Developer Meet And Greet from 2017-04-10
Developer Meet And Greet from 2017-04-10
This meeting was held in English (devs) and Japanese (questioners). EM Asiantam moderated, translating for the questioners and devs as needed. It was logged by spin and Drakelord.
Cinderella | hehe |
Budou | hehe |
Tionne | morning |
Cinderella | morning |
Tionne | Budou morning to you as well what shard are you from? |
Budou | i am asuka |
Budou | =) |
Tionne | ahh |
Tionne | is it alright to test my speech on you both? |
Cinderella | *nods* |
Tionne | Budou? |
Budou | yes? |
Budou | oh sorry |
Tionne | may I practice my question now with you? |
Tionne | Good Morning |
Tionne | my first question concerns fish bait. |
Tionne | Many combine the bait to save on storage count in the house, |
Tionne | but because of that they are stuck with huge amount of a single bait |
Tionne | that they cannot break down to sell or give away to friends or family. |
Tionne | Can you please fix it so that a smaller amount of bait |
Tionne | may be removed from the larger amount. |
Tionne | my second question, is for the Brit hall contest on Sonoma |
Tionne | the hall just outside Blackthorn Castle |
Tionne | will we be able to get a moongate there? |
Tionne | My third question, |
Tionne | could we please get a stable master/stable |
Tionne | outside the War room on Siege? |
Tionne | My last question this morning I promise |
Tionne | Cities Treasuries are at dangerous low level on all the smaller shards |
Tionne | At 2 million a week the trade deal is draining off funds far faster |
Tionne | then those shards can put it on the stone with the trade missions |
Tionne | please reduce the cost, maybe once a month? or maybe 100k a week |
Tionne | and charge the players who access the deal 5k |
Tionne | thank you and have a great day |
Tionne | was that ok? |
Cinderella | it read correctly |
Tionne | ty |
Cinderella | yw |
Cinderella | 1k a deal would be better |
Cinderella | hehe |
Tionne | Good Morning Aya |
Tionne | Cindy how is Brig? |
Cinderella | i think he is feeling better this morning |
Tionne | good we missed you at the governor meeting yesterday |
Cinderella | he overdid it this week |
Tionne | ahhh |
Tionne | you tell that man he is no spring chicken and go slower |
Cinderella | doctor thinks maybe the stress of it all, hitting him suddenly |
Cinderella | caused a panic attack |
Tionne | I see |
Cinderella | VA hasn't renewed his blood pressure meds |
Tionne | my daughter had one of those a few months back |
Tionne | ahhh |
Cinderella | think every time it gets high, this happens (my opinion) |
Tionne | yes |
Cinderella | he said he never felt that bad before |
Tionne | *smiles* |
Budou | Dev Meet&Greet Dev M&G 2 |
Tionne | you know why they cut the red at those two spots :) you cannot read what is said there |
Tionne | Morning Mallow |
Budou | ^^; |
Budou | EM |
Tionne | look a stool |
Tionne | tools |
Tionne | gone now |
Tionne | *waves to all the news folks* |
Tionne | question what is the local time here now? |
Tionne | I can't reach that. |
Tionne | oo I love that green she is wearing |
Cinderella | looks awesome |
a pot | Dev M&G |
Tionne | is this the chat for the Meet and Greet? |
EM Asiantam | Good evening, yes it is :) |
Tionne | ty |
Budou | Dev Meet&Greet |
a pot | M&G |
Budou | Dev M&G EM |
Tionne | evening |
Eowyn | ohayo- |
Aqua | ** |
Budou | ** |
Rubicante | a |
Tionne | game of tag you are it |
Cinderella | lol |
Tionne | EM way |
Asuka | hehe |
EM Asiantam | Asiantam |
EM Asiantam | Dev M&G |
Tionne | 12 minutes and counting |
Tionne | hehe |
Kotatsu | *smile* |
Isamu | *slime* |
Isamu | DOOM |
Tionne | woot |
Kotatsu | UO |
Cinderella | *claps* |
Tionne | *waves |
Cinderella | *waves* |
Airi | Kyronix |
Isamu | EM |
coffee | chao |
a pot | TC |
Tionne | Promotion? |
Apo | M |
Tionne | congrats |
EM Asiantam | Misk |
coffee | waiting with a cake |
Cinderella | lol |
Tionne | crystal speakers? |
Tionne | are they speaking I cannot see any words? |
a pot | 2 |
Rubicante | ? |
Tionne | no speaker crystal? they not working? |
Tionne | oh they are |
Mesanna | lol |
Tionne | Good Morning |
Mesanna | morning |
Tionne | my first question concerns fish bait. |
Tionne | Many combine the bait to save on storage count in the house, |
Tionne | but because of that they are stuck with huge amount of a single bait |
Tionne | that they cannot break down to sell or give away to friends or family. |
Tionne | Can you please fix it so that a smaller amount of bait |
Tionne | may be removed from the larger amount. |
EM Asiantam | please understand we are limiting question |
Mesanna | we are aware of this |
Tionne | my second question, is for the Brit hall contest on Sonoma |
Tionne | so no more questions I will eamil the rest thank you |
