A Decorative Bright Orange Plant (disambiguation)

Disambiguation Page for “A Decorative Bright Orange Plant”

Multiple things in the world of Ultima Online have this same name.

Rare items

Name Graphic Hue Type Shard Year Date Quantity
UO-Item-3203-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3203 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3206-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3206 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3208-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3208 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3211-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3211 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3220-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3220 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3223-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3223 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3228-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3228 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3231-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3231 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3237-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3237 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3238-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3238 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3239-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3239 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3241-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3241 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3332-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3332 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3366-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3366 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3367-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3367 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3372-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3372 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9
UO-Item-3377-43.png A Decorative Bright Orange Plant  3377 43 Prepatch Item All Shards
2005– Feb 9