An Updated History of Pagan, Volume IV

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An Updated History of Pagan, Volume IV

This is a book found in the small table # in the home of Mythran The Thaumaturgist during week 3 of the 20th anniversary events.

Much time passed before Hydros could be placated. The hero and Necromancer Kalen found love with his Apprentice. Yet the Lurker, displeased that, unlike her brother Lithos, she had not the worship of the people, chose to take from Kalen his beloved. The angry Kalen sought the assistance of his patron, who was quite willing to assist in vengeance. Lithos told of a substance called Blackrock that could be used to seal Hydros within her Temple, for Hydros could not use her waves to wear down the mineral. Using his Necromantic powers, Kalen reshaped the Blackrock around the Temple and trapped Hydros inside.

Preparing to use the substance to completely remove all traces of water around the Titan, Kalen was stopped by the Lurker's pleas. In exchange for her life, Hydros agreed to return the body of Kalen's betrothed and confer some of the powers of Tempestry, the magic of storms and water, upon Kalen and all of his descendants. In addition, offered the Titan, she would end the torrential rains. Trapped even still in the defiled Temple of Flowing Waters, Hydros remains appeased.