Mesanna | ok |
Mesanna | thank you |
Mesanna | Good morning Aya |
Aya | good evening! |
Aya | Bloody Pentagram |
EM Asiantam | there is a part of bloody pentagram remained at Brit bank |
EM Asiantam | can you please remove it? |
Mesanna | sure |
EM Asiantam | GM cant remove it |
Aya | thank you! |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Mesanna | good morning Mallow |
Mallow | よろしくお願いします |
EM Asiantam | good evneing |
Mallow | 白黒を含めた |
EM Asiantam | ご質問どうぞ |
Mallow | レア色の種についての |
Mallow | 要望なのですが |
EM Asiantam | about rare color seeds |
EM Asiantam | including black and white |
Mallow | 現在ソレンのクエストと |
Mallow | ガーデニングでしか |
Mallow | 入手できないので |
Mallow | もっとお手軽な |
Mallow | 入手方法を |
Mallow | 増やしてほしいです |
EM Asiantam | can you please introduce other ways to introduce those rare seeds? |
EM Asiantam | now we can only obtain those by Solen quest and by gardening |
Mesanna | We will talk about it |
EM Asiantam | 話合ってみます |
EM Asiantam | とのことです |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Mallow | お願いします |
EM Asiantam | よろしいですか? |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Mallow | はい |
EM Asiantam | ありがとう |
Lord Rubicante | こんばんわ、今日はお願いがあってきました |
Mesanna | good evening |
EM Asiantam | I have a request |
Lord Rubicante | ウルティマストアの商才のイヤリングを強化してもらえないでしょうか? |
EM Asiantam | 強化できるように |
EM Asiantam | したいってこと? |
Lord Rubicante | 現状のものは効果が気休め程度な上に使い捨てで |
Lord Rubicante | 今日のランチを犠牲にして手に入れようと思えないのです |
EM Asiantam | すみません |
EM Asiantam | 自分の手で |
EM Asiantam | 強化したいという意味ですか |
EM Asiantam | それとも |
EM Asiantam | パワーアップした |
EM Asiantam | アイテムが |
EM Asiantam | ほしいということでしょうか |
Lord Rubicante | 効果を |
EM Asiantam | ええ |
Lord Rubicante | もう少し強くしてほしいのです |
EM Asiantam | He is requesting for the enhanced vendor earings |
Mesanna | to reduce the payment of vendor fees? |
EM Asiantam | no |
EM Asiantam | he measn |
EM Asiantam | means |
EM Asiantam | he wants more powerful one |
Mesanna | I see |
EM Asiantam | Mesanna that candle seems shutting out voiced |
EM Asiantam | cant read |
Mesanna | as I was saying |
Mesanna | we will review the current ones and make a decision then |
EM Asiantam | 今あるものを |
EM Asiantam | 見直して |
EM Asiantam | 新しいものを導入すべきか検討しますとのことです |
EM Asiantam | よろしいでしょうか |
Lord Rubicante | 今日はありがとう |
Lord Rubicante | ございました |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | thank you |
a pot | こんばんわ |
Mesanna | Good evening a pot |
a pot | おねがいがあります |
a pot | 投げ網なのですが |
a pot | かさばります |
EM Asiantam | about fishing net |
a pot | バインダーみたいなものに |
a pot | いれて収納することはできないでしょうか? |
EM Asiantam | can you please let us have a binder book ? |
EM Asiantam | すたっくとか? |
a pot | スタックだと |
a pot | まとめていっぺんになげちゃいそうな? |
EM Asiantam | like a power scroll books |
a pot | 色付はまとまらないしね |
Mesanna | not really logical |
Mesanna | nets are big =) |
EM Asiantam | pink book or blue book |
EM Asiantam | they are not stackable |
Mesanna | true |
EM Asiantam | yes.... |
a pot | デイビーズのロッカーみたいなのでもいいかな? |
EM Asiantam | hoe about Devie's locker? |
EM Asiantam | something like that |
a pot | 釣,釣りえさいれとかもいいんだけどねw |
Mesanna | lol maybe not a book |
Mesanna | we will talk about it |
EM Asiantam | 話合ってみるそうです |
a pot | おー |
a pot | よろしくお願いします |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Mesanna | thank you |
Mesanna | Good evening |
Aqua | こんばんは |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
Aqua | 私は普段 |
Aqua | 動物のRPをしているものです |
Aqua | ですが、動物に変身してしまうと |
Aqua | PDが本来の性別と違ってしまっています |
EM Asiantam | he is RPing as an animal |
EM Asiantam | but |
EM Asiantam | when he do that |
Aqua | そのため男性扱いされ |
Aqua | 悲しい思いをしています |
EM Asiantam | she is a girl, but she turns to a boy in the paperdoll |
Aqua | どうか、本来の性別と同じになるよう |
EM Asiantam | can you fix it? |
Aqua | 修正していただきたいです |
Aqua | 私は女性ですが今「彼」といわれたような… |
Mesanna | thats a girl in the paperdoll |
EM Asiantam | クラッシックですよね? |
Mesanna | what client are you using |
Aqua | はい |
EM Asiantam | classic |
Mesanna | so are we |
Mesanna | you are a girl |
EM Asiantam | no we turns to all boys mesanna |
EM Asiantam | all boys |
Mesanna | if you are saying when you morph you turn into a boy |
EM Asiantam | even EM turns to boys if we changes our forms |
Mesanna | I am not seeing it |
Mesanna | sorry I don't have an answer |
EM Asiantam | she is a boy |
EM Asiantam | from me |
Mesanna | not from me |
EM Asiantam | his paperdoll |
Mesanna | its a girl |
EM Asiantam | umm |
Mesanna | not a boy |
EM Asiantam | no boy.... |
EM Asiantam | メサナからは |
EM Asiantam | 女の子に見えるようで |
Aqua | うう |
EM Asiantam | 聞いてもらえません |
EM Asiantam | ちょっと |
EM Asiantam | 証拠写真をとって |
EM Asiantam | 私に送りつけてくれますか |
EM Asiantam | お願いします |
Aqua | 自分からは女性に見えるのですが |
EM Asiantam | she will send you a picture |
EM Asiantam | ええ |
EM Asiantam | わかります |
Aqua | 他の方から男性に見えるのですよね |
EM Asiantam | 私からは |
EM Asiantam | 男なので |
Aqua | ええ。 |
EM Asiantam | はい |
