"
Mordin opened up a big eyes in the heavy rain. "Brother! Perhaps because of the thing that the flow of the tide is so fast.
Glenn turned his eyes towards the bow, and froze his expression as it was. Glenn surprised himself on the deck and stared at the far side of the sea. To Glen, the sea suddenly broke off there, the sea seemed to run down to the empty space. However, looking closely at the horizon hazy by the storm, it was a huge crack in the ocean. There are many tidal streams joining around it. High water increases its speed so that it can be drawn into its split. Glen graciously realized their destiny to wait there.
Glen ran for Meudin with a desperate desperation when returning the bow. "Whirlpool! Tightly caught! Swirls! Mordin! Do not take your hands off as you are caught tightly from anything!"
The ship was drawn into the whirlpool at a tremendous speed just like a sand grain in a storm. When reaching the edges of the spiral, High Water leaned out the deck's brothers, and tilted to the right greatly along the fearfully rotating water surface. As it was, the ship increased speed further and started turning along the inner wall of the spiral while setting up a wind noise. Through the rain swirling like a lance in a side stroke, Mordin was looking at the mouth of the spiral going away. The ship seems to fall down the wall of a huge ocean. As the depth increased, the surroundings gradually became dark, eventually the ship was packed in the darkness of jet black. The last thing Mordin asked was the mast's shattered crumbling sound.
I feel like years passed since I felt nothing other than the cold that grazed my skin. Light and sound, the air and even the temperature are gone, only the cold darkness blowing through at a furious speed seems to exist. It was quiet in the surroundings whilst still in the condition being swayed in the whirlpool as usual. Morudine could not tell whether he was dead or was feeling himself in an unconscious state in some way. The feeling of my body was gone, but I was able to think with my head though it was attacked by confusion. It seems time has flied to somewhere. However, I did not feel like being trapped in eternity.
Light penetrated the darkness and broke the confusion of Mordin. At that moment, he was able to see himself still clinging to the handrail of the High Water which rarely wanes the dark and raging waves. The hull seemed to be broken in two. The broken mast stuck out of the broken deck at the jagged edge. The appearance of Grain emerged for a moment in the circle that turns round and round. However, whether it is alive or dead could not be confirmed so far. Light gradually became stronger as she cut through the darkness. The ship is proceeding toward that light while shaking unstably. When the remnants of the High Water number flowed into the shining flash, the light became bigger and bigger and eventually light shone around the darkness that wrapped them up until a while ago. At the same time the feeling of Mordin faded away.
As it appeared, the light suddenly faded away. And Mordin again fell into darkness.
"This person seems to be OK, Farah (Falah)"
Morudine felt that body temperature returned to limbs. And I could feel the light and shadow moving on the outside of the closed eyelids. Feeling of sand grain on face and hair. The robe is painted sweet. As the appearance of the surroundings was reflected again in his eyes, there was a figure of a giant standing there standing over him. He was smiling. In a place far away, Grain was about to stand up, supported by a young and beautiful woman.
"Here, ... what on earth?" Although Mordin tried to get up, but he could not get power on his legs and was lost. Suddenly the giant grabbed his shoulder and let me stand so as not to fall.
"Do not panic, well, calm down," the man said in a low voice. "Thank you even if you can go through the over there and be thankful even if you can be satisfied with five things. At the end of this gate lake (Gatewater Lake), as many dead bodies as survivors will get out"
Grain rushed over to Moudin with his support down by a young lady, grabbing his head with both hands and said. "Is it safe, Mordin?"
"Oh ... yeah ... I do not think so." Morudine replied faintly. However, from his face staring at his older brother, a smile gave a faint smile. Mordin looked back at the man who helped himself. "Where is this far from Trinsic?" There was a land of water and sand out there as far as they could see.
When a man looked at the young woman with a sense of frustration, he turned to Moudin and replied. "Oh, I feel sorry, Trinsic is always over there, I am Grevel Brandsman, and this is my daughter Fara." He pointed to a woman.
She smiled at his brothers and said in a small voice. "Welcome to Malas."