2008-11-05: I'd Like a Drink if you don't mind

Global Edition

I'd Like a Drink if you don't mind / 一杯飲んでもいいかな?

Author: Joanne Laroche Published: November 5, 2008

Andrew stepped over the corpulent body.

The tavern had been mostly empty when he’d ducked inside – a few bar maids, a grizzled old cook – little to look at, and few witnesses.

“Help! Murder!” a girl screamed, bolting for the doorway. She didn’t quite make it to the threshold before an energy bolt caught her square in the back. What was once a red-cheeked, outgoing young woman became a heap of crumpled skirt strewn over wine-soaked floorboards.

Andrew sighed, turning back towards the bar, sighting on a lonely stool in the corner. He continued walking at an even pace, pondering. The cook had come at him first, and with a rolling pin at that. So futile…so predictable.

No doubt the man hadn’t even known why he’d attacked Andrew, why the rage had overcome his reason and left him bereft of both mercy and kindness. The influence of the Shadowlords could leave any weak man daft, and apparently his master had already corrupted many of the townsfolk here.

He sat down, noticing that the other two serving girls had been edging towards the door, much more carefully than their ill-fated friend. Fear was etched across their features, as though any sudden movement, any stumble, any sound could seal their deaths.

Andrew casually pulled out a deck of cards and splayed them out across the counter.

“I’d like a drink, if you don’t mind.”



「助けて! 殺人よ!」女が叫び、扉に駆け出した。だが彼女はたどり着けなかった。エナジーボルトが彼女の背中に突き刺さる。琥珀色の床面に散らばるスカートと衣服の山が、頬を赤く塗りたてたまだ若い女の名残となった。



彼は椅子に座った。他の女給二人が、同僚と同じ最後を避けようと気をつけつつも扉に近づこうとしているのが見える。急に動いたりつまづいたりすればすぐに死んでしまうかのように。 彼女達には恐怖が刻み付けられていた。