EM Asiantam | なんか |
Aqua | ええ… |
EM Asiantam | 写真 |
EM Asiantam | とって |
EM Asiantam | 送りましょう |
Aqua | はい |
Mesanna | Bleak will look into it |
EM Asiantam | すみません |
Aqua | わかりました |
EM Asiantam | あ |
EM Asiantam | bleakさんが |
EM Asiantam | 見てくださるって |
EM Asiantam | 言ってます |
Aqua | ! |
EM Asiantam | よかったね |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | thank you |
Aqua | ありがとうございます! |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
EM Asiantam | thank you very much |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Asuka | hello |
EM Asiantam | ご質問どうぞ |
Mesanna | Good evening Asuka |
Asuka | オークションセーフのグラフィックについて |
EM Asiantam | about Auction Safe |
Asuka | UOの世界観にあってません など |
Asuka | 別のグラフィックに変更できませんか? |
EM Asiantam | she is insisting the graphic is not suitable for UO |
EM Asiantam | オークション金庫の台座でしょうか? |
Mesanna | thank you for your opinion |
Asuka | いえ |
EM Asiantam | ご意見ありがとうございますと |
EM Asiantam | おっしゃってます |
Asuka | ブラックソーン城とかにある |
Asuka | 台座 |
EM Asiantam | ええ |
Asuka | です |
EM Asiantam | そこにあるようなものですか |
EM Asiantam | 具体的に |
EM Asiantam | どのようなものに |
EM Asiantam | 変更したらよろしいですか |
Asuka | あ |
EM Asiantam | 金庫を |
Asuka | オークションセーフの |
EM Asiantam | このような |
Asuka | 台座を |
EM Asiantam | 感じに |
EM Asiantam | したいということですか? |
Asuka | クリーンナップの |
Asuka | 台座のような |
Asuka | 昔の |
Asuka | グラフィックに |
EM Asiantam | for example she likes the pedestral |
Asuka | したほうが良いと思いました |
EM Asiantam | so in her opinion |
EM Asiantam | Auction Safe should be like that |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | 伝えました |
Asuka | ありがとう |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Eowyn | こんばんはー |
Mesanna | good evening |
Eowyn | めさんなあいしてるー |
Eowyn | 今日は |
EM Asiantam | I love you Mesanna |
Eowyn | 騎乗できる鳥を |
Eowyn | 提案したくてきました |
EM Asiantam | she is requesting for a ridable bird |
Eowyn | jpegで |
Eowyn | すでにメールを |
Eowyn | 送っています |
EM Asiantam | and |
EM Asiantam | she has already sent you an email |
EM Asiantam | with a picture |
Eowyn | めさんなさん宛てに |
EM Asiantam | did you see it? |
Eowyn | どうぞ |
Eowyn | 検討いただけたら |
Eowyn | うれしいです! |
Mesanna | can you give me a bit more information |
Mesanna | what kind of picture |
EM Mercury | 申し訳ございません、もう列は締め切っております |
EM Asiantam | she has already sent you an email |
EM Asiantam | すみません |
EM Asiantam | いつごろですか |
EM Asiantam | 送っていただいたの |
Mesanna | I get alot of emails |
Eowyn | 3時間くらい前 |
Eowyn | です |
EM Asiantam | 3 hours ago |
EM Asiantam | she sent it |
Eowyn | beautiful birds |
Mesanna | I have not opened my email yet |
Eowyn | で送ったと思います |
Mesanna | so you are requesting new art in the game |
Mesanna | because we have rideable birds |
EM Asiantam | 新しい |
EM Asiantam | グラを |
EM Asiantam | ご希望なんですね |
Eowyn | そうです |
Eowyn | 恐竜はいても |
EM Asiantam | 既に乗れる鳥はありますと |
EM Asiantam | おっしゃってますね |
Eowyn | 鳥類がいない |
EM Asiantam | 見た目ヒリュウですけど |
Eowyn | 乗れるっていみでね |
EM Asiantam | 一応鳥ですね…… |
Eowyn | あれは |
Eowyn | 4本足じゃ |
Eowyn | ないですか>< |
Mesanna | I will pass it along to the team after I open the email |
EM Asiantam | メールを |
EM Asiantam | 開けたら |
EM Asiantam | チームの皆さんで見るそうです |
Eowyn | 了解ですー |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Eowyn | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | thank you |
Mesanna | good evening |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
MASAGON VIP | こんばんわ |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
MASAGON VIP | パーティのことなんですけど |
MASAGON VIP | 土曜日に |
MASAGON VIP | みんなで |
MASAGON VIP | 散歩いってるとき |
EM Asiantam | about party we have |
MASAGON VIP | 23名とか |
EM Asiantam | last Saturday |
MASAGON VIP | 集まると |
MASAGON VIP | パーティが |
MASAGON VIP | 三つになるのです |
EM Asiantam | there were more than 22 or 23 ppl |
MASAGON VIP | めぢゅーさとかも |
MASAGON VIP | いけないです |
EM Asiantam | so we need to split the party into 3 |
MASAGON VIP | パーティ枠が |
MASAGON VIP | 30名になると |
MASAGON VIP | うれしいです |
MASAGON VIP | 以上です |
EM Asiantam | do you think you can increase the max? |
EM Asiantam | up to 30 |
EM Asiantam | for example |
Mesanna | one sec |
EM Asiantam | ちょっとまってね |
Mesanna | we are having a discussion one sec |
EM Asiantam | ちょっと |
EM Asiantam | 話合ってるそうなので |
EM Asiantam | まってねー |
Bleak | There are technical limitations for the clients |
EM Asiantam | クライアントの |
EM Asiantam | 技術的な上限があるそうです |
EM Asiantam | so it is not possible? |
Bleak | Not without tradeoffs in the client and server |
EM Asiantam | クライアントと |
EM Asiantam | サーバーを |
EM Asiantam | すべて変更しなければ |
EM Asiantam | できないそうです |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
MASAGON VIP | わかりました |
EM Asiantam | 難しいみたいですね |
EM Asiantam | understood |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | thank you |
Mesanna | good evening |
ICHIRO | こんばんは |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
ICHIRO | Lady Melisandeの髪染に新色を追加してもらえないでしょうか。 |
EM Asiantam | can you add new colors to Lady Melisande's hair dyes? |
