UO:Rares With Sound Effects
Pages in category "UO:Rares With Sound Effects"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,317 total.
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- A Antique Thimble And Needle Stolen From EM Echo's Anniversary Party
- A Baby Dragon Rescued From The Grasps Of Poachers
- A Baby Horse Covered In Ash
- A Baby Pet Crab
- A Bag Of Krampus Holding Weird Thing Inside
- A Barrel Of Explosives Used In The Gunpowder Treason Plot To Destroy Castle Blackthorn
- A Barrel Of Monkeys
- A Barrel Of Wine From The Bootleggers Inventory
- A Basket Of Highly Poisonous Herbs And Mushrooms
- A Basket Of Orcish Yuukburreez
- A Basket Of Sakura Candy
- A Beautiful Music Stand Given To Excellent Musicians In Britain
- A Beautiful Sea Wave Of Britannia
- A Beautiful Sea Wave Of Tokuno
- A Beautiful, Bright Painting Which Emanates Tranquility And Peace
- A Bejeweled Pendant Of Odium
- A Black Lotus Addressed To King Blackthorn, From The Sultan Of Nujel'm
- A Blackrock Effigy Of Zog The Enlightened
- A Blackrock Empowerment Potion
- A Blackrock Hourglass, Showing You're Running Out Of Time
- A Blacksmith's Melted Tools
- A Blizzards Icy Heart
- A Blood Crystal
- A Bloody Fang Taken From The Corpse Of Demidicus Marcel The Vampire
- A Bloody Painting Of The Lich Twins
- A Bloody Sack (Something Is Moving Inside)
- A Blue Siren Statue
- A Bottle Of Christmas Cheer (stolen)
- A Bottle Of Holiday Spirits - Chilled With Snowman Essence
- A Bottle Of Ice Cold Oasis Wine
- A Bottle Of Wine That Was Broken Over The Head Of Moreno Dionisio
- A Bouquet Of Roses Handpicked From The Gardens Of Cupid, The God Of Desire
- A Bowl Of Cool Sparkling Magical Water
- A Brand New Water Hose
- A Britannian Noble's Coin Purse
- A Broken Animatronic Bobby Brown Bear
- A Broken Animatronic Of Fred Raptor
- A Broken Bottle Of Celebratory Celestial Wine
- A Bronze Plated Clockwork Toy
- A Candelabra Forged From Demonic Souls
- A Captivating Book About A Spy From Another World
- A Captured Spark Of St. John's Fire, Used To Light The Beltane Bonfire
- A Cask Of Ice Wine
- A Celestial Glimpse Into The Smiling Stars Of The Future
- A Cello Once Belonging To The Illusive Phantom Conductor
- A Charming Small Table With Dazzling Star
- A Chest Recovered From The Kings Royal Ship
- A Chocolate Fondue Fountain
- A Coil Of Aurgelmir's Nightmare
- A Communication Crystal
- A Concentrated Sample Made From Odiss Nerium Cactus Flowers
- A Confetti Covered Clock That Rung In The New Year
- A Confused Necromancers Pet Iron Pig Named Reagent
- A Copper Bell Used On Official Royal Naval Ships
- A Cornucopia Filled With Love And Gratitude From Drachenfels
- A Corrupted Encapsulated Colossus
- A Corrupted Rune, Obviously Lost A Long Time Ago, But Magic Still Surrounds It
- A Crate of Ale From The Pirate P-ARR-Ty
- A Creepy Effigy Of The Hollow
- A Crib (Hue 1195)
- A Crib (Hue 1920)
- A Crib (Hue 1921)
- A Crib (Hue 1922)
- A Crib (Hue 1923)
- A Crib (Hue 1925)
- A Crib (Hue 1927)
- A Crib (Hue 1930)
- A Crystal Made From The Sacrifices Of The City Of Minoc
- A Crystal Statue From The Gates Of Fallen Anjur
- A Cuddly Being Fishing For Fishbones And Treasures
- A Cuddly Christmas Flf
- A Cursed Hoodoo Doll
- A Damaged Crate Labeled Royal Delivery
- A Dazzling Anniversary Vase From Drachenfels
- A Deactivated Demonic Totem Of The Fellowship
- A Dead Shrub Infested With Okporchar
- A Deadly Speciman Unearthed By An Archeological Digsite
- A Decapitated Head Of Xaphan The Lord Of Falsehood
- A Decorative Tablet Handcarved Out Of Unknown Material
- A Delicate Origami With The Shape Of The Feathery Fire Flash
- A Depowered Warp Star
- A Destroyed Masterpiece Containing The Black Heart Of The Grinch
- A Destructive Sea Urchin
- A Dinner Bell
- A Dinosaur Scale
- A Disgusting Stew Made Of Mysterious Ingredient
- A Dissected Giant's Brain
- A Distored Painting Of A Scepter Once Used In Battle
- A Doll Of Artemis On EM Artemis' First Anniversary
- A Dossier Detailing The Names And Locations Of Armageddon Cultists
- A Dread Spider Skull With Magical Powers
- A Drop Of Ice Dragon Blood
- A Drop Of Magic From The Tree Of Love
- A Drop Of The Elixer Of Life
- A Dry Ice Machine Used By The Frozen King
- A Elegant Gem Mounted In Silver Recovered From Grave Robbers (You Suddenly Realize Its Fake)
- A Enervated Summoning Stone
- A Faded Family Portrait Of Bernard The Merchant Recovered From Shipwreck
- A Fellowship Gaslight
- A Festive Dove With A Bit Of Parchment Tied To Its Leg
- A Festive Golden Tinsel Holiday Tree... And Nothing Else!
