2008-05-14: フランセスコ王室財務官への召集

フランセスコ王室財務官への召集 / Calling to Francisco Royal Federal Officer
Author: [[UO:]] | Published: May 14, 2008 |
「評議会から招集がかかったのだよ。命令には従わねばならないだろう? 明日中にはここを発つ予定だ。」
「その質問について答える必要があるだろうか? 滞在中、多くの冒険者からたくさんの有用な情報を得ることができた、とだけは言っておこう。」
I got the information that Francco finance officer staying in MoonGrow returned to the Governing Council. We just discovered a place trying to get rid of the search headquarters, and our BNN reporter interviewed Francisco Treasurer directly.
"It is a convocation from the council, you will have to obey the order, I will leave here tomorrow."
In addition, I'm commenting on the question as to whether I was able to discover an important person who was missing.
"Is it necessary to answer that question? I will only say that I was able to get lots of useful information from many adventurers during my stay."
More than that, BNN reporter told from MoonGlow.