Mesanna | maybe in the future |
EM Asiantam | 将来的にはたぶん |
EM Asiantam | とのことです |
Mesanna | our hands are pretty full for the rest of the year |
Mesanna | but we can put it on our list |
EM Asiantam | 今年はもう |
Mesanna | of requests |
EM Asiantam | いっぱいなので |
EM Asiantam | でも |
ICHIRO | はい |
EM Asiantam | リクエストは |
EM Asiantam | リストにいれておいてくれるそうです |
EM Asiantam | 良かったですね |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
ICHIRO | ぜひよろしくお願いします |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
ICHIRO | bye |
EM Asiantam | looking forward to it |
Mesanna | bye |
Mesanna | thank you |
Sakura | こんばんは |
Mesanna | good evening |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Sakura | テストセンターで導入されようとしている |
Sakura | ペット育成についてなのですが |
EM Asiantam | about pet revamp |
EM Asiantam | on TC1 |
Sakura | 最近がんばってテイムスキルあげたのですが |
Sakura | あのまま導入されるとあまりテイムスキルが |
Sakura | いらなくなるみたいで |
Sakura | すこしだけ |
Sakura | 当惑してます |
EM Asiantam | I made my taming skill higher |
Sakura | 特にGどら並みに強い火ゴキとか |
EM Asiantam | but |
Sakura | テイマースキルが0でも |
Sakura | 強いペットができそうなので |
Sakura | そこだけ要求しておきたいです |
EM Asiantam | there are some animals that we dont need taming skill |
Sakura | 火ゴキとか例外的に強いみたいですね |
EM Asiantam | バランスについて |
Sakura | 今の所。 |
EM Asiantam | ご心配いただいていると |
EM Asiantam | いうことで |
EM Asiantam | よろしいですか? |
Sakura | はい |
EM Asiantam | so he is worrying about the balance of taming skill |
Sakura | わがままな要望ですみません>< |
Sakura | 以上です |
Mesanna | one sec |
EM Asiantam | yes |
EM Asiantam | ちょっとまってね |
EM Asiantam | 火ごきは |
EM Asiantam | テイムスキル |
EM Asiantam | 要求されない? |
Mesanna | are you talking about training a pet then transferring it |
EM Asiantam | no for example |
EM Asiantam | fire beetles |
EM Asiantam | すいません |
EM Asiantam | 火ゴキは |
EM Asiantam | テイムスキル |
EM Asiantam | 要求されない? |
Sakura | はい、結構低いとおもいます |
EM Asiantam | fire beetle doesnt need much taming skill, right? |
EM Asiantam | that is not fair |
EM Asiantam | he is saying |
Mesanna | we will look into it today |
EM Asiantam | ok |
EM Asiantam | これについては |
EM Asiantam | 今日 |
EM Asiantam | チェックしてくれるそうです |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Sakura | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
EM Asiantam | よろしいでしょうかー |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Sakura | はい |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Content | こんばんは |
Mesanna | good evening |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
Content | ログインした時ウルティマストアのガンブが出るようになりましたが |
Content | キャラ替えのたびに宣伝がでてきて困っています。 |
EM Asiantam | you know we get a gump of Ultima Store |
Content | 多くても1アカウントにつき1日に1回までに減らせませんか? |
Mesanna | yes? |
EM Asiantam | but this is sometime annoying that we are getting it everytime |
EM Asiantam | can you please restrict it to "per account" |
EM Asiantam | instead of "per character"? |
Mesanna | it is account based unless you are on different servers |
EM Asiantam | 一応 |
EM Asiantam | アカウントごとみたいですね |
EM Asiantam | ただ |
EM Asiantam | 異なるサーバーにおりますと |
EM Asiantam | やはり出てしまうようです |
Content | キャラ替えしても何度もでてくるので・・ |
EM Asiantam | それは |
EM Asiantam | 同じ |
Content | 出ないようにはできないですか? |
EM Asiantam | シャードでしょうか? |
Content | いえ、違うシャードです |
EM Asiantam | ですね |
EM Asiantam | yes in the different shards |
EM Asiantam | but |
EM Asiantam | can you add option not to show it everytime? |
EM Asiantam | オプション |
EM Asiantam | つけられないか |
EM Asiantam | 聞いてみますね |
Content | おお |
Mesanna | umm it comes up once a month |
Mesanna | thats not often |
EM Asiantam | ひと月に |
EM Asiantam | 一度のはずなんだけど |
EM Asiantam | そんなに |
EM Asiantam | しょっちゅうじゃ |
EM Asiantam | ないはずなんだけどって |
EM Asiantam | おっしゃってますね |
Content | えええ、何度もでてきますよ |
EM Asiantam | maybe he is playing across the shards? |
Mesanna | probably |
Mesanna | right now we are not changing it |
EM Asiantam | すぐに |
EM Asiantam | 変更する予定はないそうなので |
EM Asiantam | 要望が増えてきたら考えてくれるかもしれないですね… |
Mesanna | we have no plans at this time |
Mesanna | to change it |
EM Asiantam | だそうです |
EM Asiantam | 今のところ |
Content | は・・はい |
EM Asiantam | 変更の予定はないそうです |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Content | わかりました |
EM Asiantam | 懲りずに |
EM Asiantam | 要望してみてください |
Mesanna | good evening |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
Finnigan | こんばんは |
EM Asiantam | goご質問どうぞー |
Finnigan | 家システムについての要望です。 |
Finnigan | 現在、同一アカウントで、普通のシャードとは別に、 |
Finnigan | ハードコアシャードにも家が持てるようになっていますが、 |
EM Asiantam | about housing sustem |
EM Asiantam | system |
Finnigan | それと同様に、家を持っているシャードに、 |
Finnigan | 最小サイズのセカンドハウスを、 |
Finnigan | フェルッカ限定で持てるようにして頂けないでしょうか? |
EM Asiantam | we can have a house on Mugen |
EM Asiantam | like this way |
Finnigan | ストレージが欲しいのではありません。 |
Finnigan | ファセットを超えたプレイヤーの動きを活発化させたいのです。 |
EM Asiantam | how about allow us to have a house in Fel? |
Finnigan | どうかご検討お願い申し上げます。 |
EM Asiantam | small house will be enough |
