Patch Notes from 1999-09-01
Patch Notes from 1999-09-01
The following changes will be in effect after the shards come back from their daily maintenance.
- Characters that are flagged as criminals or aggressors will no longer be able to instantly log out of the game while in their house or in an inn.
- Murderers (reds) who are not flagged as criminals or aggressors will be able to instantly log out of the game while in their house or in an inn.
- A bug involving the Reactive Armor Spell will be fixed.
- The Reactive Armor spell will be reactivated.
- "Young" players will not be able to loot player corpses at all.
- "Young" players will not be able to poison another player with a poisoned weapon.
- Issues involving veteran accounts and “Young” player status will be fixed.
- NPCs will no longer move at a faster than normal rate.
- Chests that spawn items will no longer produce spellbooks.
- Transferring a pet will no longer result in the pet going wild.