Publish Notes from 2012-08-30 (2)

Publish Notes from 2012-08-30 (2)

Publish 78 Update 2

The following updates were added to all shards on August 30, 2012:

Anniversary Items

List of Anniversary Gifts

  • Harpsichord and Harpsichord Rolls
  • Heritage Token (due to request for ladders)
  • Sands of Sosaria (16 unique historical items, hint: dbl click them when you pick one)
  • 3 exploding muffins (just for something to go boom)
  • A new Anniversary Cake has 10 pieces of cake each. Careful once you eat all the pieces the cake will disappear.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed the restriction for the Advanced Character Token and the Mythic Token on Siege.
  • Increased the artifact drop chance on Cora from 10% to 30%
  • Mannequins and stewards cannot equip Holy and Vile items on Siege Perilous / Mugen