2007-02-02: A Quest for the Truth

A Quest for the Truth / 真実を求めて
Author: Menzzobaanea, Seeker of Truth | Published: February 2, 2007 |
As I write this, evil times are before us, but I’m confident the hearts of our people shall persevere. Though the days grow darker, there are many who still seek the light of Truth, for it is Truth that lends our arts the power to overcome all evil, if we but trust in it.
But what is Truth, you might ask?
Truth is that which is inherent in all things. It is the truth that we discover when we are able to see clearly, free from other distractions. As Lord British once wrote in the book titled Virtue, “Truth alone becomes Honesty, for without honesty between our people, how can we build the trust that is needed to maximize our successes? Truth tempered by Love gives us Justice, for only in a loving search for the truth can one dispense fair Justice, rather than create a cold and callous people. Courage and Truth give us Honor, great knights know this well, that chivalric honor can be found by adhering to this code of conduct.”
It is thus more than a mere symbol that we have lost in the Book of Truth; it is a necessary constituent of the very fabric of our way of life. Though the task of retrieving it is monumental and the risk grave indeed, we must continue to bravely venture forth until that which has been taken from us all has been restored to its rightful place.
Finally, my fellow seekers, let it be known that the brave soul who recovers the actual Book of Truth will be forever known for that great deed, his or her name immortalized in stone for all to see. Though we certainly do not wish to foster pride, we would be foolish not to honor the true heroes in our midst as exemplars of the Virtues
真実は全ての事物の内に存在しています。妨げ無しにはっきりと見ることが出来るとき、私たちがそこに見出すものは真実です。ロード・ブリティッシュはご自身の著された『徳』の中でこのように述べておられます。 “真実はそれだけで誠実となる。誠実さが我々の中に無いならば、最も大きな成功を勝ち得るために信頼が必要なとき、どのようにして我々の間に信頼を築きうるだろうか?愛によって和らげられた真実は我々に正義をもたらす。冷たく情けを知らないと言う事が無く、愛の中にあって真実を求めれば公平な正義を手にすることができよう。勇気と真実は我々に名誉を与える。素晴らしい騎士たちは、騎士道における名誉は規範に則った行いを固く守ることで得られると深く知っている。”
真実の探求者 メンゾバーニィ