EM Asiantam | he is saying this would be nice to have more ppl on Fel |
Mesanna | we have to look into it, not sure that would be enough to draw people to mugen |
EM Asiantam | no not on Mugen, in the normal shards |
EM Asiantam | allow us to have houses on Fel |
Mesanna | thats a definate no then |
EM Asiantam | ok |
Mesanna | sorry |
EM Asiantam | 難しいようですね |
EM Asiantam | 一般シャードで |
EM Asiantam | それをやるのは |
Mesanna | you are talking about allowing multi houses right |
EM Asiantam | 難しい見たいS |
Finnigan | そうですか… |
Mesanna | one in tram and one in fel |
EM Asiantam | restricted on Fel |
EM Asiantam | yes |
Finnigan | 残念です。 |
EM Asiantam | ok |
EM Asiantam | not going to happen? |
Mesanna | ok just making sure I was understanding you correctly |
Mesanna | no sorry |
EM Asiantam | ok |
EM Asiantam | もう一度確認しますね |
Finnigan | はい |
Finnigan | よろしくです |
EM Asiantam | フェルッカ限定で |
EM Asiantam | 一般シャードで |
EM Asiantam | 家を持ちたいという意味ですよね |
Finnigan | はい |
EM Asiantam | yes I think we are understanding him correct |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
EM Asiantam | :) |
Mesanna | ok just making sure |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | はい |
Finnigan | ありがとうございます。 |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうー |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Lord FumiFoo | Hello |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Mesanna | Good evening |
Lord FumiFoo | I would like to ask about pet skills in new pub. |
EM Asiantam | ペットのスキルについて |
Lord FumiFoo | In Test centre, I found that parrying skill is automatically appears when pet's wresling skill becomes to 100. |
EM Asiantam | 新パブのペットのスキルについて質問です |
EM Asiantam | 盾スキルが |
Lord FumiFoo | Does it work as expected? and if so, is this rule applied to wild monster who has more than GM wresting? |
Mesanna | yes |
EM Asiantam | 自動的にはいってしまう件について |
Lord FumiFoo | Is the latter also yes? |
Mesanna | yes to all |
Lord FumiFoo | Ok. Got it. Thanks. |
EM Asiantam | soreha |
EM Asiantam | それは意図したものですか? |
Mesanna | it is described in the published notes |
EM Asiantam | というご質問です |
EM Asiantam | 意図的なものです |
EM Asiantam | それは |
EM Asiantam | パブリッシュノートにも |
EM Asiantam | 掲載されているはずです |
EM Asiantam | yes it it |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Lord FumiFoo | Thanks! |
Mesanna | good evening |
Eilersen | Greetings |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Eilersen | 石工で作成できる |
Eilersen | カスタマイズ用のパーツについてですが |
EM Asiantam | about stone crafting |
Eilersen | スタックできるようにならないでしょうか? |
EM Asiantam | housing parts that we can make by stone crafting |
EM Asiantam | can you make them stackable? |
Eilersen | リフォームで解体したパーツをとっておくときに |
Eilersen | かさばるので |
Eilersen | 染料で染めている場合もあり |
Eilersen | 捨てるにももったいないという |
Kyronix | Probably not because of the nature of those pieces |
EM Asiantam | そうですよね |
EM Asiantam | その |
EM Asiantam | アイテムの |
EM Asiantam | 素質によって |
EM Asiantam | スタックさせることは |
EM Asiantam | なかなか難しいようです |
Eilersen | 床だけでも |
Eilersen | 可能になると |
Eilersen | ありがたいです。 |
EM Asiantam | how about tiles? |
EM Asiantam | tiles too? |
EM Asiantam | タイルについて |
EM Asiantam | お聞きしております |
Kyronix | Most likely |
EM Asiantam | ok |
EM Asiantam | それも |
EM Asiantam | やはり |
EM Asiantam | 難しいようです |
Eilersen | アイテム数も減るかと思いますので |
Eilersen | 可能であればご検討願います |
Eilersen | :) |
EM Asiantam | ご提案ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
EM Asiantam | thank you! |
Mesanna | thank you |
Mesanna | good evening |
Tanager of Siege | Greetings! |
EM Asiantam | hi |
Tanager of Siege | First, thank you all for these M&Gs |
EM Asiantam | デブミを開催してくれてありがとう |
Mesanna | Of course we enjoy talking to the players |
EM Asiantam | もちろんです |
Tanager of Siege | And thank you EM Asiantam for translating :) |
EM Asiantam | プレーヤーのみなさんと |
EM Asiantam | お話できることを |
EM Asiantam | 楽しんでいます |
EM Asiantam | yw |
EM Asiantam | :D |
Tanager of Siege | My question |
EM Asiantam | 質問です |
Tanager of Siege | Is is it possible, in all your spare time *grins* |
EM Asiantam | お時間がありましたら |
Mesanna | cute |
Tanager of Siege | to add an option to turn OFF notifications of being poisoned |
Tanager of Siege | please |
EM Asiantam | 毒に |
Tanager of Siege | i beg of you |
EM Asiantam | おかされましたという |
EM Asiantam | ノートを |
EM Asiantam | 表示を |
EM Asiantam | させないように |
EM Asiantam | できませんか |
Mesanna | its possible |
EM Asiantam | できます |
Tanager of Siege | also when poison is resisted, etc |
Tanager of Siege | the spam is horrible |
Tanager of Siege | in chat |
EM Asiantam | 毒にたえたとか |
EM Asiantam | そういうのを |
EM Asiantam | 表示させなくしてほしい |
Mesanna | we will look into it maybe just one notice |
Mesanna | or something like that |
EM Asiantam | 1つの |
Tanager of Siege | that woud be great |
EM Asiantam | 表示に絞るか |
EM Asiantam | 検討してみます |
Mesanna | ps poison just killed you =) |
