2006-12-08: Britannia v. Ricardo

Britannia v. Ricardo / ブリタニア対リカルド
Author: Lilian the Clerk | Published: December 8, 2006 |
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Posted herein is an announcement of the imminent trial of Ricardo, legendary thief, bane of Britannia, instigator of the Ophidian War!
Having conducted and concluded all pre-trial motions, the criminal trial of Ricardo is hereby set for Friday, the 8th of December.
This trial will take place in the Court of Truth in the city of Yew, and will be open to all who wish to attend.
The Plaintiff, representing the interests of the government of Britannia, shall be Casca.of Heartwood. Having previously followed this trial through its earliest stages, the Royal Council feels confident that their instrument of Justice will be able to successfully prosecute their case.
The Defendant, Ricardo, shall be represented by Beauregard of Trinsic, replacing the erstwhile Jamos. “Beau” is well known throughout the southern judicial circuit, but attends the High Court for the first time in this landmark trial. We are required to note that Beauregard has been appointed by the government as an attorney of last resort.
General Attendance
In keeping with the General Courts Protection Act (a.k.a. Keeonean’s Law), special restrictions on magic, movement, and speech will be in force while court is in session. Attendees will be seated on a first come, first serve basis until room capacity has been reached. Leaving the court at any time may result in your seat being given to another.
号外! 号外!
伝説の盗賊、ブリタニアの災厄、オフィディアン戦争の元凶であるリカルド(Ricardo)容疑者の裁判が迫っている! 予審はすでに終了し、刑事裁判は地球時間の2006年12月9日(土)22時30分から開かれる予定だ。裁判はユーの真実の法廷で開かれ、傍聴も可能である。
弁護は、先日の護送時における襲撃の件によりジェイモス(Jamos)氏が担当を外され、トリンシックのボーレガード(Beauregard )氏が担当する。ボーレガード氏は南部司法局ではよく知られた人物だが、高等裁判での弁護は初めてだ。同氏が、ブリタニア政府と対峙し弁護側に立つことを引き受けた最後の弁護士である、ということをお知らせしよう。
※法廷内の安全保持のため(キーワナン事件により)、魔法による特別な制限が行われます。裁判の進行中は、一切私語を発することができません。 ※傍聴席は定員になり次第締め切られます。裁判進行中の退席は自由ですが、空席ができ次第、次の傍聴希望者に席が譲られることになります。