- A Festive Statue From Drachenfels Offering You Only The Best For The New Year
- A Figure Of An Insane Mage From Moonglow
- A Finely Put Together Charcuterie Board
- A Fire Extinguisher From Britain, Still Glowing
- A Flame Cooked Turkey
- A Flask Containing An Unknown Concentrated Toxic Substance
- A Flask Containing Lisande's Vampiric Essence
- A Flask Containing Melisande's Vampiric Essence
- A Flask Containing The Cure To The Withering Tree Disease
- A Flask With Toxic Substance
- A Fragment Of A Fire Soul Pulsating With Life Within
- A Freezing Fiery Snowman Skull....
- A Friendly Gnome That Once Lived In The Enchanted Grove
- A Frozen Fire Crystal, Glimmering With Joy
- A Full Basket Of The Purest Blackrock Crystals
- A Funny, Glowing, Muddy Pile Of Snow
- A Futon Bed Made From Draco Fine Leather
- A Futon Bed Made With Fine Draco Leather
- A Genetic Morphed Ant Hill
- A Ghostly Pumpkin, Revealing The Attacks On The Shrines
- A Ghoulish Good Time Was Had By All
- A Giant Golden Nugget Pilfered From The Minoc Mines
- A Giant Hunk Of Coal
- A Gigantic Guerilla Garden Goblin Watermelon
- A Glowing Slice Of Pumpkin Pizza With Runny Cheese
- A Golden Plaque Of Solvaria Rayne
- A Golden Shimmering Snowball Frozen In Bygone Times
- A Golden Troll Skull
- A Grandfather Clock Fashioned From The Branches Of A Cherry Blossom Tree
- A Greasy Scale Of Ikuchi The Great Eel
- A Grimoire Of The Most Ancient Magical Powers.
- A Hag's Cauldron That Has Been Used To Cause Trouble
- A Hand Carved Wooden Toy Horse From Tomas O'Neerlan The Toymaker
- A Hand Painted Obsidian Candy Cane, Happy Holidays!
- A Handcrafted Nutcracker Adorned With Precious Britannian Gems
- A Hanging Sugarplum Pixie From The Mad King Draxel's Collecion
- A Haunted Hellsteed Unleashed By Fanatics On Oceania
- A Healthy Corn Plant
- A Heart Filled With Love, Just For You
- A Heart That Cannot Be Stolen (Graphic 8400)
- A Highly Polished Dragon Scale From Janubarr The Green Dragon
- A Holiday Tree Holding A Miniature Grumbles
- A Holiday Tree Mantled With The First Snow Of The Winter Solstice
- A Huggy Bear
- A Human Hand That Has Become The Pawn Of Evil (Hue 1194)
- A Human Hand That Has Become The Pawn Of Evil (Hue 2753)
- A Jack O' Lantern Carved In The Likeness Of A Raven And The Once Lost Lenore
- A Jade Monkey Stolen From The Emperor's Garden
- A Jar Of Ancient Vesper Honey Cached By Brialla
- A Jar Of Lime Custard Chocolate Truffles
- A Kettle Full Of Unspeakable Experiments Cooked By Maul Po'Cuss
- A Large Autumn Conocybe Mushroom
- A Large Chunk Of Cheese Taken From The Ratman Queen
- A Large Chunk Of Hail
- A Large Crystalline Salt Deposit
- A Large Deposit Of Gold
- A Large Fruit Gifted From The Grove Of Istilekai The Fairy
- A Large Meteorite Fragment
- A Large Peppermint Goblin Candy
- A Large Radiant Ore Deposit Left Behind By Fleeing Miners
- A Large Ruby Left Behind To Send A Message
- A Large Vial Filled With The Life Essence Of The Dragon God
- A Large Vial Filled With The Life Essence Of The Fairy Princess
- A Ledger Detailing Items Smuggled By The Nujel'm Underground Crime Syndicate
- A Leprechaun's Empty Pot
- A Leprechaun's Harp
- A Leprechaun's House
- A Life Size Seahorse Plushy
- A Lifelike Statue Of Bella And Strella Wearing Spacesuits
- A Living Doll On The Verge Of Death (Graphic 8454 - Sakura)
- A Living Doll On The Verge Of Death (Graphic 8455 - Izumo)
- A Love Bird
- A Love Day Pillow
- A Lovely Bouquet Of Cornflowers, Picked To Sanctify The Harvest
- A Magic Sun Dial That Marks The Golden Hours Of Our Lives
- A Magic Wall Crystal Playing An Electrifying, Pumping Bass
- A Magical Elixir Crafted With The Last Fruits Of Istilekai's Grove
- A Magical Fountain Of Leprechaun Green Sake
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Asuka)
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Hokuto)
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Izumo)
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Mizuho)
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Mugen)
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Sakura)
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Wakoku)
- A Magical Holding Chamber (Yamato)
- A Magical Ice Crystal
- A Magical Pillow Stuffed With Faith
- A Magical Pillow Stuffed With Hope
- A Magical Pillow Stuffed With Love
- A Magical Pillow Stuffed With Purity
- A Map Deciphering Magnifying Glass
- A Map Of Willem Runner's Trade Routes
- A Miner Trapped And Cocooned By The Vicious Cave Spider