Tanager of Siege | poison fields and resisting them gets to be a OT if more than 1 person |
Mesanna | kidding! |
EM Asiantam | hehe |
Tanager of Siege | well that is why i ask it be an option |
Tanager of Siege | so i can choose to die if i ignore my heath bar color |
Mesanna | true |
EM Asiantam | 毒におかされたとか解毒したとかいうのを |
Mesanna | color should be enough |
Mesanna | but we understand the request |
EM Asiantam | まとめる方向で |
EM Asiantam | HPバーを |
Tanager of Siege | thank you! |
EM Asiantam | 見ていれば |
Mesanna | most welcome |
EM Asiantam | 毒におかされたことは |
EM Asiantam | わかるので |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Tanager of Siege | Have a good day! |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Mesanna | you also |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Mesanna | good evening |
Refugee | こんばんは。 |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
Refugee | 新たに追加されたバルクオーダーの件ですが、 |
Refugee | 小口バルクを大口バルクに合体できないことがあります。 |
Refugee | 例えば、このようなバルクオーダーです。 |
EM Asiantam | about bulk order newly added |
Refugee | 他にも、HQにできないマフィンの小口バルクなど、 |
EM Asiantam | there are still some small bulks that are not able to add to the big bulk |
EM Asiantam | like this one |
Refugee | 古いタイプのバルクオーダーがありますが、 |
EM Asiantam | or |
Refugee | ニュジェルムの種交換箱のように、 |
EM Asiantam | sometihng like that we cant make it HQ |
Refugee | 問題のあるバルクを修正してくれる箱を置いて頂けますでしょうか? |
EM Asiantam | so |
EM Asiantam | how about placing a box to fix those bulk orders |
Mesanna | we are aware of this issue |
EM Asiantam | like a seed box at Nujel'm |
EM Asiantam | by drag and drop them :) |
EM Asiantam | get it fixed :) |
Mesanna | once we have some time to confirm all the issues we will look at correcting them |
EM Asiantam | もういちどすべての洗い出しをして |
EM Asiantam | これらを修正するようにします |
EM Asiantam | ご迷惑をお掛けしております |
Refugee | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | ご指摘ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Refugee | 期待しております |
EM Asiantam | looking forward to it |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | thank you |
Refugee | thank you! |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Asuka | こんばんは |
Mesanna | good evening |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
Asuka | パブ開発の忙しいさなか |
Asuka | このような会をひらいていただけまして |
Asuka | 感謝してます |
Asuka | が |
EM Asiantam | thank you very much for visiting us while you're busy with the new Pub :) |
Asuka | 告知から開催までがみじかいです |
Asuka | 日本シャードは1週間ないことがおおいです |
EM Asiantam | BUT I have a request! |
Mesanna | our pleasure |
Asuka | そして必ず月曜開催なのが |
EM Asiantam | please announce it ahead of time! |
EM Asiantam | and one more request |
Asuka | 困ります |
Mesanna | announce what |
EM Asiantam | it is always on Monday |
Asuka | 月曜だと参加できない友人もいるので |
EM Asiantam | 例えば |
EM Asiantam | 何曜日がいい? |
Mesanna | the meet and greets? |
Asuka | もう少しフレキシブルに開催曜日を設定していただけるとうれしいです |
EM Asiantam | yes they are on Monday |
EM Asiantam | 何曜日がいい? |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Mesanna | and it was advertised on |
Asuka | 水曜とか木曜? |
Asuka | 土日はむづかしいだろうし |
EM Asiantam | she likes it held on Wednesday or Thursday if possible |
EM Asiantam | and |
Mesanna | no sorry its not |
EM Asiantam | she is requesting to announce it at least 1 week before the date |
Mesanna | *nods* |
EM Asiantam | her opinion :) |
EM Asiantam | 頷いて |
Mesanna | Thats fine we are not able to change the dates for all shards |
EM Asiantam | いらっしゃいますので |
EM Asiantam | 少なくとも |
EM Asiantam | 早めに |
EM Asiantam | 告知してもらえるよう |
EM Asiantam | そうなると |
EM Asiantam | 思います |
EM Asiantam | ただ |
EM Asiantam | 開催日については |
EM Asiantam | シャードによって |
EM Asiantam | 開催日を |
EM Asiantam | 買えるのが |
EM Asiantam | 変えるのが |
EM Asiantam | 難しいようで |
EM Asiantam | 今のt頃 |
EM Asiantam | 今のところ |
Asuka | 曜日変更はきびしいか・・・ |
EM Asiantam | 月曜固定ということみたいですね |
EM Asiantam | ええ |
EM Asiantam | ただまあ |
Asuka | 時差あるものねえ・・・ |
EM Asiantam | 早めにっていうのは |
Asuka | そこは残念ね |
EM Asiantam | わかってくださったみたいなので |
EM Asiantam | 次回に期待しましょう |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Asuka | ですねー |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
Asuka | 質問練ってこれるので |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Asuka | よろしくお願いします |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうー |
EM Asiantam | 1! |
Mesanna | good evening |
kuniko | hello Mesanna ! |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Mesanna | hi |
kuniko | ベテラン報奨のクリスタル転送台で神殿アンクにも飛べるようにしてほしいです |
kuniko | よろしくお願いします! |
EM Asiantam | about transferring crystal |
EM Asiantam | crystal portal? |
EM Asiantam | she is requesting to make it let us transferrable to Ankh also |
EM Asiantam | not only banks |
EM Asiantam | going to happen? |
Mesanna | nice suggestion |
Mesanna | thats doable |
EM Asiantam | 素敵なご提案ね |
EM Asiantam | それはできるわ |
EM Asiantam | と |
kuniko | yes! yes! |
EM Asiantam | おっしゃてます |
