House of Commons from 2008-03-25

House of Commons from 2008-03-25

Elm Good evening and welcome to another great Stratics house of commons chat, tonight our guests are the developers of Ultima Online The topic will be Publish 51 so any questions are welcome.
Elm Please send said questions to [QT]zigzag - to do so type /query NICK and type in the window that pops up. Questions sent to me or the developers will not make it into the lineup, so don't bother. Full logs of the chat will be up on shortly after the chat.
Elm We'll start with a brief introduction from the developers, now would be a good time to send those questions.
Jeremy_EAMythic Hey, all! I'm Jeremy, your community manager!
Leurocian Howdy all! I'm Leurocian, Systems Design Lead
SupreemEA Hey guys! Derek here... Lead programmer extraordinare!
Adida Hi I'm Adida with the Live events team
Adida aka Keeper of the Pink Bunnies
Elm <[DJ]PsychO> Hi, I am Legendary PsychO a famous PvPer of European shards. As my reputation proceeds me I am wondering if you could say anymore about the Faction changes in store, espesially with the faction Event on Atl in mind. thank you.
Adida Draconi is the mastermind on that he was not able to make it tonight.
Elm <nusair> Why hasn't anything been done about known dupes like vine cord sandles? </nusair>
Adida We are always working hard to get them taken out of the game.
Elm *Sir_Guildies* I was hoping to pose the question of since there will be major changes to fletching in the next publish can we expect simuler enhancements to other weapon types?
Leurocian We have a lot of crafting changes slated for this coming publish
Leurocian Some of the ML crafting recipes were fixed for runics, and didn't just include fletching
Leurocian So you should see fixes to more than just the fletching recipes this publish.
Leurocian There was an issue with some recipes not properly stacking their bonuses. Most if not all of these issues should be corrected in this publish
Elm *Basara* Here's a question. over a week ago, before the client patches, several of us were fighting Melisande. When she died, her corpse fell over the side of the mountain, up near the top end (over north side). Is this one of the problem areas fixed in the patches, or does it still need addressed (after all, it's kinda hard to replicate it in a manner that a GM can respond to in time to see it before the corpse decays)
Jeremy_EAMythic While I don't have the specific coordinates of the locations fixed in this patch, if you send in a bug report - [email protected] - and describe it as fully as possible, our worldbuilders can take a look at the area and make sure
Elm *ghyde* Will there be a change to the decay code for OSI-owned houses? Currently the vendor decay seems to depend on when those vendors run out of gold, however, some vendorIDOCs cycle forever without any sign of decay in sight. Can we please have more accurate vendor decay information on house sign?
Adida hat's one of the issues we're looking at for the upcoming housing changes - keep an eye out for news!
Elm *AnneNomilly* Are you aware of the issue with party bars and non party bars especially changing to all say the same name? makes it difficult to figure out who actually needs a cure/heal. Has this been reported/looked into?
Jeremy_EAMythic I can check with QA in the morning, but please do send a bug report in on it - and please specify which client you're talking about!
Elm *Basara* A followup to the other person's crafting question - any chance we could see metals do more than just shift damage percentiles around on weapons (or their other minor bonuses) for smiths and tinkers, any time soon?
Leurocian That's a interesting thought. Before we made any extensive changes to the crafting system, we wanted to fix some immediate core issues and bugs.
Leurocian We have done that for this publish.
Leurocian While I can't promise when the next crafting update will be, the next logical step would be to have a focus player forum and discuss issues such as this with all of you.
Leurocian When we get to that point, Jeremy will let you all know, and we can go from there
Leurocian Some of the stuff I'd personally like to see addressed is making metal armor useful as well as dragon armor
Leurocian Shields probably need to be reviewd and as you mentioned metal weapons as well
Leurocian So lots of good stuff to discuss and work out with all of you. Stay tuned :)
Elm Mind if you have any questions regarding publish 51 then feel free to send them to [QT]zigzag !
Elm <comrade_magnus> Question: In the August 07 HoC it was said "<grimmomen> ... and I'd like to add the animations in UOKR support Dancing as well as several other never before seen animations, and thier functionality will be available soon." Can we have an update on these additional features to the Kingdom Reborn client? </grimmomen></comrade_magnus>
GrimmOmen *Elm* in regard to the animations such as dancing, etc. All the work has been completed, but we've done a TON of animation fixes as well and we want to keep patch sizes bearable. So it might be a while before those animations become accessible in the UOKR client.
Elm *Ktorr* Any thoughts of adding new Smithing and Tailoring BOD rewards, or changing over to a point system?
Leurocian This is something we would also consider in the context of a crafting enhancement update. BODs would most likely be included for that.
Elm <comrade_magnus> Question: Is there any chance of a TownHall in Canada, Nova Scotia has been needing *someone famous*! </comrade_magnus>
Jeremy_EAMythic Absolutely not. Canada is cold!
Jeremy_EAMythic More seriously, though, we don't have anythin scheduled there for this year, but - and I don't think I've said this yet, this chat - send me feedback if you have particular locations you'd like us to visit
Jeremy_EAMythic it'll give us a much better idea of where we should go!
Elm *ghyde* why do we still have weapons that spawn with obsolete or next-to-uesless properties, like "air elemental slayer" - it's not like an air elemental is that difficult to kill anymore!
Leurocian Good question. I personally loathe the snow elemental slayer property whenever I get that in game. I do know that Draconi and the live team have talked about a Monster Balance / Loot pass. I don't know immediately when that will happen. However, I will make a note to pass on some item properties may need to be reevaluated when we do such a balance pass.
Elm *Ktorr* For us learning impaired, what causes a resource field to change? Say Ore zones. Does the zone need to be worked, or is there a chance it will change when it is "refreshed" without it even being touched?
Jeremy_EAMythic That is a fabulous question, but one I don't want to tackle without both Leurocian and the code in front of me. Look for an answer Friday!
Leurocian Jeremy, remind me, and we'll take a look at it
Elm *AnneNomilly* Alright, so I have to ask (again)...Ophidian Orders, Rations, Snake Skins, ANYTHING on the horizon with these?
Adida Yes :)
SupreemEA By the way... if you guys are tired of getting stuck on some stairs when you are dead, you'll be glad to know that I've got this fixed and it will be going into pub 52 :)
Leurocian Supreem rules! :)
Jeremy_EAMythic One last thing - and Supreem rules for this too - if you want a more current installer for Kingdom Reborn, it's available at Fileplanet. The link is m/177540/170000/fileinfo/
Jeremy_EAMythic Thanks for coming, everyone! Now go play on Origin!
Leurocian May your swords and spells never fail!
Elm That will wrap it up for tonight. Thanks for coming! You can join #ultima-online to chat more about the game. The log for tonight’s chat will be up shortly on
Adida Good night everyone!!! :)
SupreemEA Bye everyone! Thanks for coming out! *Alt-tabs back to his code*