1999-07-23: 双子の将軍復活!!
Asuka, Hokuto, Wakoku, & Yamato Editions
双子の将軍復活!! / Twin general revival! It is!
Author: Unknown author | Published: July 23, 1999 |
恐れていた事態が現実のものとなった。将軍Jordan、MeyerまでもがそれぞれWrong, Covetousで復活を果たした。将軍復活の報を受けた勇者達は即座に二つのダンジョンに駆けつけた。復活直後のため彼らの装備は殆ど無かったが、なお多くの勇者達を易々と蹴散らし脱出を遂げた。彼らは謎のTeleporterで何処かへと去った。
The situation that was afraid was a reality. General Jordan, even Meyer played a revival with Wrong, Covetous respectively. The braves who received the report of the general recovery rushed immediately to the two dungeons. As soon as they were resurrected they had little equipment, but they still managed to escape by ever kicking out many brave people. They left for a mystery Teleporter somewhere.