kuniko | ヒャッハー! |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
EM Asiantam | ひゃっはー |
kuniko | よろしくお願いします! |
Mesanna | you do mean the shrines right? |
EM Asiantam | thank you! |
EM Asiantam | yes |
Mesanna | ok |
kuniko | yes ! |
EM Asiantam | sorry for my bad translation |
Mesanna | its ok |
EM Asiantam | shrines |
EM Asiantam | yes |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | just making sure we understood correctly |
kuniko | yeaaaahhh |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | thank you very much |
kuniko | thank you Mesanna ! |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうー |
Mesanna | most welcome |
Mesanna | Good evening |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Charlotte | こんばんは |
Charlotte | 徳之島の飛竜についてです。 |
Charlotte | 昔テイムしたペットの飛竜には |
EM Asiantam | about Hiryu of Tokuno iland |
Charlotte | 戦闘中は騎乗出来ないという特殊な性質があるのですが、 |
EM Asiantam | island |
Charlotte | 今新しくテイムした飛竜には、 |
Charlotte | この特性がありません。 |
Charlotte | とても大きなデメリットなので、 |
Charlotte | 昔テイムしたペットの飛竜も |
Charlotte | 戦闘中に騎乗できるよう修正は可能でしょか。 |
EM Asiantam | did you know old hiryus are not ridable during the combat? |
EM Asiantam | but new hiryus are ridable |
EM Asiantam | can you fix this to allow us to ride it during the combat? |
Mesanna | we will look into it |
EM Asiantam | 見てくださるそうです |
EM Asiantam | よかったですね |
Charlotte | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Charlotte | Pub97とても楽しみにしています。 |
EM Asiantam | she is looking forward to Pub 97 |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | :D |
Mesanna | good evening |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Lady Jingu | hiya |
Lady Jingu | In enhanced client, flying gargoyle’s gargish stone leggings are not properly placed on flying character. |
EM Asiantam | 飛んでる時に |
EM Asiantam | ガーゴイルの石の脚が |
EM Asiantam | 正しく表示されていないようです |
EM Asiantam | ECで |
Mesanna | I will report it to our art team |
EM Asiantam | 石だから思いのかしら |
Lady Jingu | nice |
EM Asiantam | アートチームに |
EM Asiantam | 報告してもらえるようです |
Lady Jingu | Was it intended that the roof bosses do not proc spawn when attacked by tamer pets? Melee/spell/summons have a chance to proc spawn, however tamer pets never triggers the spawn. |
EM Asiantam | thank you! |
EM Asiantam | :) |
EM Asiantam | 屋上ボスが |
EM Asiantam | テイマーで攻撃した時 |
EM Asiantam | 正しくわかないことがあるようです |
Lady Jingu | Side note: the bosses are far too easy for a maxed out sampire any chance to get harder bosses for a challenge? |
Kyronix | We can look into the more challenging bosses |
Lady Jingu | awesome |
Kyronix | The issuew ith pets causing the spawn was something I thought we had resolved |
Kyronix | But will take another look for a future pub |
EM Asiantam | 屋上での問題は |
EM Asiantam | 解決されたと思っていたので |
Lady Jingu | At a meet and greet about a year ago, I asked regarding broken enhanced client crafting utilities (imbue last property) does not work, will that be addressed this 2nd year or maybe 3rd year? |
EM Asiantam | また見て見ますとのことです |
EM Asiantam | 将来のパブで |
EM Asiantam | 昔練成の機能がECで壊れてるとデブミで報告したけど |
EM Asiantam | 3年たってもなおってないと |
EM Asiantam | おっしゃってrますね |
Bleak | We will be resolve several EC issues in future publishes |
EM Asiantam | 将来のパブリッシュで |
Lady Jingu | fantastic, thank you |
EM Asiantam | ECに関する問題を |
EM Asiantam | まとめて修正する予定だそうです |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Lady Jingu | I'll save other question for other m&g |
EM Asiantam | thank you :) |
Mesanna | good afteroon |
Lord bin | こんばんは |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
EM Asiantam | こんにちはー |
Lord bin | 昔、NPCベンダーで複数個のスタックしないアイテムを購入した際、バックパック内のコンテ |
Lord bin | コンテナをドラッグして |
EM Asiantam | すみません |
EM Asiantam | ジャーナルの色 |
EM Asiantam | かえられますか |
Lord bin | あ、はい |
EM Asiantam | he bought a stackable item from NPC |
Lord bin | ドラッグして |
EM Asiantam | ええ |
Lord bin | ぶんぶんふっていると |
EM Asiantam | and he dragged a bag inside his pack |
Lord bin | V |
EM Asiantam | はい |
Lord bin | その購入したアイテムが全てそのコンテナに収めれられた状態で |
EM Asiantam | all purchased items are going inside the bag |
Lord bin | バックパックに入るという方法があったのですが |
Lord bin | その購入方法を復活してもらうことはできませんか? |
EM Asiantam | it was happened long time ago |
EM Asiantam | can you bring it back? |
EM Asiantam | it was happened long time ago |
Mesanna | you can do that with uoa |
Mesanna | or the ec I believe |
EM Asiantam | UOAなら |
EM Asiantam | それが |
EM Asiantam | できるみたいですね |
EM Asiantam | クラッシックならば |
EM Asiantam | ふりわけエージェント |
EM Asiantam | できるみたいです |
EM Asiantam | いかがでしょうか |
Lord bin | そうなんですか |
EM Asiantam | ええ |
EM Asiantam | UOA |
EM Asiantam | 入れてます? |
EM Asiantam | お使いなのは |
EM Asiantam | クラッシック? |
Lord bin | あ、いれてないです |
EM Asiantam | ええ |
EM Asiantam | 一度 |
Lord bin | くらしっくです |
EM Asiantam | おためしになってみてください |
EM Asiantam | はい |
EM Asiantam | UOA |
EM Asiantam | けっこう入れてる方 |
EM Asiantam | 多いと思うので |
EM Asiantam | ECだと |
