2009-10-23: Hyde and Seek

Global Edition

Hyde and Seek / 失踪(Hyde and Seek)

Author: Sakkarah Published: October 23, 2009

Jared let out a heavy sigh as he looked at Isham’s body in helpless frustration. The latest concoction he applied on him had yet again failed. He could not stand Isham’s angry, accusatory stare, but now was not the time to dwell on moral dilemmas or guilt. There was much work to be done and too little time left.

The sudden muffled sound of a feminine voice emanating from behind the laboratory’s doors startled them both. Jared stared at the door in shock, his mind racing, trying to identify the woman. No one knew of this place, not even his wife Eliza. He glanced back at Isham whose eyes suddenly widened in joyous recognition, quickly replaced by horror. He whimpered and looked at Jared with pleading eyes.

“Lydia”, whispered Jared with sudden understanding.

She would come inside the room any minute now and see what had transpired here. He couldn’t allow that. He gave Isham a stern warning look as he ordered in a whisper: “Be quiet!”

He gestured towards Isham as he chanted An Lor Xen. The spell fizzled. He cussed at his cold hands still numb from touching Isham despite the protective gloves. He re-casted the spell and this time was thankfully successful. As soon as Isham vanished, Jared propped himself against the cave wall and donned his invisibility cloak. Seconds later, Lydia materialized inside the room.

She took a few hesitant steps and shyly called out Isham’s name. Getting no response, she walked further into the room. There was no one… The only sound she could hear was the slow simmer of a foul smelling mixture in a cauldron. Her heart sank. She could not believe he stood her up again… not after last night’s talk… not after all the promises…

She made for the desk at the back of the room in the unlikely hope that he would have left her another note. As she passed the alchemist table, the air suddenly became freezing cold and painful blisters erupted on her exposed right arm. She jumped back a few steps, yelping in pain.

The room suddenly felt ominous, as if inhabited by a dark, evil force. She dared not turn her back to run to the door so she clumsily walked backwards, her eyes darting in every direction, expecting to see some spawn of evil lunge at her at any moment.

His own heart pounding was deafening to Jared as he watched Lydia’s hasty retreat. She kept chanting In Mani though all the blisters on her arms had faded, as if to ward against some daemon. And then she was gone. Relieved, he removed his cloak. His mage skills had always been somewhat limited and he had feared the Invisibility spell on Isham would have worn off before she left.

“This is all your doing” said Isham, becoming visible again, his voice broken and barely recognizable…

Tears welled in his eyes, but turned to ice as they rolled down his cheeks. The frozen tears fell, shattering in countless diamond-like pebbles bouncing on the floor.

<center>* * *</center> Eliza entered the imposing Yew Courthouse and walked up to Inspector Jasper. For some reason, law enforcers always made her nervous.

“Excuse me, Sir” she said timidly. “I would like to file a Missing Person report.”

Japanese version


突然、研究所のドアの向こうからこもった感じの女性の声が聞こえ、二人は驚いた。ジャレドは動揺しながらドアを凝視する。急いで考えを巡らせる。この女性は誰だ? 誰もこの場所を知る者はいない。彼の妻であるエリザ(Eliza)でさえも知らない。彼がイスハムの方にちらりと振り返ると、ぱっと嬉しそうに眼を見開いていたが、すぐに恐怖に支配されたようだった。すすり泣き、懇願するような眼でジャレドを見た。



イスハムに向かい「An Lor Xen」と詠唱する。呪文は失敗した。保護手袋をしているにもかかわらず、イスハムに触れて冷たくなり、依然として感覚が戻ってこない手を呪った。再び詠唱を行うと、ありがたいことに今回は成功する。イスハムの姿が消えるとすぐに、ジャレドは洞窟の壁に背を貼り付けるようにし、インヴィジビリティークロークを着る。その数秒後、リディアは部屋の中に現れた。


彼がもう一つ書置きをしたのではないかと微かな希望を抱き、部屋の奥にある机に向かった。錬金テーブル(Alchemy Table)のそばを通り過ぎた時、凍える程に空気が冷たくなり、衣類で覆われていなかった右腕に水ぶくれができた。痛みで悲鳴を上げ、飛び上がるようにして数歩下がった。


リディアが急いで部屋から避難したのを見て、ジャレドの心は激しく痛んだ。水ぶくれはすべて消えていたのだが、デーモンか何かから逃げる時にするように、彼女は「In Mani」と詠唱し続けた。そして彼女は行ってしまった。安堵したところで彼はクロークを脱いだ。彼は魔法が得意ではなかったので、彼女がまだ居るうちに、イスハムにかけたInvisibilityの呪文効果が切れやしないかと危惧していたのだった。



エリザは荘厳なるユー裁判所へ赴き、ジャスパー捜査官(Inspector Jasper)に歩み寄った。法の執行者と対面すると、なぜか彼女はいつも緊張してしまう。
