2012-03-15: The Awakening - Act II, Part 2

Global Edition

The Awakening, Act II, Part 2 / 覚醒 - 第二章 第二節

Author: Unknown author Published: March 15, 2012

Intermission Fiction

Stumbling, he grasps onto the railing leading out of the cellar as the distant sounds of unrest echo throughout the empty building around him. Taking another drink from the somewhat depleted bottle of wine in his hand he makes his way through the corridors to the balcony, until the bottle slips from his grasp. In his attempt to grab it he falls, and knocks aside a piece of fabric with a jingle. His eyes are drawn to the weathered and tattered hat. A memory long past is conjured before his eyes as he feels a profound sadness, noticing the missing bell upon a lone corner. His hand reaches for it, fingers almost grazing the fabric before he stops, instead grasping once more for the bottle of wine. With a grumble he rights himself and staggers away from the hat, leaving it as forgotten as he had been, and heads back to the wine cellar once more.

Wislem stretched his wings once in agitation before running his talons along his horns, counting out the profits the smithy had made that week. The current state of affairs with the Juka was definitely troublesome. It was hard to predict how it’d affect them, but the recent bevy of adventurers that had shown up was proving to be a great boon to their economy. For Wislem, despite record amounts of profit, he couldn’t help but feel the adventurers were only the first wave of a new tide. He had little doubts that the city could weather any storm, whatever disturbance was occurring…Ver Lor Reg had stood as a bastion, a sanctum of safety for ages now. It was about time that it had drawn more attention and proved to be more profitable.

Despite everything seemingly going their way, he’d heard talk of a few who were considering Zhah’s offer. Come, she had implored them, and together we can forge a future stronger than we can apart. Zhah’s plea was not one that was ignored, but it was also seen for that which it truly was as well. It was a play on her part to increase the strength of Ter Mur, but it would cause Ver Lor Reg to be weakened, and the Councilors had told her they appreciated her offer, but aside from the current trading would take no immediate action. In recent days it had almost become a bit of a running joke between the gargoyles of Ver Lor Reg; Had they taken her up on it, they’d have missed out on this sudden surge in activity. There had been a few who hadn’t done so well during this sudden influx, like poor Kharas Zhem of the golem factory, who was having a tough time acquiring the necessary parts for his mechanical monsters. Wislem heard the chime of a clock behind him, and frowned as he realized he’d wasted nearly an hour in his head like this. The only true fear he could muster with any grain of reality was that of harboring the wounded Jukan and their Shirron…He’d tried to speak with one of the Councilors about transferring them to Mistas, but had been ignored. Couldn’t win them all, he thought with a bit of a wistful smile as he packed away the profits of the day. Heading through the marbled streets of the city the sun shone down gloriously, and the sound of one of the fountains was soothing to his ears.

Japanese version



その週の鍛冶屋の収益を計算したウィズレム(Wislem)は、興奮して羽を伸ばし、自らの角にそってカギ爪の指を滑らせた。現在のジュカとの情勢は、確かに厄介なものだった。それによってどのような影響を被るのか予測するのは困難だったが、少なくとも、最近現れた冒険者たちの一団は経済に大きな恩恵をもたらしていた。彼にとっては空前の高収益であったにも関わらず、この冒険者たちは新しいうねりの第一波に過ぎないとウィズレムは感じずにはいられなかった。どのような嵐が来ようとも、どのような騒動が起きようとも、この街は切り抜けられる、彼はそのことに殆ど疑いを持たなかった。もう長いこと、ヴァーローレグ(Ver Lor Reg)は要塞として、安全な聖域として存在しているのだから。そろそろ、この街が注目され、より利益を生み出せる場となる時がきたのだ。

見たところ全てが彼らの望み通りに進行していたが、ザー(Zhah)の申し出を検討しているという何人かの話をウィズレムは聞いていた。どうか来てください、とザーは彼らに懇願していた。離れ離れになっているより、団結した方がしっかりとした将来を共に作り出すことができますから、と。ザーのこの申し出は無視されはしなかったが、内容を疑問視する向きもあった。ザー側にとってはテルマーを増強することになるだろうが、その反面ヴァーローレグを弱める危険性があったからだ。そこで評議員たちはザーに伝えた。お申し出には大変感謝いたしますが、現在の交易状況からすぐに行動は起こさぬつもりです、と。最近では「もしあの提案を受け入れていたら、この一大商機を逃しただろうな」という冗談じみた会話がヴァーローレグのガーゴイルたちの間で交わされている。ゴーレム工房の気の毒なカーラス・ゼム(Kharas Zhem)のように、この突然の流入に上手く対処出来なかった者も僅かながら存在した。カーラス・ゼムは彼の機械モンスターには欠かせない部品の入手が困難になってしまったのだ。背後の時計から鐘の音が聞こえ、ウィズレムは考えにふけって一時間近く無駄にしてしまったことに気づき、眉をひそめた。彼の考える唯一の真の脅威は、負傷したジュカとそのシロン(Shirron)をかくまっていることだった……。ミスタス(Mistas)へ彼らを移送してはどうかと評議員の一人に話そうとしたが、無視されてしまった。そういつも上手くはいかないか、と残念そうな笑みを微かに浮かべ、ウィズレムは一日の売り上げをしまった。ウィズレムは大理石でできた街の通りを進んでいった。太陽は美しく辺りを照らし、噴水が奏でる水音はウィズレムの耳に心地よく響いた。