EM Asiantam | ピンコさんで |
EM Asiantam | できるのかもしれないですね |
Lord bin | そうなんですね |
EM Asiantam | 一度おためしになってくださいー |
EM Asiantam | ^^ |
EM Asiantam | よろしいでしょうか |
Lord bin | わかりました |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
Lord bin | ありがとうございました |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | thank you |
Demeteru | Good Morning! |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Mesanna | Good Evening |
EM Asiantam | おはようございます |
Demeteru | お願いしまふ |
Demeteru | 今のペットはテレポートの魔法が苦手です |
Demeteru | もちろん、魔法を使うペットの話です |
EM Asiantam | すみませんどういうふうに苦手なんでしょうか |
EM Asiantam | 使わないという意味ですか |
Demeteru | 失敗したり |
EM Asiantam | はい |
Demeteru | その表現で大丈夫 |
EM Asiantam | many pets are not good at the spell of teleports |
Demeteru | もちろん、魔法を使うペットの話です |
EM Asiantam | 続きどうぞ |
Demeteru | うん |
Demeteru | 以前は呼ぶと柵を越えて私の横に飛んで来ました |
EM Asiantam | 以前というのはいつでしょうか |
Demeteru | 5年くらい前かな |
EM Asiantam | パブリッシュが入ってから飛んでこなくなった? |
EM Asiantam | はい |
Demeteru | うん |
EM Asiantam | about 5 years ago |
Demeteru | 昔のように呼び寄せたいです |
Demeteru | 以上です |
EM Asiantam | my pet came next to me getting over the fence |
EM Asiantam | but now they cant |
EM Asiantam | can you fix it? |
Mesanna | we will have to look into why it was taken out first |
Mesanna | but we think it was due to an exploit |
EM Asiantam | 最初にですね |
EM Asiantam | なぜ |
EM Asiantam | それが |
Demeteru | うん |
EM Asiantam | できなくなったのかを |
EM Asiantam | 見て見ないといけません |
Demeteru | 何か不正があったのか |
EM Asiantam | 何そうですね |
Demeteru | 問題があった可能性があります |
EM Asiantam | なので |
EM Asiantam | ちょっと中身を |
EM Asiantam | 見させてくださいね |
EM Asiantam | ご報告ありがとうございます |
Demeteru | うん |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Demeteru | thanks a lot |
Demeteru | ありがとう |
Mesanna | most welcome |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | ^ |
Apo | こんばんはー |
Mesanna | Good evening |
EM Asiantam | good evening |
Apo | 新アイテムの要望です |
Apo | 昔のアイテムで「ネズミの穴」がありましたが |
EM Asiantam | about the mouse hole |
EM Asiantam | こわれてるやつね |
Apo | はい |
Apo | あんな感じで壁や床を通り抜けられる飾りが欲しいです |
EM Asiantam | do you have any future plan to add something similar to that? |
Apo | それか、暖炉をWクリックすると、煙突を抜けて |
EM Asiantam | as you know the mouse hole is not working properly |
Mesanna | not at this time, Kyronix? |
Apo | 上の階に出れるとかの変更でも有難いです |
Apo | 以上です |
EM Asiantam | ネズミの穴については |
EM Asiantam | 今は修正の予定はないみたいですね |
Apo | そうなんですか・・ |
EM Asiantam | she is also requesting for a fire place that allow us to go to the roof by double clicking it |
EM Asiantam | lol |
Mesanna | lol |
Mesanna | ok Santa |
EM Asiantam | yep |
EM Asiantam | like santa! |
EM Asiantam | サンタさんみたいね |
Apo | はい |
Mesanna | that would actually be funny |
Apo | 煙突から屋内に入れるとか |
Apo | 便利だと思うんです |
EM Asiantam | yes |
EM Asiantam | so mouse hole would not be fixed at this time, right? |
Mesanna | not at this time |
EM Asiantam | ok |
Mesanna | but you never know in the future |
EM Asiantam | ok |
EM Asiantam | すぐには |
EM Asiantam | 修正されないけど |
EM Asiantam | 将来は |
Apo | おお |
EM Asiantam | わからないので |
EM Asiantam | ゆるく |
EM Asiantam | 期待しててください |
Apo | 期待してます |
Apo | どうもありがとう |
EM Asiantam | looking forward to it |
EM Asiantam | :) |
Apo | それではーthx |
EM Asiantam | thank you |
Mesanna | Good evening |
Fran | こんばんは |
EM Asiantam | last one |
EM Asiantam | :D |
EM Asiantam | こんばんは |
Fran | 私のPCの壁紙は5年間、15周年の時に配布された壁紙を使っています |
Fran | 今年は節目の20周年ということで、20周年の壁紙を作って欲しいです |
EM Asiantam | I am using the desk top screen of 15th anniversary |
EM Asiantam | can you please distribute us a 20th anniv. desk top screen? |
Mesanna | Yes we need to add more screensavers |
EM Asiantam | 追加を考えているそうですよ |
EM Asiantam | よかったですね |
Fran | おお |
Fran | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | near future? :) |
EM Asiantam | thank you! |
Mesanna | thank you |
EM Asiantam | ありがとうございます |
EM Asiantam | thank you devs for coming! |
EM Asiantam | :D |
Mesanna | Thank you Asuka for having us today |
EM Asiantam | 飛鳥のみなさんありがとう |
Bleak | Thanks Everyone! |
EM Asiantam | big M! |
EM Asiantam | :D |
Mesanna | We will be putting out our final pass on TC1 either today or tomorrow |
EM Asiantam | yay! |
Kyronix | Thank you everyone! |
Mesanna | so please check out the changes. |
EM Asiantam | TC1で |
Misk | bye! |
Mesanna | Good night Everyone |
EM Asiantam | (Japanese text, not logged) |
EM Mercury | MercuryM! |
EM Asiantam | (Japanese text, not logged) |
Cinderella | awesome |
Tanager of Siege | lol big M |
a pot | (Japanese text, not logged) |
yappy | (Japanese text, not logged) |
EM Asiantam | (Japanese text, not logged) |
Tionne | CLAPS |
Apo | (Japanese text, not logged) |
Isamu | M |
Prim | (Japanese text, not logged) |
Kotatsu | (Japanese text, not logged) |
yappy | (Japanese text, not logged) |
Prim | (Japanese text, not logged) |
a pot | (Japanese text, not logged) |
Cinderella | gotta love her exit |